[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

Survival Training:
Mission Accomplished

Earlier this week, the Sunreavers left the forests of Val’sharah behind and began their ascent up the impressive Highmountain. Overcoming obstacles and the cold itself, the group finally made camp at the summit, enjoying the amazing panoramic views before heading back down.

The descent from the mountain and into Stormheim was not without incident. The group encountered a rotting wooden bridge that did not seem safe to pass. Using rope and impressive archery skills, the group rope-climbed across the chasm and completed the crossing safely. Locals should not be worried, as the rotting on the bridge was part of an illusion spell made to test the Sunreavers ability to think on their feet.

As they proceeded downhill, the Sunreavers found themselves suddenly attacked by a flock of hungry Highcrag eagles. The Magister called for them to find a solution that would avoid hurting the wildlife, and so a diversion was created, igniting a tar trap and creating a flume of black smoke, successfully concealing their escape from the hungry carnivorous birds.

Heading down the road toward Suramar, the group was stopped by a gang of highwaymen, humans with thick Gilnean accents, who demanded the Sunreavers hand over all their gold in order to pass the following bridge. They were easily scared off with magic, a display of weapons and a few threats. The local Tauren and Duskwatch Saberguard will be given a full report.

Finally, as the Sunreavers entered the mountainous pass to Suramar, a sudden storm appeared. Lightning struck the cliffside multiple time, raining debris down and leading to minor injuries as the group ran for safety. The storm finally passed and the group arrived in Suramar, seeing their home of Dalaran hovering in the distant sky. Exhausted and relived, the group portaled home, their mission accomplished.

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Y’all shoulda stopped by and visited us at Shal’aran! We could have given you a tour :smiley: :purple_heart:


Awww, a missed opportunity for sure!

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The Portal to Northrend is Open!

On Saturday, the Sunreavers in Dalaran have opened a stable portal to the Argent Tournament Grounds. The portal will remain open for the next few days, allowing delegates travel to the Tournament of Ages.


Another time then, Magister? We look forward to showing you around our base

Absolutely! We would love that.


The Sunreavers Are Briefed on Two Evolving Situations

Following the conclusion of the Tournament of Ages in Northrend, the Sunreavers have traveled via portal and returned to their home in Dalaran.

Gathering in their Guild Hall in the Tower of the Guardian, they heard Sentinel Graywords’ report on Forsaken efforts to invesatigate and contain increased scourge activity in and around Scholomance and the ruins of Stratholme. This situation requires more investigation.

From the Kirin Tor, Magister Sungazer was able to report news from the Dragon Isles: the raid on Aberrus, in the Zaralek Caverns, was successful, yet the Incarnates remain just as significant a threat. Deagonscale Expedition continues its work, yet are in need of resources to continue their mission.

Following the briefing, some Sunreavers went down to the Legerdemain Lounge to celebrate the promotion of Tinuveil Moonspell to the full member rank of Spellbow and partake in wine and ale.


The Sunreavers Return to the Dragon Isles

Following last week’s briefing, the Kirin Tor, presented with the facts at hand, determined that it should focus not on the undead issues in the Eastern Kingdoms, but on the pressing issue of the Incarnates in the Dragon Isles. With those orders, the Sunreavers packed their supplies and readied for another extended mission.

Magister Sungazer, on Sunday, met with Sentinels Dawnforce and Sunmourne, as well as Initiate Winterwind, in the Chamber of the Guardians. Once they had finished packing their own belongings, they opened a portal and travelled instantly to far-away Valdrakken, where they were greeted by a blue Scalesworn Guardian.

The Guardian had been expecting them. It seems the Kirin Tor had informed the blue flight that it would be sending the Sunreavers as its representatives in Valdrakken. The blues, grateful for the Sunreavers aid during the campaign to find Hilda Nightfire, want to repay the Sunreavers for their great work: several buildings within the Sapphire Enclave were available for the Sunreavers during their extended stay.

With a map of the city in hand, the group ventured in search of the Sapphire Enclave, which they promptly found quite to their liking. They first found a chamber suitable for magical working, which the magi especially enjoyed. Then, a library, much calmer, suitable for meetings and discussions, along with research.

Following their exploration, Magister Sungazer briefed the group on their orders: while the Kirin Tor have opted to remain in the Azure Span to map and study the ley-lines and nexuses there, the Sunreavers are to be their representatives in Valdrakken. From there, they will coordinate scouting operations, gather intelligence and report findings back to Archmage Sunreaver directly.

Their first objective would be to find an entrance to the Zaralek Caverns and descend, in search of any information on the disappearance of the Argent Vanguard…


Zaralek Caverns: Episode 1

Recently having received news of the disappearance of the Argent Vanguard, The Sunreavers left Valdrakken and headed west through the Azure Span, where the Argents had been posted in months past. Arriving at the Three Falls Outlook expedition base, they proceeded down the cave and found their way to the Zaralek Caverns.

After hours of winding caves, they finally found themselves inside the Caverns proper. They fairly quickly found an abandoned Argent camp, possibly used by a few scouts, identified by the discarded medallions featuring the Argent insignia. Bolstered by this find, the Sunreavers continued their search.

As they advanced through the ever expanding Caverns, they became fully aware of its size and scope. They were fascinated by the wildlife there, which they had not expected to find. One critter, a rodent of some kind, took to Spellbow Sunshadow and proved helpful, leading the Sunreavers to a river, which they decided to follow.

As they continued their trek, they eventually spied, in the distance, what appeared to be man-made, or dragon-made, structures. This was their first evidence of the presence of intelligent life down in the caverns, followed soon by torches and a roadway, which they followed cautiously.

Soon, the group found they could smell smoke, soot and ash. Eventually they laid eyes on a settlement, badly burned and damaged, plumes of smoke still rising.

Rushing to lend their aid, they found the place had been attacked some time ago. A Dragonscale Expedition member, one they had not expected to find there, was found discussing things with two creatures known as Niffen.

The settlement was known as Loamm, and it had been attacked by Fyrak the Incarnate some time ago. While the survivors had been found, and the dead buried, repairs continued, made difficult by hotspots which still regularly ignited into more flames.

The Sunreavers have decided to stay in Loamm for a few days and use their skills to aid these people, who did not deserve their fate. The search for the Argent Vanguard would have to wait…


Fury Incarnate - Prologue

“Fire! Fire!!”

Zolthos Runegazer, the thalassian mage in command of the Dragonscale outpost at Emberwatch, was roused from his sleep by the frantic cries, and rushed out of his tent and into the open only to see the emergency unfolding: several structures were indeed on fire.

Runegazer began shouting orders, telling folks to wake those who slept and get everyone out of the tents and to safety. Quickly, he started to use his magic to conjure buckets of water, asking a few volunteers to grab them and try to get the flames under control before they grew out of control.

“What happened?” He asked those from the nightwatch who came to fetch water. “How did this begin?” All seemed confused, but one guardian came forward. “Sir, the fire rained down from the skies! Balls of flame, they fell suddenly and without warning… I can’t explain it.”

The Sunreavers, having emerged from the Zaralek Cavern and seeking shelter for the night, arrived in the midst of this panic. Leaping to aid how they could, they were told of three major fires that threatened more than most: a caravan full of valuable resources, a medical tent loaded with medicines and an archeology tent containing the rare relics found in the area, were all actively burning.

It was a race against time. While some focused their efforts on putting out the already raging fires, others tried to run in and save as many resources as they could. But with every passing moment, the flames and their damage seemed to spread.

Realising the structures would all eventually burn, the Sunreavers changed their focus to saving as many resources as they could, while the flames spread.

In all, less than half the precious relics, and less than a third of the medicines and crates of food, armor and tools, were saved. The structures burned out of control and eventually collapsed. The outpost at Emerwatch had essentially fallen, months of hard work destroyed.

The Sunreavers, exhausted and disappointed, have convinced the expedition members at Emerwatch to pack up what was left and to let them be escorted to the safety of the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shore, approximately a four day walk away.

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Fury Incarnate - Episode One: Druids of the Flame

After marching for a few days, escorting the refugees from the sundered Emberwatch outpost, the Sunreavers finally approached Dragonscale Basecamp when they noticed new plumes of smoke in the distance. Magister Sungazer ordered a few of his people to continue with the refugees, while he led his unit to investigate the smoke.

The group eventually found a solidified lava flow, which appeared on no scouting maps of the area, and followed it. Eventually, they came upon a lone Kaldorei female, dressed in druid’s robes adorned with leaves of firebloom. The woman instantly engaged the group and battle ensued.

After a few moments, the druid made a run for it, with the Sunreavers in hot pursuit. She led them to a small encampment, where she was joined by two more Kaldorei druids, each equipped with magical staves. The battle intensified, the Sunreavers now more equally matched.

After several minutes of intense firefight, a fourth druid, in more elaborate robes and brandishing a powerful staff, appeared. That new staff seemed to augment the druids’ abilities, their attacks suddenly twice as powerful. The Sunreavers struggled to keep up, taking hit after hit.

Suddenly, the lead druid ran off and concealed themselves in a circle of fire as they worked. When the fire dissipated, a strange portal was visible. The druid ordered their kin to enter ‘the Dream’. The druids made a run for the portal.

The Sunreavers did their best to stop the fleeing druids. While two escaped, one fell, dead from her injuries, while the fourth, injured, transformed into a hawk and flew off, stranded in the area after the dream portal collapsed. The Sunreavers were too injured to pursue.


Episode 2: Tracking The Druid

Having spent a few days recovering at the Dragonscale Basecam in the Waking Shore, Magister Sungazer, accompanied by an initiate, headed out in search of the escaped druid of the flame, who had flown off, in the form of a hawk, injured following their last battle.

Heading south-west from Basecamp, the Sunreavers followed a lead from expedition members who claimed to have seen an injured looking hawk in that area. While the wilderness made finding clues difficult, they did find a series of promising discoveries: a sign of an animal struggle, then hawk tracks that turned into humanoid footprints, a missing, broken tree branch and finally, a campfire.

The two Sunreavers came upon the shoreline and were about to turn around when the sounds of magic were heard. Taking cover, they witnessed the missing druid. The kaldorei drove a crudely made totem into the ground and a fiery portal materialised into place.

The moment the druid stepped through and vanished, the unstable portal collapsed, and so did the totem left behind. The Magister and initiate collected the pieces and decided to present them to the Kirin Tor on their upcoming trip to Dalaran.

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The Kirin Tor Conclave

This week, the Sunreavers rushed home to Dalaran to host the seasonal Conclave of the Kirin Tor. They informed those gathered of their recent discovery of the druids of the flame on the Dragon Isles.

The Conclave was attended by several allies from factions across Azeroth.


Episode 3 - Fire Storm

The Sunreavers have returned to the Dragon Isles by way of a portal from Dalaran to the Kirin Tor outpost of Camp Antonidas. The atmosphere in the outpost is somewhat chaotic. Mages seem busy, all of them donning armor and looking quite focused. Several arcane shield generators are being prepped, though no shield is yet activated.

As they secured their resources, Magister Sungazer met with local leadership to get an update on current events: It turns out the druids of the flame have not been limited to the Waking Shores, stepping up their attacks in the Azure Span over the past several days. In addition, it seemed the Emerald Dream, a parallel realm, has been seeping into the physical realm of Azeroth.

As the Magister gave his briefing, an alarm sounded, indicating trouble. First, the Sunreavers found part of a forest affected by the seeping influence of the Dream. While some trees seemed blessed with enhanced growth, others seemed to be dying or dead, affected by some corruption. The wildlife, too, was affected, and the Sunreavers had to down four enlarged and enraged wolves.

The Sunreavers continued their investigation and found a large Fire Storm to the east of Camp Antonidas: the very skies seemed to be ablaze as they rained sulphur and ash down, empowered by aggressively carved druidic runes on the barks of trees encircling the large area. While creatures from the Dream, showing themselves to the Sunreavers, may have been responsible for the Storm’s halted advancement, they would burst into flames if they seemed to get too close to the druidic runes.

One druid, swooping down in hawk form before transforming, attacked the Sunreavers. Combat was quick, and Guardian Moonspell sent a crippling arrow into his ribs. As he tried to escape, he was captured by Sentinel Dawnforce and his friend, the kaldorei druid Sammuroth Moonfury. With their prisoner in tow, the Sunreavers returned to Camp Antonidas.


Episode 4 - Firehawks

Following the interrogation of the druid of the flame, and shortly after hearing of his escape, the Sunreavers departed Camp Antonidas and headed towards the Ohn’ahran Plains. A few days later, they arrived at Forkriver Crossing, a settlement of Centaur, Dragonscale Expedition members and other passing travellers. They are informed by the local centaur of messages coming in by messenger hawks describing druid attacks across the Plains, and multiple villages burning.

The Sunreavers left the centaur to defend their village while they continued their trek, searching for any evidence of the druids of the flame. Their admiration for the landscape and its big open skies was quickly interrupted by the sight and smell of smoke. Rushing ahead, the group discovered a village in ruins, charred remains being all that was left of the buildings that once stood.

The group began looking for survivors and clues, yet found only the burnt remains of several adult centaurs, most of them with weapons in hand or wounds indicating hand-to-hand combat while the village burned. What the group did not find was any evidence of civilians, elders and youth. Fearing they had been taken but hoping they had simply taken shelter when the attack came, the Sunreavers continued their search.

Over a nearby ridge, the survivors were spotted being attacked by firehawks, druids of the flame in flight form, as they apparently attempted to keep themselves doused in a nearby river. Rushing to their rescue, the Sunreavers fought off the hawks as they ran, escorting the surviving elders and youth, up the path towards safety.

Upon reaching the perimeter of Pinetree Post, local guards sent a slew of arrows towards the hawks, chasing off all that remained, and opened their well-defended gates to the survivors and their escorts. Mournful yet thankful, they have granted the Sunreavers sanctuary in the area.


Episode 5 - Threat from the Firelands

Having spent most of the week at Pinetree Post, aiding the centaur in the recovery and burial of their dead, the Sunreavers, resolute and determined to stop the druids of the flame, returned to the center of the destroyed village, now clear of corpses, to remind themselves why it is so vital they find and stop this threat.

They moved on from the charred ruins and deeper into the Ohn’ahran Plains, barely a word spoken between them, accompanied once again by their new Kaldorei druid ally, Moonfury. Detecting smoke from a wooded area, they rushed to investigate and were attacked by a large group of nine druids. While outnumbered, the Sunreavers were stronger, quicker and more powerful, and defeated the druids rather quickly.

Suspicious, they proceeded to investigate the area and found a gathering of three druids, seemingly performing a complex ritual of some kind, opening a rift of some kind within the ruins of a temple. Determined to stop the ritualists, the Sunreavers engaged, finding these druids stronger than the last. As they fought, the fissure widened, revealing glimpses of the elemental Firelands, and elementals on the other side, approaching the aperture. While the thalassians fought the ritualists, Moonfury worked on sealing the rift.

Just as they ended the last ritual, a massive fire elemental emerged, crossing over into Azeroth. Grass caught fire wherever it stood, and embers emanating from its body threatened to burn the entirety of the forest. The Sunreavers fought the creature with all they had, yet suffered many injuries from the powerful beast’s attacks. With the Magister briefly knocked unconscious, the others coordinated their attacks to end the elemental, just as Moonfury sealed the fissure to the Firelands.

While they gathered and checked their injuries, a group of centaur from nearby Maruuki arrived, investigating the large flames and plumes of smoke they had witnessed from their village. Relieved and grateful for the Sunreavers’ efforts, they offered to escort the group to their home, where skilled healers would help them get back on their feet and share information they have collected about druid attacks from across the Plains.

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Episode 6 - Infiltration and Discovery

Over the last several days, from Maruukai, Magister Sungazer sent missives to various outposts and allies around the Dragon Isles alerting them to the threat. Meanwhile, several scouting parties, made up of Sunreavers and centaurs alike, engaged in skirmishes with various Druids of the Flame, allowing them to create a map of the perimeters and extent of the druid held territories.

Together, they set off to the west, eventually coming across a river which seemed to be overheating, causing the local wildlife some distress. It was determined the river was warming through unnatural means, though it remained unclear if this was on purpose or a result of the overuse of fire magics in the area. Cautiously, the unit moved on until they reached a fork in the road.Analysing the choices before them, the party decided to proceed toward the west, the shortest path to the occupied coast.

As they proceeded through the wood, the Sunreavers and their druid ally tripped a magical trap: runes, glowing fiery red, illuminated the barks of nearby trees whose branches suddenly came to life and attacked the group. While one Sunreaver was captured, the others attacked and shattered the branches until the spell was broken. Though now bearing minor wounds, the group proceeded on their route.

Eventually, the most perceptive of the group detected the approach of a large group. Concealing themselves with an invisibility spell, they hid from a patrol of druids who discussed their plans and mentioned someone called ‘the seer’. Suddenly, the druids detected the invisibility spell and dismantled it and the group found itself fighting for their lives. The battle was fierce and the group suffered significant wounds. Worried about defeat, Magister Sungazer ordered their escape.

Through the wounds the group ran, following the Magister to a proposed safe space. They eventually reached the ruins of a temple, entering the space as the Magister erected an arcane barrier, keeping the druids out and themselves trapped within…


Episode 7 - Corruption in the Roots

For several days, the Sunreavers and their druid ally remained trapped within the old ruins, locked behind an arcane barrier while five druids of the flame in cat form continued to stalk them, clawing at the barrier in a very unnerving manner. Having run out of food and rations, and their source of water suddenly turning corrupted, the group broke from their self-imposed prison and confronted their enemy.

Before they did, Magister Sungazer beseech the ancient druid, Moonfury, to not hold back and to use his full might and skill to help them. The Kaldorei reluctantly agreed, having preferred to use his skills to heal rather than harm. As the barrier came down the battle commenced, over as quickly as it had started, all five druids laying dead. Yet Moonfury warned the others that the spirits of nature had not felt right, nor had they responded to his call for aid as easily as they should have.

The Sunreavers, finally free but still deep behind enemy lines, searched for more information, following a path into a forest more and more corrupted as they went. Eventually, they came upon an enormous tree, towering over the rest and positively heaving with corruption. They found that the tree, with red glowing runes carved into its cracked bark, was seeping shadowflame magic throughout its surroundings, including into its roots which have grown to cover a very large area, affecting all trees, flora and fauna with its corruption.

As they investigated, another group of druids, descending as firehawks, attacked. They were dispatched rather quickly, yet swarms more could be seen ready to descend and the situation looked dire. It wasn’t until a half dozen green dragons appeared, rescuing the group and taking to the sky that the group felt relief, until they got an aerial view of the extent of the corruption’s effects on the once idyllic forests below.

The dragons landed in a place called the Shady Sanctuary, a place teeming with green dragons and their allies secured and fortified against the surrounding druids of the flame. They were greeted by the Emerald Scaleguard, who offered them sanctuary and requested they stay and help plan a counter attack to rid the area of the druids. The Sunreavers agreed, thankful for the assist and pledging spell and sword to the green dragons’ cause.

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The Shady Sanctuary

The Shady Sanctuary, an ordinarily idyllic and peaceful grove inhabited by the majestic members of the green dragonflight, is bustling with activity as the dragons prepare for battle.

For the past several days, allies have arrived, bolstering the ranks that will advance on the druids of the flame who have captured and occupied the island of the Ancient Bough. From within, fiery magics can be felt as the druids work their dark plan.

Though preparations are not quite complete, mission leaders have called all allies to gather and prepare to storm the island as the Emerald Oathstone has been felt to waver and weaken, a terrible omen for what may yet come to pass…

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Finale: Reclaiming the Ancient Bough

After weeks of following the druids of the flame throughout the Ohn’ahran Plains, the Sunreavers found themselves at the Shady Sanctuary, surrounded by the beautiful Emerald Gardens, joining the Green Dragonflight and their allies. Together, they planned a final operation to root out the Kaldorei invaders from the Ancient Bough, home of the Emerald Oathstone and gateway to the Emerald Dream, which they now occupied.

The Emerald Scaleguard offered a briefing and explained the strategy that would include an assault by ground and by air, and distributed a powerful amulet that would assist the allies: an Emerald Star, one for each ally, which would partially phase the wearer into the Dream and out of the material plane, diminishing the effects of any attacks for a limited time. While the green dragons attacked from above and the centaur and drakonid attacked from the ground on either flank, the Sunreavers took the middle, hoping to pull enough attention to the main entrance of the Bough to allow their allies to find weak points to enter the island.

As the Sunreavers approached the entrance to the Bough, the green dragons soared overhead, attacking the usually protective dome that surrounds the island, which had been altered by the druids and glowed with a sickly amber colour. Their roars filled the air as they breathed their impressive nature magic all over the dome repeatedly.

Meanwhile, the Sunreavers’ approach was met with heavy resistance as a large group of druids emerged and attacked. An intense firefight occurred and the Sunreavers, outnumbered two to one, suffered many injuries. Eventually, the druids fell and the battle was won, while the dragons succeeded in cleansing the magical dome, which began to emit healing energies, rejuvenating the party below at a consistent rate.

Securing the Oathstone was next. They found it surrounded by hordes of druids, yet were aided by the centaurs and guardians arriving to join the assault, leaving the Sunreavers to deal with the ritualists working their dark arts on the stone itself. Rejuvenated by their earlier success, they quickly dispatched with the druids and stopped the ritual. The Oathstone regained its full power, and the remaining druids made a run for the portal to the Emerald Dream.

As the allies pursued, they beheld a terrible sight: the portal, flanked by two rune-covered vines, glowed with a fiery hue as dozens of druids entered and crossed over to the other realm. Before the Sunreavers, a particularly strong kaldorei druid known as the Seer sought to cover for the escaping enemy, casting very strong spells and inflicting many injuries. Moreso, a voice from beyond the portal was clearly healing the Seer, constantly replenishing his health and making him an impossible enemy.

The Sunreavers changed their strategy, focusing their firepower on the rune-covered vines and shattering them. The portal regained its normal colouring and sliced the druid who was attempting to cross in two. The remaining druids shifted into firehawks and fled, leaving the Ancient Bough to the green dragonflight once more.

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