The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

Spoilers… in case anyone still cares about spoilers in this story.

As I predicted long ago, the promised renewal from Elune consists of nothing else than forgiving Sylvanas (and the Horde).

In 9.2, there is no mention of the Night Elf souls at all and since we never freed any of them, they were obliterated in the maw. No other outcome is possible since again, there is no mention of them in 9.2 which is the last patch of Shadowlands.

Now what does happen in 9.2 is that Sylvanas seemingly helps us free Anduin and defeat the Jailer… and Tyrande then thanks her for that. All is forgiven and forgotten.

Here is the sound file that goes along with it.

There you go, that’s our renewal. Helping us free Anduin and defeat the Jailer seemingly doesn’t only make up for the countless of innocents and children that were tortured and obliterated in the maw because of Sylvanas, it apparently is enough to also “set things right”.

All forgiven and forgotten, that’s our renewal… with no actual renewal.


Can anyone appreciate that if Sylvanas saving Andiun were to be the pivotal moment that Tyrande functionally “forgives” Sylvanas would be comedy gold?

Edit: Though I think this forgiveness is for Sylvanas saving the souls of all the NEs that died in Teldrassil though.
Now one thing! if this is just sending them to where they were supposed to go initially instead of the Maw thats pretty bad.
If its to do some sort of mass rez to bring them back to life… thats easier to stomach.


If u play night fae covenant, we help to save night elfs souls from the maw in a weekly basis along with the generic weekly quest to retrieve souls from there.

In Korthia main campaign we see the cinematic when Elune gives the choice to Tyrande between “renewal” or “vengeance”.

Back in night fae covenant, we can see Tyrande talking to some of these rescued souls about how she choose “renewal”.

And that’s it, too much screen time for the night elfs i guess?


It’s my honest hope that once we defeat the Jailer, Sylvanas uses the reality machine in Zerith Mortis to bring back all the obliterated Souls.


Renewal is what happens AFTER, to the living Night Elves left.


They never said you’d get renewal in the next patch. Save some of that salt for when the expansion is actually over, not being halfway data-mined.

Feels good to see Night Elves suffering. Now we only need to burn Ashenvale and seal the deal. Horde will rule Kalimdor unapposed.

The problem is that we never address the giant elephant in the room: The souls of the night elves because Blizzard wants them obliterated so badly.

Nothing that’s in 9.2 suggests that.

Nope, renewal just means forgiving those who wronged you it seems like.

The expansion ends with 9.2. It is on the PTR already and datamined.


Half data-mind. There are still four chapters of the story that have not been decoded yet.

Try not to gloss over the salient points of other peoples posts to serve your own agenda. It’s gauche.


That makes me very sad and I’m hoping that changes, otherwise this entire patch will seriously have just been a waste of time. The potential they have for a reality changing machine is literally Unlimited.


Guess you’ll have to wait a few weeks then until I’m proven right again.

There are no strings, no sound files, nothing. Just because it’s not playable doesn’t mean it can’t be datamined yet.

There is literally nothing regarding the Night Elf souls in the patch.

Yea, at this point it’s just unreasonable to expect anything positive for the Night Elves to happen in any shape or form. Not even their souls can be spared from torture and oblivion.

And that still won’t mean anything because they never said you would get your renewal in the next chapter.

Buckle in, you could be waiting a few years.

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Then what the hell is Tyrande thanking Sylvanas for when nothing is set right?

Freeing Anduin has nothing to do with the Night Elf Souls.

Defeating the Jailer has nothing to do with the Night Elf Souls.

The victims of genocide are going through torture and oblivion and as long as this isn’t addressed, things can’t be set right.
This is absolute bs


You expect Sylvanas to be the vector of renewal? Doesn’t seem likely to me.

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Then why would Tyrande thank her and say that she set things right when she very obviously didn’t ?


Search me. Could be because of something done in a cinematic that has not been released yet. Could be a line of dialogue that’s meant to be cut from an earlier build of the game. Who knows? That’s the problem with getting all upset (or your hopes up) over data-mined stuff.

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Well yes, because she helps us free Anduin and we defeat the Jailer… but I don’t see how this sets things right, and this is my complaint.

Setting things right absolutely must include the Night Elf souls, there is no other way and it just makes the dialogue disgusting.
There’s also already voice acting, so it’s definitely not cut.

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That’s the thing though. She has every right to be upset. SL has been nothing but broken and empty promises for NE fans


fixed it only those really weird sylvanas fans seem to be enjoying the story


As for shadowland content, yeah it is awful for the NE. But for the book part? It seem to be more positive than negative. The NE controlling all of Ashenvale except like 2 outpost. It is still way better than nothing.

Plus, the NE are also increasing their presence in Azshara and are even present in Azuremyst isles. Yeah it is still less than pre-bfa but still wayyyyy better than what they had. Add to that the fact that they also have Mont Hyjal and the NE have nearly as much land as before.

So please just don’t get into Ethriel vibe again. When people get toxic at her it isn’t for not liking the over all NE story, which of course is bad, its because of how she just want to make everything bad for them, like a certain gnome poster.

I am sure that her or Smart doesn’t actually want good content for the NE, they just want to complain and would still do it even without the burning and everything.