The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

Truthfully? I’m in a really weird position. Because 1) I’m actually happy RG Sylvanas is going to be a thing again but 2) I’m super sad for people like you Ethriel. Who aren’t going to get any sort of closure needed to move on from this mess

(On the other hand. Once SL is over, I could start a Restore Gilneas campaign. Blizz owes us something. Have the Harvest Witches grow a home for the kaldorei this time around) :wolf:


Just somehow should split the old Sylvanas and the Banshee in two different bodies.
Than we can kill the Evil one and keep the good one :point_up:

This is all great, of course, but no. At the very least, if the witches of the harvest and grow the house, then let the night elves demolish it and grow again. There is no need to trample on the night elf druidism again.

Harvest Witches are basically human druids shern. It’s not trampling on anything. It’s called returning the favor for the Kaldorei harboring the gilneans for 10+ yrs.

Let them provide territories. Or resources. But…
Mda. It is impolite to assert yourself at the expense of your allies. But still, no matter how it turns out that the night elves will again be “girls in trouble”, being unable to grow their own home. At least, will there be a condescending (dismissive?) intonation when evaluating a home?

it’s a tree shern…It’s called returning the favor and giving the kaldorei a home. Even if it’s temporary and gilnean territory is huge lore wise. Plenty of places for them to go. Gilneas is even home to a old Kaldorei ruin. So it’s perfect.

I’m honestly tired of trying to think of good things for both groups and constantly being told by certain alliance posters that someone is going to get their feelings hurt over it :frowning:


I think the problem with the Forsaken it’s bigger . I mean the new cinematic showed us only that the true Sylvanas will never be Horde . The forsaken leader was just a pawn for the Jailer‘s plans. The Banshee queen … it’s a Monster , butcher…
The poor night elves…
The poor Forsaken …


Even if it is a gift and gratitude for the service … Into the Abyss is my reasoning. Fuh. This gift will be taken as an insult if the Kal’dorei still consider themselves to be protectors (or above all others) and deny their fall.
Silly fantasies of power, yeah … New Fandral, mda. Velcome in the Void.

Sorry, I still don’t get it. If “the elephant” is the fate of the souls of the Night Elves who died at Teldrassil, then I don’t see how a quest to continue rescuing them every week over the course of the entire expansion, undertaken by all the Maw Walkers, does not address that issue.


Maybe some people are just looking for things to still be mad about? I honestly don’t know. I’m probably wrong, but what I think they’re really upset about is that their victory against the horde feels soo…well shallow. It took a dev tweet after all to clarify that the NE did in fact win Darkshore.

Personally? I’m walking away from Shadowlands with the things I did like about the expansion and…yeah. Just going to deal with the things I did enjoy. :wolf:

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I guess that for me, I would like some kind of conclusion rather than just a weekly quest that doesn’t end. Throw in a quest at the end of the xpac that wraps it up: “While we couldn’t save every soul, we saved the vast majority” or something like that. Just to tie a bow on it.


Unless Blizzard says that the Maw Walkers eventually rescued all of them, the souls are still a loose end.


I think this post from the other thread covered it best:

In addition the weekly quest you are talking about is not specific. There’s no way to distinguish if Night Elf souls are being rescued or if Horde soldiers that died in the War of the Thorns are being rescued or if the souls come from entirely different planets rather than Azeroth.


The repeatable quest to save the Night Elf souls is called “No Wisp Left Behind.” It is specifically about Night Elf souls, and is not to be confused with the quest to save redeemed souls for the covenant sanctum. I’ve been told that it’s not actually weekly, but only appears for Night Fae players when they get a “Storm the Maw” calling.

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That quest is not repeatable, and seems to have been a bug that allowed it to be at first. Unless they made it repeatable again in 9.1.5.

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I’ve done it three times so far. Saved 3 souls twice and 8 souls the third time (just switched to Night Fae on my main). I don’t know what those numbers actually represent in game…I usually assume “collect X number of things” quest is arbitrary with the actual number being larger or smaller depending on the situation.

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Those are three separate quests: PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

The last of which was previously repeatable (I did it at least twice myself), but then stopped being so and hasn’t shown up again since. Unless, as I said, they made it repeatable again in 9.1.5. My computer died before the patch dropped and I have been unable to play to check for myself.

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Well I’ll let you know if they continue. I feel like a good portion of NE souls were probably saved (I hope), especially since there is more than one Mawwalker. I think it’s impossible to save them all though.

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I hope so as well. While I did not take the time to count how many came out in Ardenweald, it was visually presented as many:


No… because nothing of what they claim was promised was actually promised.

The Night Elves got to push the Forsaken out of Darkshore and Night Elf souls that perished in Darnassus were rescued.

No one promised a return to pre-BFA conditions. Or Sylvannas’ head on a pike.