The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Happy holidays all :slight_smile:


Happy Holidays to everyone!


Vulpera are not the goblin AR
Allied Race
Not unique race
Allied Race
It will be gilbins

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I do kind of wonder how Gilblins would be received over vulpira. The Naz’jatar story also has horde allying with them.

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It would probably piss off belf players if helves got druids.

“High Elves aren’t different enough!”
Blizzard makes High Elves further different from Blood Elves by granting them class options more related to nature, emphasizing High Elves as the more nature-loving side of the Thalassian species.
“WTF Blizzard, we want to be Druids too!”


Pretty much. There is this old gem.

Never saw that before. Mind you I never used to have an issue with the idea of Blood Elf Druids, but with Allied Races, I think that’s something that could better define High Elves and their differences from Blood Elves.

Besides I could see a Blood Elf viewing Druidism as something only fit for, ‘peasants,’ and we know how High Elves are, ‘peasants playing at nobility.’


Meh, my opinion is that they turned their back on druidism when they chose to be exiled to the EK and split off from the night elves. A rekindling of those bonds might work for high elves though.

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I would say there is another option. At least for the next hero class. Tinker will most definitely be the next base class. The next hero class I believe will be necromancer.

It can be distinguished easily from death knights and warlocks. And if people say unholy DK already fills that fantasy they are dead wrong. If it fills the fantasy of being a necromancer then warlock filled the fantasy of being a demon hunter.

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It would be tough adding new basic classes at this point without having to do a serious rework of Legion since Class Halls are pretty big in that. I suspect all new classes will be hero classes that start at level 110.

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that isnt how allied races work. If allied races were meant to be sub races then they would be called sub races.

Allied races is a blanket term and can cover anything blizzard deems. In theory they should reuse assets either models, animations, or skeletons but they don’t even have to do that.

What truly separates them from a base race is that an allied race is recruited by the faction and does not receive a starting zone. A base race has a starting quest experience tuned for 1-20 and always has that race seek out the faction and request to join it instead of the faction asking them.

not really. They don’t need an artifact weapon. Blizzard can easily add a mission board to dalaran and give out weapons as quest rewards in the place of artifact relics.

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none of your premises hold true
allied races are not sub races, they are branches of the same race
You take the original race, and then add a modifier
dwarves-dark iron dwarves
draenei-lighforged draenei

You are too caught up on the skeletons. A lot of models share skeletons, however it does not make for an allied race

As for your last point, there is nothing of substance to argue. No new information was given. Yes, you start at 20, and yes they get recruited, but I am not sure where you are going wit that.

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Allied races don’t have to be a variant of an existing race. End of story. Just because all the ones added so far have been doesn’t mean anything. The reason it has been like that is because there are very few relevant “new” races. Vulpera and sethrak would be the first and it did not make sense to launch the expansion with them available.

Blizzard literally said that Allied races don’t have to have a parent race.

They also said, not to get excited about things that have been datamined.

They said they can be anything, so as not to drown out your hopes for potential races, or rage against the ones they do chose. You have to read between the lines.

Look at the 8 allied races so far. Has one deviated from this theme? no. The only allied races up in the air are regarding Pandaren. Here you could maybe get Vulpera or Tortollan.

The Pandaren afterall, have their wandering turtle, and the tortollan’s just lost their big loa. Not to mention it was on the turtle that the philosophical differences between Ji and Aysa became apparent.

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They probably do, in the ancient Night Elven society the Highborne scorned druidism as a lowborn practice.
Funny how it was the lowborn the ones who saved the world from the legion while some of the Highborne shielded themselves in a magic field like cowards or became N’zoth minions.


Something very special to say is that this is the second Christmas of the Unofficial Elf Discussion Megathread. Alamara created the first one on November of 2017.

And Alurna, Vexander, created the first High Elf Discussion Megathread on march of this year.


That’s easy, pandaren arent getting one.

We also have no idea what worgen is going to be.