Diplomatic Escort: The Silver Vanguard
The Sunreavers, on orders from Silvermoon City, rode this week to the Thalassian Pass, arriving Friday shortly before their incoming guests. They took the extra time to review the information at their disposal and prepare for what could potentially be a politically charged encounter.

Eventually, the members of the Silver Vanguard, a unit of the Silver Covenant, came through the Pass and approached, making contact. A few formal pleasantries were exchanged, and then the escort proceeded, with the Sunreavers flanking the Vanguard, and taking up the rear, as they began their voyage through the Ghostlands.

The two groups conversed as they rode and marched, mostly about the state of the Ghostlands, formerly known as the Blackened Wood, and the sadness of its current state. Vanguard members were visibly moved to be in QuelâThalas once more, experiencing many mixed emotions.

As they approached Tranquilen, some began to sense that they were being watched. A unit of Farstriders, concealed in the tree line, made themselves known and approached. While they questioned the diplomatic mission, they ultimately caused no trouble and let the group proceed.

The group traveled throughout the day and eventually reached the bridge leading into the undamaged Eversong Woods, finding it blocked by a unit of Blood Knights. A tense standoff ensued, with the Knights seemingly not open to letting the group pass. Diplomacy was needed and through some passionate discourse, the Knights were convinced, albeit barely. They stood aside, unease, and let the group continue on their route.

Sunreavers and Silver Vanguard continued to discuss issues, warming to each other some, as they continued through travels through the Eversong Woods. While they were not authorised to enter the capital, they did ride by the gates of Silvermoon City, which lead to many complex emotions. Outside the gate, a group of angry citizens yelled and heckled the group. It was decided it was best to move on and not engage.

Some time later, the escort mission approached the Azurebreeze Coast. Passing by the Duskwither Spire, a group of Magisters saluted the group, wishing them well and expressing their desire for eventual peace with all who hailed from QuelâThalas.

Arriving at the coast, the group beheld the sinâdorei vessel that would take them to QuelâDanas, still taking on cargo and crew. The Sunreavers and Silver Vanguard members set up camp on the shore, enjoying an evening and getting to known each other, planning on boarding the vessel in the morning.

This event was planned and executed by the amazing Silver Vanguard guild, hailing from Moon Guard. We very much enjoyed this collaboration and look forward to parts 2 and 3!