The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

…insert montage of remorseful Horde druids/shamans genuinely trying to plant new trees for the Night Elves, only to constantly keep setting them on fire and burning them back down completely by accident. All to the tune of Yakety-Sax.


It takes place before Thrall got kidnapped.

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But isn’t that still after the war?

If the Horde isn’t going to stop fighting the Night Elves and occupying their lands after the war, then they never will…

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Like this?

Yes, it’s after the war and they are still fighting Night Elves for some reason. I think Blizzard hates Night Elves at this point.


But the Horde has absolutely changed…

Blizzard just can’t help themselves when it comes to making the Alliance look like idiots or hateful towards their former allies (Night Elves)…

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Yep, no renewal is coming if this continues.

No renewal and no justice… who could’ve seen this coming…

Oh wait I can think of atleast one…

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Yes, you were right about a lot of things. Also, sorry for being toxic to you a while back.


It’s fine…

Many people see me as their enemy although I only ever wanted for the Night Elves to keep existing and get some actual positive development after so much tragedy…

I wish I wasn’t right about so many things, I always assumed the worst outcome hoping that I would one day be happy about being wrong, but sadly I was spot on most of the time

In their own minds at least I think they think they love the Night Elves… look had how much attention they shower upon them! But the thing is, their love is a dark and twisted thing that sane minds would shun.


“Hey what should we give the Night Elves in Shadowlands to make up for BfA?”





“The obliteration of their souls in the maw and forcing them to forgive and work alongside Sylvanas?”


They must absolutely love them.

People are way too emotionally involved in this.


you know, if Horde has to be portrayed as incompetents, can’t it at least be has well-meaning ones who just keep getting horrific results? Not as bloodthirsty psychos who still keep failing at everything they do?

Goblin-trying-to-be-a-druid: Wow, I sure hope that this new Azerite-based fertilizer I wiped up and spread all around the base of Teldrassil works! If I can help boost this tree’s growth further, maybe that’ll make it up to the night elves for all what happened to Ashenvale after I accidently summoned that fire elemental to clear away the dying old growth! (lights match)


I logged in this afternoon and no new quest. :woman_shrugging:

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Jokes aside though… for me personally it just doesn’t seem right that Horde druids are prowling around in Hyjal or with any of the NE places after everything that has happened.

Even if the Horde druids are not guilty, imo they should take a step back and go elsewhere.
The current story has made everything so incredibly toxic between the factions… there is just no way around it.

We don’t know if she’s talking to Sylvanas. She can be talking to Thrall. Or Baine. Or the Horde player

There is another part that WoWhead hasn’t reported yet.


Tyrande attacks Sylvanas in Oribos.


Is that like the political youtube videos where X politician EVISCERATES Y political rival in PBS interview?

She does what? where did you run across this info? Ive not seen a hint of it.


Blizzard’s love is the love of an abusive relationship.

When they show how intensely they love something, they can’t help but hurt it, to damage it, to make it all worse. And when they finally realize how their love comes across, they promise to do better next time. But they never do better, they just find new ways to hurt.

Occasionally you’ll get a moment. It seems like they’ve really changed, and you get a Legion. But even then, there are signs things haven’t changed. And you just know, just f-n know, they’re going to do something huge, something unforgivable.