The Spy addon needs to be banned

It is as close to cheating as one can get. I literally tells you when an approaching opponent is near. I mean if we wanted a play a game that doesn’t require brain cells to be good wouldn’t we all be playing Fortnite? The Spy addon goes far beyond what any other addon does by completely negating some aspects of the game, like the need to be aware of one’s surroundings without automation. P.S sorry I am not very articulate, I wish i could get my points out clearer,


Just wait till phase 2 when people start using that addon and others as a level 60. Running across lower level zones on their epic mount using the addon to scan, to maximize hunting and killing lowbies.


I wish an emoji at our disposal could accurately convey the amount of eye roll reading this gives me.


It only registers a player when they use an ability that shows up in the combat log.

That’s also an issue with it when you have level 60s running in low level zones. If you’re using it while questing you may see similar level players as they are using their abilities on mobs, but a level 60 running around won’t register unless they go steath, otherwise they get to sneak up on you.

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“Ban this becuase it hurts muh feefees”
retail, It’s calling you.


Strawman: The Post


I’m seriously starting to think these forums are nothing more than a place crybabies go when they realize they can’t cut it in vanilla. Like seriously look at the endless cry posts about “its unfair” and “its too hard” all demanding changes. You got your changes, it’s called retail. The dumbed down casual experience people like you wanted all along. So get out of our playground and go back to yours. It’s no wonder blizzard doesn’t read forums anymore.


I’m for it being removed. It does ruin world pvp a bit. However as long as its a thing I’ll be using it because you gotta fight fire with fire.




Welcome to 21st century mindset and culture.


The combat log also picks up certain auras too, as well as certain passives on equipment. I don’t really know why Blizzard allows for the unfiltered combat log to pick up so many things, but it does. An example I can give in retail WoW (I have not worked with the API in classic) is how a player with the soulstone buff on them will announce their aura in the log upon entering into the view distance of another player. Not all auras will do this. Just specific ones. For an armor example, the BFA armor sometimes does things like put a shield on players or heal them. This is shown in the unfiltered log too. A higher level player of with more spells and items is much more exposed to Spy than low level players.

Spy Addon is the best addon in the game. You need to be banned.


So does your combat log you noob, which is where spy pulls the info from. Any pvper has combat log open.


So does your combat log you noob, which is where spy pulls the info from. Any pvper has combat log open.

So since your combat log does everything the addon does why do you use the addon? I don’t know anything about it but it seems just from the responses in this thread that the addon does something a bit extra that you wouldn’t wanna lose.

ITT: Thirstybeta feigns ignorance about why players who use addons for the convenience while at the same time claiming he knows nothing about the Spy addon.


Haha okaaay. I don’t have a horse in this race. I’m just saying from an outsider it sounds like the SPY addon does a bit more than show you a fancy combat log and there are people in this thread that get kinda hostile about the idea of it being broken by Blizzard.

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The combat log does more than what Spy does overall, but Spy specializes in one thing. The log is a jack of all trades and a master of none. It can be used like Spy, it just is less good at it. All a World PvPer is after with this addon is a name, the class, and potentially the level of an enemy player. The log leaves clues to all of that and even provides a filter specifically for enemy players. What the log doesn’t do is make it easy to read, create button to target the enemy, and share information about the threat to party/guild members. It also is so difficult to read that it will filter certain spells that spam the log just to make it easier to read.

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Best thing about spy is when someone stealths nearby . That’s when I start dropping traps and flares on my hunter while grinding mobs .

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Um, we currently already are playing a game that doesn’t require brain cells though. Even the raids are super easy.

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