The secret forum that exists is not helping

If the secret forum where devs interact with select players was producing loads of awesome content, fast and fluid game play and also rewarding player memories then it would work. it would work because a secret forum where devs can have a more quiet setting to interct would be seen as a positive.

However, when the secret forum is merely a conduit to bypass general player feedback. And, also bypass feedback from BlizZard hand picked players something is wrong.

If BlizZard doesn’t listen to player feedback on this forum or the private forums then where? Which focus group exists that provides such feedback? Streamers? Influencers?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Twitter maybe? I hate Twitter so I’m just guessing… Blizz current business model is perfect for Twitter trash.


Well to be honest, most of the ideas here are so utterly bad the game would have closed years ago of they listened to us.


BlizZard has stopped interacting with people even on twitter.

Bad vibes.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Explain the rationale on capitalizing the second Z in Blizzard. I want in on the joke but I don’t get it.


It is part of the logo and tradition.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

This forum was arguably the most healthy when you would see a handful of blue posts… Its like neglecting your child, you neglect your child and they eventually turn into a degenerate.


Most of the innovation for this game came from the forum requests.

Forum requests like achievement system, flying and transmog.

Nice try though!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Sure, there is a gem every once and a while but for every good idea you have to fish thru a sea of bad ones.


Are you telling me you don’t want to shift through a pile of garbage and feces incase theres a nickle buried in it?


They are probably focused on data. Even though data does not lie, it is left up to interpretation. For example, if you give people only one way to accomplish something, you can’t say it’s a success because people are constantly engaging in that activity. Best practice is, give two options to do something, and then the data will show you which one is more popular. I dislike when there is only one path to a goal, since that actually gives people the less meaningful choice of [do it] or [don’t reach goal].


Where would WoW be without flying, achievement system and transmog? Raid or die design paradigm?

There is a reason why old devs used to interact with the community. More people giving feedback = good.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There are a lot of good ideas on this forum. Blizzard just doesn’t seem to listen.


It could have helped really. But there are a few narcissists that ruined what it could be used for.
Spending more time telling players they are wrong and not listening to feedback is basically what it turned into from what I gather… the game reflects that.
Blizz has been a “A dev is a rockstar” atmosphere for a while… that worked when people agreed with them
The self appreciation they have makes them deaf to the feedback given by the community…
That will be the death of wow. No other game per se… but Blizz itself.

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Old devs made millions and millions by mining the forums for feedback like flying and transmog.

So fishing for ideas on a forum is win/win for players and devs. Old devs were smart as a cookie!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


if devs listened to GD, we’d log in and get BIS gear for fart emoting to a critter.


HAHAHAHAHAHA is good job do it

What happened to the DPS, tank and healer forums?

Back when class balancing meant something?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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If cookies are so smart, why do they get trapped in packages?

Check and mate


To go to a new host and propagate into the wilds eventually with their turdy friends.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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