The Duskwatch Saberguard will be celebrating its Fifth anniversary this December! For the occasion, we’re once again hosting our annual Military Ball at the Lunastre Estate in Suramar City.
Please join us and enjoy the guild parade, an awards ceremony for several of the server campaigns and a night of music and dancing!

The location of Lunastre Estate:

Scenes from past Military Balls!

We hope to see you there!
Today is the date! Tonight!
Hey, so I noticed you were able to post consecutively on another post. Do you have the tier 3 trust on forums? Because by your activity it seems like you wouldn’t.
I ask because there are things like that which people can’t do without the tier 3.
Pretty sure I don’t. I think the only reason I could post consecutively on that other thread is because I hadn’t posted at all on it. Just a guess though.
I think you can do that at Tier 2. I can do it. I had Tier 3 for a split second, but I lost it because some troll reported me for a derail on their troll thread where we started talking about pineapple on pizza. I can’t post URLs - I think that’s the only thing I can’t do.
Also, I wish I had more time this month - past pics of this event looked very cool.
I know i can’t. That’s why i have to switch to a different character. It could be weeks, but even if i was the last to post, i still can’t post again on same character.