The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

They had a set list of named souls to be rescued and once that list was complete that quest stopped being available.

In addition the quest changed from rescuing them out of Torghast to rescuing them during the Venthyr Covenant assaults.

The souls for these additional quests weren’t in Torghast, and were always at the Tremaculum:


Yeah that’s right… it was followers that I picked up in Torghast.

Nope, stop lying.

Thats rich coming from you… really it is.

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Sure, you can say that you’d like a more conclusive wrap-up, but that’s different from saying there is none.

Not having a conclusive wrap-up is what enables doomsayers like Ethriel.


You can’t really call me a doomsayer when everything I say is based on the Night Elves only getting negative development and I have been on point with it almost everytime in the past…

I’m as realistic as one can get regarding the night elf story nowadays

They have been constantly saying they will take revenge on Sylvanas and no peace shall be had until it is written in the banshee’s blood.

Yea, but we already know that Tyrande forgives Sylvanas and even thanks her for helping to free Anduin…

Thrall’s promise also doesn’t seem to matter

Do you even know what I have written and what I was responding to or do you always quote someone else just to say things you wanted to say anyway?

From Shadows Rising:

    Thrall had thought he knew what Tyrande wanted, that what was owed was his remorse, but now he realized his error.

    He easily shook off Yukha’s hand and pressed his fist to his chest to prove his sincerity.

    “I will bring what is owed, then. I will not bring words or promises, I will bring you the head of Sylvanas Windrunner.”

    The faintest trace of a smile appeared on Tyrande Whisperwind’s face.

    “Do it, then, or never seek to speak with me again.”

    Sira Moonwarden’s crimson eyes flared fire-bright in the gloom. No such brightness came from Tyrande’s eyes, though if the blackened pits there could twinkle and dance, they would. Her prize. Thrall’s gift.

    This is not what was owed, he wrote. But I hope it is a start.

    “A start,” Tyrande murmured.


All of this for no pay off at all… wow

All it took was freeing Anduin and everything is set right :face_vomiting:

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You’re conflating things said by the NPC’s as things promised by the story writers.

Please show us a demonstrable example of both.
And historical examples of both before the promise has been fulfilled so that we have a past example to compare to.

Thank you.

still, did anyone (by which I mean us, the players) actually expect that Thrall would be allowed to even touch a single hair hair on Mai Waifu’s head? Out-Of-Universe, we all knew his promise had no weight.

And the promise itself… that even if the Horde managed to get her head and bring it to Tyrande it is literally the bare minimum they can do.

They should have done that at Battle of Lordaeron… too little too late but at the time I though it was all I was going to get so I pushed the unsatisfaction aside and tried to be positive about it.
But looks like I won’t be getting that either and this point… fine wtv… you can’t hurt me anymore blizzard. You just can’t.
This tragedy is now a comedy.

It seems like the Horde is still in full support of what Sylvanas did since they are literally still invading and fighting in Ashenvale as of Exploring Kalimdor…

Thrall seems to be the only one who wanted to make up for it and he wasn’t even part of the Horde when they commited genocide.

Still, it’s safe to say that this promise went absolutely nowhere now…
I guess it’s very easy for Tyrande to forgive after her people were obliterated in the maw :roll_eyes:

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Exploring Kalimdor takes place before Shadowlands, so they could stop fighting after maybe. I still don’t get it. Ashenvale is Night Elf land. If the Horde wants peace, they should leave.


I’m pretty sure the book is taking place simultaneously… otherwise what’s the point if it’s not giving us an update on the zones?