How to make Warfronts engaging?

I like the idea of the Warfronts, I love the amount of details they have for old Warcraft fans like myself. The Darkshore one is amazingly detailed.

But once you’ve done them a couple of times, they become a boring repetition. You essentially do the same things, and no matter how much you try to engage with the content, you will always get one item at the end.

How to make them more engaging and, in turn, more rewarding? I was thinking of some ways:

Add a personal score

Add a personal score for each player. You get points by doing stuff that contributes to the victory: killing elite enemies that lead the attack waves, killing the elite mini-bosses that guard each enemy base, participating in random events, spending resources to build/upgrade your base and equipment, and so on.

At the end of the Warfront, your score gives you a number of boxes that can contain some gold, crafting material, currency and even additional items.

Also, put a score board that you can check at the end, to see how you fared against others in your team. Some people like competition, and beating the score can also be a personal drive to do the Warfronts.

Randomize commanders

Make both your commander and the enemy commander be random, instead of being the same for the entire week. This not only makes the dialogue feel more diverse, instead of repeating the same banter every match, but also changes some of the mobs you fight with/against.

It’s a small cheap change, but at least it makes the Warfront feel more varied each match.

Events that change the flow

Warfronts are pretty straight-forward: you take your base, you upgrade your base, you conquer checkpoints towards the enemy base, you destroy their gate, you defeat the enemy leader.

What about random events that change that flow? Example:

  • Rear attack: There’s a random chance that once per battleground your base will suffer a rear attack. Enemy special forces pour into your base, halting efforts to build/upgrade and threatening your commander, thus forcing players to react to that.
    The types of troops could vary by enemy commander (for example, Muradin could send wildhammer gryphon riders and dark iron mole machines, Turalyon could send Lightforged troopes throught Lightforged beacons and warframes), each requiring different tactics.

  • Elite Wave: When spawning an enemy attack wave, there’s a random chance of it being an elite troop (again, with type of mobs varying by enemy commander) that requires a lot of effort and team work to defeat. If not stopped, it can easily roflstomp your troops and take back checkpoints, even threatening to invade your base if not stopped in time.

  • Hire Elite Troops: This is the opposite of the enemy elite troop. There’s now a special elite troop that people can contribute to hire once you have a fully upgraded Town Hall/Great Hall. What your troops is depends on your commander for that match. Once hired, the special troops allows the team to quickly advance and damage the enemy gates, making the Warfront shorter.

  • Hire special attacks: Players can spend resources on the Barracks to gain a special attack (extra action button) that targets an area. The type of attack depends on your commander (Turalyon could give you Light’s Judgement, Muradin could allow you to call a Wildhammer lightning attack force, and so on). You can use it once, and then it has a slow cooldown. Also, the building itself that sells the attack has limited charges under CD, to avoid abuse. This could make dispatching normal troops faster, and coordinated use of this special attack could speed the match greatly.

Make the final fight more engaging

Currently, the final fight is just a long tank-and-spank event. Final bosses could be more like raid bosses, with phases and interesting mechanics, like using the terrain to their advantage. However, due to the random nature of Warfront matching, their attacks should be avoidable by personal skill, rather than group coordination.

The phases of this fight could also be random (like each boss having 6 potential phases, but only 3 happening per match), so the fight feels different each time.

So, what do you think?


The general consensus I have heard, is all they have to do is make the Warfronts PvP.


Wow, I got confused because I play on another language. Thanks!

Edit: fixed.

Warfronts should be against actual players. Wintergrasp and vanilla Hillsbrad were real Warfronts.


I agree that a PvP version of Warfronts would be awesome, but I think the PvE ones we got could be improved as well.


I like the warfronts as is, or rather as were when patrolling quests gave resources. Other than that, they are a side aspect really. And making it PvP? In other words, enforced WM? Um… Optional? Sure, that could be fun for those who jones on PvP, but enforce it and the community will explode, as it should.

We are talking about the instances. Having PvP versions (like there’s PvP version of islands) would be awesome.

Just make the Warfronts a Story Instance when you first go through them. Then convert them into a new form of Battleground where it’s essentially just a Capture the Control Point. No rares, no resource gathering. Instead simplify it and streamline for PvP.

Randomization of what you do each time you play them.

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make it feel more than a fake PvP LFR

resources auto generate, all everyone needs to do is visit base once every blue moon, collect the resource chest and put it into whatever needs to get build next.

theres no challenge, no strategy, you just zerg through the bases and wait for the siege workshop to get built.

i dont think theres anything they can do to improve on it with its current PvE everyones a winner design style.

Suggestions would be welcome. How do you imagine this randomization?

They are going in the right direction, however they should have been pvp focused in any compasaty. This wasn’t the case and they ended up being pve afk snore fest.

That would
a. make sense
b. sadly not be very inclusive to those that don’t pvp

i don’t think warfronts were supposed to be very engaging, just a dumbed down version of battlegrounds


You can’t.

It’s LFR content without even LFR level of difficulty. Any solution that would improve it would transform it into another form of gameplay.

The people here are telling you to make it into AV. Go ahead. It’ll be another BG about as popular as all the rest.

Other solutions are to increase the difficulty: turning it into a queue only raid. Just more LFR.

My own solution was to make it a dungeon. Reduce the number of people engaged with it so that you can increase the role of each person.

This is queued content. It does not have even a single boss on par with an LFR boss. The queue does not care about player role (you can’t get all DPS in LFR). It has so many players and so many different ways to play that the difficulty is tuned down to handle disparate roles and play styles.

The content is fundamentally flawed. Whatever you come up with to fix it, it won’t be a Warfront any more.

Just like they’re abandoning Azerite armor completely.

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I’m super confused about why warfronts exist in their current format. They’re completely on rails, you just wander around, maybe kill a mob, maybe collect a resource, doesn’t really matter and then auto attack the last boss and collect fat loot.

I mean, yeah, it’s nice to get a fat piece of loot, I guess, but I much preferred this game when loot was hard won, especially loot that’s on on par with current heroic/mythic level raiding.

World of everyone gets a prize Craft barely beats staring at the ceiling for entertainment value.

Serious question. Has anyone lost a warfront? Is it even possible to lose? There’s no risk involved, therefore it’s not engaging content. You can fail a M+ key, you can wipe in a raid, and you lose in PvP. Warfronts are the only thing I see no possible way to lose. That’s why they’re not fun. I do it once for the cache and that’s it.

warfronts are just a place people can afk and get loot. You cant lose. It does not make it faster by doing anything. Its just a complete boring experience. It would be more engaging to give me the loot and use a selfie camera and make me go place and take seflies. Its just a boring thing to do.

What I can’t stand is all the afkers in these. I wish we could auto kick people who just sit in the starting spot and I wish they’d be banned from queuing if they get caught afking X number of times.

I LOVE the new warfronts! UGH THOSE ELVES AT THE END!

I like what you said about maybe having a personal score? That’s a neat idea.

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