[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

Episode 5: Interrogation

A few days ago, The Sunreavers met in the chamber of the guardian to discuss next steps. Several things were discussed to try to stop this blood mage such as destroying his verdant spheres. Fighting him long enough for them to run out of energy. Or finding a way to make the spheres inert. Daltron Dawnfire, currently on leave, was there as a consultant.

Several strategies were discussed. Including summoning fel hunters to try to stop them. Many were opposed to this, including Seranore and Neidthelah. Eventually Taishir, who had projected himself there from the dream suggested they use the demon hunter who had attacked them several weeks earlier to deal with this mage. As a former spellbreaker, he would be especially adept at dealing with magic users as well as demons. While some were heavily opposed to this idea, there didn’t seem to be many other options.

A demon hunter would be far more powerful, and reasonable to negotiate with, as they are sworn to protect Azeroth. Taishir, Neid, and Salemar were in support of this idea. Daltron and Seranore were heavily opposed. Ravianitha was unsure as she was no expert in these matters.

The group would eventually make their way to the Violet hold and enter it. Daltron choosing to not attend. After being escorted by the guards, they would make it to the cell of Dominate. When spoken to, he initially refused. But after some convincing, he would come around to the idea of helping to stop this blood mage, whose identity remains unknown.

To be continued…


Episode 6: The End of a Season

The Sunreavers had traveled for quite some time and finally re-entered the realm known as the Emerald Dream, making their way to the Eye of Ysera, the demon hunter Dominate in tow. There, they found the druid Taishir, still recovering from his wounds from the previous battle with the sin’dorei blood magus. The druid being too weak to lead the group, the illidari took command, much to the dislike of the Sunreavers.

The group flew to an isolated corner of the Dream. Using their magic, the illidari and Initiate Dawnsworn located the teleportation signature of the blood mage and opened a portal to his location. While the portal they created was quite unstable, together they held it open long enough for the group to cross the threshold, only to find themselves in an opulent grand hall of some very powerful and magical edifice.

The group ventures forth and finds a chamber with a large pillar, atop of which stands an orb of arcane energy which pollutes the illidari’s spectral vision. From it emerges an arcane elemental. Together they attacked and over the course of a few minutes, subdued the elemental, dissipating its energy.

As the group recovered, the illidari Dominate took on the arcane orb, tackling the pillar and bringing the sphere to the ground. First, he absorbed what energies he could from it, draining the orb as much as he could. Then, with a charged fist, he destroyed the orb once and for all.

They continued, tracking the blood mage, eventually finding him in a grand banquet hall, along with another male whose eyes betrayed him as being a dragon. The blood mage, enraged at the interruption, was revealed by Dominate to be Daltron Dawnfire, a Sunreaver. He expressed disgust for the blood elves involvement with lesser races, including the quel’dorei.

Before they could be apprehended, Dawnfire and the dragon escaped through a mysterious portal, vowing to see the Sunreavers again on a mysterious island.


I’m glad to see after all these years the dream is still alive with the Sunreavers.

Miss you all


Still here and going stronger than ever!!

Miss you too, friend. Door is always open…


Sunday March 17th at 5pm:
Promotion Ceremony and Reception

Following the end of our latest campaign, it is time to reward those whose contributions have aided our cause and who have thus earned the trust of their new brothers and sisters of the order.

Join us within our Guild Hall in the Tower of the Guardian for our public Promotions Ceremony. We ask spectators to watch from the Portrait Gallery above, while the ceremony itself happens in the Grand Atrium.

Reception to follow in the Portrait Gallery.

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Promotions Ceremony and Reception

On Sunday, the Sunreavers gathered in their chambers and prepared for their promotions ceremony. The Magister was joined by three full-ranking members, and three initiates. Assuming formation in that order, they marched from their chambers to the center of the Atrium of the Tower of the Guardians, watched on by spectators in the balconies overhead.

The Magister spoke briefly of the symbolism of the unending and unbroken circle which they represent, stronger together to combat any foe without that would harm what they protect to valiantly within. Then, inviting the initiates into the circle, he commented on their admirable behavior over the past several weeks, and how they had earned the trust of their new brothers and sisters.

Together, the initiates took a knee and swore their oaths, binding themselves to Archmage Sunreaver and his order. When they rose again, they did so as Sentinels and Scout, full members of the order, and were presented with their very own tabards.

The ceremony closed with the entire group forming a stronger circle. As they walked back up to the observation level, they joined spectators and well-wishers for a reception in honour of the newly promoted.


The Sunreavers will be hanging out at The Filthy Animal (Broken Isles) Dalaran tonight at 5pm server time if anyone wants to come hang out and mingle!

To be deleted later…

Shadows of Pandaria: Prologue

On Sunday, the Sunreavers gathered in the Chamber of the Guardians for the first time since the Conclave. While some down time had done them all a world of good, there was a true sense that all present were glad to be together again, ready to receive their orders.

Their new assignment, as explained by Magister Sungazer, was a routine resupply run to the Sunreavers’ Promontory Base on the Isle of Thunder, in pandaria.

The Sunreavers had maintained their base since the days of the Sunreaver Onslaught, the renamed and rededicated group pledged to the Horde after their violent excommunication from the Kirin Tor and the latter’s joining of the Grand Alliance. Their presence, as well as the Kirin Tor’s, was essential in opposing the army of the resurected Thunder King, now long dead once more.

Though the threat had passed, great power lingered in the Thunder King’s palace and across those isles, and thus both the Sunreavers and their now reconciled allies of the Kirin Tor had maintained their bases to keep a watchful eye on the area and continue to learn all that they can.

Now, it was time for Dalaran to send supplies to their allies: food and wine to offer a taste of home, weapons and reagents, medical supplies and of course, letters and parcels from loved ones. The Magister and his unit would ensure these supplies are delivered in a timely manner.

The Sunreavers and their cargo would be travelling on the Farstrider vessel Everdawn, a thalassian cruiser captained by Ethan’tolas Everdawn and his crew. They would depart Suramar Harbor in two day’s time and travel south across the Great Sea for five days and nights.

To be continued…

For more on the Everdawn, check out: [Farstrider Dawnguard] The Everdawn departs Sunsail Anchorage

Sunreavers! Come, enjoy the food and drink and sights of Suramar before you depart for Pandaria!


The crew of the Everdawn explored a few pubs, but they didn’t feel quite welcome. Seems there is truth to that rumor of anti-horde sentiments in Suramar…

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We, erm, apologize for the hostile treatment you recieved. We’ll be sure to direct you to more Horde friendly establishments if there is a next time.

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Episode One: Landfall

After five days at sea, sailing from Suramar Habor, the Farstrider vessel Everdawn approached the shore of Pandaria and the Isle of Thunder. As the Sunreaver banners of the Promontory outpost came into view, the wind carried the chilling sounds of screams of terror, alerting the Sunreavers to an urgent situation.

The group discovered mysterious ripples in the water and air ahead of them, and came to the conclusion that an illusion spell was in use. Several attempts were made, with fel magic, used by their illidari associate, broke the spell and revealed a dark vessel with black runes and thick grey sails. On the vessel, cloaked figures could be seen conjuring thick dark shadow-magic, aimed at and bombarding the Promontory, where the screams continued.

As the Sunreavers and Farstriders prepared for battle, cloaked figures both boarded the ship and transported to the shore. They decided to split up: leaving the Everdawn’s crew to fight off the boarding party, Magister Sungazer translocated the Sunreavers to the shore to intercept the cloaked figure. There, they found two Sunreavers Guardians seemingly attacking thin air, screaming about being overwhelmed with arachnids.

The Sunreavers attacked the cloaked figure, distracting him from his illusion spell, allowing the Promontory Guardians to snap out of their reverie and join the fight. They quickly overwhelmed the figure, who transported himself back to his dark vessel, which was now attempting to flee, the Everdawn on its tail.

Cried from inside the Promontory revealed more enemies attempting to flee. The Sunreavers intercepted three such cloaked figures. While they killed one and captured another, the third escaped, seemingly having stolen something from the Sunreavers outpost. The group gathered to interrogate the prisoner, who struck himself with his own finger nail, poisoning himself and dying rapidly.

A return to the shore revealed that both the Everdawn and the dark vessel were gone and completely out of sight. The Sunreavers, without their belongings, set to helping their terrified Promontory brethren.

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Episode 2: Whispers in the Storm

At the Dawnseeker Promontory, the Sunreavers met for a briefing. They had been stranded now for over a week, the Farstrider ship Everdawn that had brought them here not yet returned after chasing the dark vessel responsible for a terrible assault on the Sunreavers outpost. They had taken the time to train and help their brethren here, and accomplish a scouting mission on the area outside the Promontory.

They marched into the woods, in search of a missing Sunreaver scout, as well as the escaped infiltrator who had run off with an ancient stone artifact stolen from the vaults of the Promontory. The forest was unrelenting, as was the thunderstorm that had pounded the island for as long as anyone could remember. As they walked, several reported hear whispers in the wind, yet they persisted and eventually found sin’dorei boot tracks to follow.

The tracks lead to a hollowed-out tree surrounded by a swamp. As they approached, the waters bubbled aggressively. Three tentacles suddenly emerged and began swiping at the group. The Sunreavers attacked, defending themselves against an aggressive high-pitched shrieking that caused great pain inside the party members’ mind. The tentacles finally shrivelled and vanished at the first use of the Light, which had been used to heal allies and not attack the foes, much to the surprise of the group.

Inside the tree, the missing Sunreavers scout lay dead, his face and throat scratched and slashed to shreds. The tracks inside the tree belonged to no one but the Sunreaver, yet indicated a struggle. Flesh and blood under the fingernails that remained seemed to indicate the Sunreavers had clawed at flesh in his last moments. Using a hearthstone, they teleported the body back to the Promontory where the body could be examined and then properly buried.

Deciding to scout a bit further still, the Sunreavers approached the grounds of the Palace of the Thunder King. As they did, the whispers intensified and grew more menacing in the minds of the group. Their approach was blocked when they were suddenly attacked by what appeared to be an entire army of arachnids, overwhelming the Sunreavers and forcing a retreat back to the safety of the Promontory.

To be continued…

Episode 3: Unearthed Secrets

It had now been fourteen days since the Everdawn left in pursuit of the dark vessel, and had not yet returned. Since their discovery of the shadow-casters control of the Throne of Thunder, the Sunreavers had helped their Promontory brethren enhance their defenses and secure their perimeter. But they would not remain cooped up within the outpost indefinitely. Joined by a pair of old allies, the group ventured out to complete more scouting.

Heading south, the Sunreavers approached an area known as the Court of Bones, an ancient graveyard emanating significant shadow energies. Approaching the gate, the group were assaulted by visions and horrific images, enough to rattle the most stable person. But blessings from the Light allowed the group to shake off the assault, pressing forward into the graveyard.

As they marched through, they could see countless restless spirits, seemingly tortured by the memories of tragic events passed. Several such spirits came down and attacked the group in several waves, disposed of rather easily despite their icy shriek attacks. While they fought, they detected shadow-magics seeping from the ruins of a temple up ahead.

The Sunreavers reached the temple and were immediately attacked by one shadow-caster, whom they were able to handle easily as a group. Two others were found inside the temple, put down by the collaborative measures of the Sunreavers and their allies, before heading down into a secret chamber below, where they were attacked by a group of restless spirits and one last shadow-caster. When the former saw the group attack the caster, they joined in and helped overwhelm the enemy.

Upon the shadow-caster’s death, one spirit revealed a parchment on her corpse. The document revealed what appeared to be a dark spell, featuring ancient runes and depictions of the artefact stolen from the Promontory and two identical replicas. It showed what appeared to be the three artefacts being charged by lightning, while a pair of eyes opened underground.

Under the Magister’s orders, the group collected the corpses and returned to the Promontory.

To be continued…

Episode 4: Rise and Fall

The Sunreavers gathered at the Promontory to discuss their predicament: the enemy held the Throne of Thunder, where they would apparently empower the stolen artefact and two others to summon something from underground. The Isle of Thunder was still besieged by storms and was apparently cut off from the mainland and the Shado-Pan. However, the Kirin Tor still occupied the nearby Violet Rise, and they decided to go there and seek their aid.

They left the safety of the Promontory with one Vesper Daybell, a Sunreaver Initiate from the Promontory, a healer and a medic who volunteered to aid the unit. The illidari Dominate led the way with his spectral sight. As they travelled, the storm intensified. They made their way through ruins and eventually approached a temple when it was struck, sending debris crashing down and injuring the young medic before they sought shelter inside.

The group discussed the option of remaining inside the temple but ultimately decided that time was of the essence and to press on through the storm. They ran through the pouring rain and deafening thunder, suffering once more as a lightning strike shattered a tree causing splintered wood to fly in all directions. Yet they pressed on, approaching the perimeter of the Violet Rise. The first thing the Sunreavers found were the Kirin Tor’s disabled wards. Proceeding carefully, they halted when a crazed magus teleported in front of the group, wielding a staff and void energies filling his glowing eyes. The magus attacked the group, but as they recovered and fought back, he blinked away, leaving them free to press on.

They made their way to the Rise, the outpost eerily quiet save the the void whispers they began to hear in their minds as they advanced. Still, the group pressed on, making it to the command center, which lay in ruins, where void energies were overwhelmingly present. The magus reappeared, along with two associates.

Combat ensued, though the lead magus seemed to snap out of his reverie long enough to beg for assistance. The other two associates called for help, and a small army of magi appeared, killing the recovered mage. Knowing now they had to flee, the Sunreavers grabbed a quel’dorei magus who seemed to momentarily recover and ran back for safety.

To be continued…

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Episode 5: The Storm’s Power

Though they had failed in their attempt to rally allies to help them stop the shadow-casters, The Sunreavers decided they could wait no longer and needed to attempt to stop whatever dark ritual was about to take place at the Throne of Thunder. Magister Sungazer led a small team to the Emperor’s Gate to try and storm the doors to the now occupied palace. Surprisingly, they did not find anyone there waiting for them as they had last time, and on initial approach, the Courtyard seemed quiet and empty.

Cautiously, the group entered the area and advanced towards the palace doors. Ambush awaited them as they found themselves facing off against three shadow-casters and no less than fifteen large arachnids. Luckily, the latter seemed to be vulnerable to the holy Light, entire mobs being vanquished by a single use of the force. This allowed the group to eliminate the mobs and focus on burning down the shadow-casters as they fled deeper inside the courtyard.

Before the remaining shadow-casters escaped through a void rift, to the surprise of the group, they destroyed three of the four exits around the group of Sunreavers. Meanwhile, the storm above and around the Sunreavers intensified, with lightning strikes threatening their safety. Using the only safe path, the group ran for cover, finding open doors to an ancient vault and taking refuge inside only to be greeted by the sounds of a battle within.

The Sunreavers were amazed to find Captain Everdawn and the Farstriders, who had sailed off in pursuit of an enemy vessel several weeks ago, engaged in a heated battle with the shadow-casters in a room filled with an ancient Lightning Forge. The enemy had an empowered artifact, newly charged with the Lightning Forge, which seemed to greatly amplify their magic. Joining with their allies, they turned the tables and eventually won the battle.

As they recovered from the battle, the group searched the bodies of the dead zealots. They found a damaged scroll detailing the ritual about to unleash something from the underground inside the Throne of Thunder, as well as a map of tunnels leading deep inside the palace, a secret way inside. Finally, they were in possession of a charged artifact, which appeared to attune to the magic of whoever wields it, amplifying their powers greatly.

Sending for aid, the Sunreavers and the Farstriders would enter the tunnels and make their way deep inside the Throne of Thunder.

To be continued…

Episode 6: Throne of Thunder

After travelling for days through winding tunnels deep under the Isle of thunder, hearing whispers and feeling ancient magics both terrific and terrible, the Sunreavers and the Farstriders found themselves breaking through the wall and into the sewers servicing the Throne of Thunder. Cautiously, they entered the palace of the Thunder King, occupied by the shadow-casting zealots, in possession of one of the empowered artifacts and in search of the two others.

Elaborate hallways led the team into the Halls of Flesh Shaping, where they encountered the enemy for the first time. The zealots here had a second artifact, also empowered, and used its amplification abilities to embolden their attack. Efficiently, the party dealt with the zealots and put them all down, except for the one wielding the artifact, who fled from the room at top speed, with the Sunreavers and their Farstrider allies in hot pursuit.

The chase led to a terrible chamber called the Saurok Creation Pit. A vast opening in the center of the room revealed a winding staircase disappearing deep underground, providing an escape for some of the zealots, while others, including the one wielding the artifact, stood against the party of heroes. An intense fight ensued with injuries suffered on both sides and ending with victory for the heroes: the artifact wielder slain, the ancient relic was now in the possession of The Sunreavers as they headed down the staircase to confront the last of the zealots.

In the hidden pit, where once Keeper Ra-Den had been imprisoned and then freed, the zealots gathered holding the third relic. They surrounded a large crack in the floor, which widened as the heroes arrived and all three artifacts were close to each other. An incredible battle ensued, with both sides empowered by the artifacts’ magics. Yet the Sunreavers and Farstriders prevailed, ending the shadow-casters and their ritual. As they watched, the crack resealed and the whispers grew more distance.

Their campaign on the Isle of Thunder had ended. Together with the Farstriders, the Sunreavers would depart Pandaria on the vessel Everdawn, stopping in separate locations to hide the artifacts as they sailed north toward Quel’Thalas.

The Sunreavers are recruiting!

The Sunreavers have been engaging in multi-week campaigns for years now, starting with the Year of the Scourge and having never stopping since!

There are BIG things coming for our guild and we intend to be on the front lines for The War Within, starting with intense pre-patch and expansion launch events.

We are a thalassian elves only RP guild, aligned with the Kirin Tor and accepting classes that work well within that lore.

Hit me up if you want to discuss enlistment as a new recruit!

Hey Axiann,

I believe I used to have a character in your guild for a short time and remember it fondly before I had to take a step back from Warcraft for RL reasons. And I love the work you put into preserving your story and sharing it.

I’ve been sort of keeping an eye out for folks in game last few days and saw this today. I’m interested but was curious what days and times do you typically run things?

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