The secret forum that exists is not helping

I loved the Tank, Healer, and DPS sub forums!! Esp the healer one… There was some great discussions on healing.

It’s not unhealthy due to the lack of blue posts, it’s unhealthy due to the responses to the blue posts, which is why the blues don’t post any more except through lawyers.


I disagree but thanks for your input.

Blues post regularly on the EU forums and it is really nice. There has even been serveral blues who participated in transmog threads.


when it hits their bank account.

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I can’t speak to the EU forums, but the post you linked was simply cheerleading, vs one discussing design and issues and such.

It’s hard to imagine them posting any dialog (vs announcements) on any forum for any notable issue and not being absolutely buried in vitriol.

They post on the tech support forums as well and that’s well received, but those are different issues.

In regards to that, I’d argue they already do talk about issues here, but its mainly in the customer service section. If you look in this section you will find countless posts by blues answering all kinds of issues.

EDIT: Just noticed you point that out, but yea. Honestly though. I think thats fine.

Forums, reddit, in-game tickets, in person comments.
It’s called feed back, not ''LISTEN AND DO EVERYTHING I TELL YOU TO DO"

I’d love fast and fluid game play but it’s been stated time and time again that WoW has never been that. And I’ve read countless posts and chatted with others who simply want to keep the slow paced gameplay.

Speculation and simply wanting all feed back to be addressed and done.

Not how game design works.

You’ve hated on WoW for a long time.
Stop playing it lol…

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Sure, but it’s not what folks who are looking for “Blue content” are talking about.

Fair points for the main forum. The “secret” not so secret forums are/were people that Blizz allowed to be in it.
That’s what I was talking about.

The bad ideas and narcissists of GD don’t play into my post, as I was posting under a topic about the private forum.
But we are definitely in agreement on GD lol

You mean players who actually know the ins and outs of their classes?

Just so we are clear here, the wow forums is likely the worst place to look for feedback.

Seeing as their all pulling the doom and gloom card for clicks, doubt it.

The ‘secret forum’ doesn’t matter.

I don’t blame them. This forum is…lol

Aww I wanna be on the secret forum… Be part of the cool kids club :slightly_frowning_face:

What do I have to do? Defend all of Blizzards choices and white knight for them??

Or run away from me, their natural predator, when I try to eat them…?

The CM obviously hate the community or they see lore gets paid and still has a job despite never interacting.

They’re just taking a page from his book.

They don’t do that anymore because they fire everyone who did forums for. Lizard

Folks wouldn’t even know who Lore is at this point.

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True tank and healer discussions were great. I mean DPS forum was catty but it is DPS forum so that was a given.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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GMs tell everyone to go to forums for feedback. In game tickets and twitter isn’t a solution when we are told to go to forums and then they have a secret forum.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: