PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

Night Fae have a questchain that can be easily missed. This questchain is to save Night Elf souls from the Maw, however is only available while you have the following Calling:

When you pick up this Calling quest Ysera will offer you additional quests, however if you turn in Anima Salvage before turning in the additional quests you will not be able to turn them in or continue the questchain until the Calling is available again.

The questchain comes in three parts:

Unlike the first two quests, however, which have you saved named Night Elves that died during the War of the Thorns, No Wisp Left Behind is a repeatable quest to same unnamed Night Elf Souls that may be available every time Anima Salvage is. Though, if there is a follow up after No Wisp Left Behind at some point I will keep an eye out for it.


Nice find friend hugs :gift_heart:


Seems to be a mostly optional deal too, which is actually nice! Those who want to ‘right the wrong’ can do so, which those who don’t feel they should need to can safely ignore it.

Despite Ysera’s plea I can’t imagine my Zandalari Hunter really cares about the Elven Souls and would rather focus his efforts elsewhere.

Dang Ysera, You kinda cheap girl. Not even 35 anima. SMH


I went and did the repeatable twice to see if anything would happen and the quest wasn’t offered a third time. I’m guessing it’s a bug that you’re able to go back and do it twice in one day.

Edit: I specifically avoided turning in the calling along with the two turn-ins so I know it wasn’t that preventing me from seeing the ghost quest from showing up the third time.


Same. Some people are reporting that they did No Wisp Left Behind three times in a row, but I also only got it twice in a row today.

However, this was my first time completing From a Dark Place, while other people completed it the last time Anima Salvage was available, so it might have to do with the number of times the quest has come up compared to when one first completed the two quests before it.

That covered, I do now have unnamed Night Elf Souls walking around the covenant hall in addition to the named Night Elves that settled in from the first two quests:

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This feels like a bandaid, thanks for the update tho.

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Good. Now we have names of actual NPCs who died at Teldrassil. And some people cannot claim otherwise.
It is good to have tangible evidence I will no doubt link back to in the future.


see it wasnt so bad to get murdered in the War of thorns.


When people say they were just unnamed npcs I think they just mean that they were irrelevant to the story. Least I think that’s what they mean.


If that’s the case, then it’s a pretty stupid subjective claim.


It is, but it’s mostly people like Treng/dread who make that claim. I don’t see many others making it.

Well I was mostly referring to him. x)


“Well some people, but mostly this one specific person”

You could just say who you mean you know.


That is exactly what is meant by unnamed NPC. The auctioneers of Darnassus in no way, shape or form contributed to the story. Perhaps people used them for RP purposes but you’d be hard pressed to say any of those NPCs are actually relevant to the story.



Yeah. And it was a extreme minority who actually rped in Darnassus. To most, it was a capital nobody actually cared about. Until you know…suddenly half the alliance does shrug

The whole genocide was soo stupid and never should’ve been implemented, but here we are, stuck with it.


Yes she did had it not been for her I would never have bought that bis item!





But how else would I defeat the lich king!

I’m fairly certain the night elf RP community would disagree… even in Legion we had big server events fielding tons of people using Darnassus. To call it an extreme minority is misleading, as is downplaying how much the rest of the playerbase cared about it. It wasn’t as populated purely due to Blizzard placing everything in Stormwind. It’s like saying nobody actually cares about Dalaran now, since it’s sparsely populated.


I mean, of course the majority of Night Elf RPers would disagree, but Night Elf RPers who used Darnasus are an extreme minority of players.