Y’know, maybe don’t go around making these narcisistic claims to be responsible for my decision on what to post, while simultaneously denying using manipulation tactics.
It’s not the look you think it is.
Well, for one…
Let’s address this.
Because no. I never said the cinematic was positive.
I figured, after you responded to this assumption, that maybe I was unclear. I clarified that it was the portrayal of Tyrande, compared to her past portrayals in-game (specifically citing Val’Sharah) as less competent than, well, just about every NPC around, needing the PC to walk her through everything and falling for an obvious trick with Xavius and the emo Malfurion illusions.
Nope, Alynsa couldn’t’ve said that, she’s claiming the cinematic is positive.
I’ve continued pointing that difference out, even after and within my above rant, and still.
Naw, still gotta be just saying the cinematic is positive.
Not once have you addressed what I said. You keep doubling down that I’m calling this cinematic positive, in spite of my repeated statements it’s crap. And when I call you out for not addressing what I’ve actually said? “Yes I am, all you said was the cinematic is positive.”
Trying to convince me that the very words I’m typing are different from what they are.
Insisting I’m saying something else entirely.
You literally claimed my entire motivation to post was literally about you.
And, you had all the evidence it wasn’t, because in most of those other discussions with other people that I mentioned?
You read. You liked. You even responded. So you knew those other arguments happened. I had already told you it was about more than just you, and still…
And still. You keep making it about you. It’s because of you. It wouldn’t have happened, if not for you.
I only acted because of you.
But sure, claiming responsibility for when and how I act isn’t gaslighting.