The pvp community needs to make a fuss about the armory

We need an armory and a bracket. This isn’t just useful for people to see their ranks, but it’s also useful for people wanting to do research on what’s working in arena such as comps, items, etc.

I personally love watching how metas have evolved over the years and how much it has changed from 2007 to pservers to now in classic tbc. But right now we have none of that whatsoever. We need an armory and we need it now. Thanks.


There is one.

In Retail.

You’re right. It’s also useful to discriminate and nurture a toxic, abusive community…also like in Retail.

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Sounds like you don’t want to put work into finding out what the “meta” is. You just want someone to hand it to you. Never mind that everyone would then just copycat a build and using personal judgement is no longer applied. Pfft millennials.


What’s your point? There was one in tbc too and it was way better than the one right now funny enough.

You mind explaining how?


Yeah, it works pretty well. We should do it for BCC too.

What? The metas have been figured out. I just like looking at which of the meta comps are excelling in which season. This isn’t retail where you can just reroll on a whim and jump into lfg and play the meta comps every season.


Ironforge pro keeps track of arena teams

I understand both of you, but I would really like to have a good armory.

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Is it that accurate?

Willful ignorance doesn’t become you. Or, does it…?

I’ll let you do your own homework. Everyone else in Retail doesn’t pretend it isn’t a problem, unless they are part of the problem.

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prolly as accurate as their numbers for realms.

Who knows, but better than nothing. It does get updated frequently

Raiderio =/= arena teams

Arena teams are generally made from people who you que with all the time. You should know what you’re getting into the system is literally made for you to keep the same partner.

Raiderio is toxic because you are constantly quing with pugs. And these pugs use this number to shun you out of these groups. If you are using the ladder data to determine your arena teams then you’re an actual moron.

And you’re a moron for attempting to make this connection as well.


But it will be if you don’t just play the game and stop complaining. Blizzard is not good at researching game improvements. They just throw changes helter-skelter at an issue, and if it doesn’t work they just leave it in and move on.

At least it’s better than nothing. Still would like to see what people are gearing etc. That and the old tbc arena match history was so much better

Pretty much the same way gearscore and achievements were used during the later part of WotLK.

What are you actually going on about man you are acting like I’m asking for some retail qol change. This was in. Tbc. Do you understand that or no?


I would like an armory, you can always get nice ideas of gear and builds. And IMO is better than just google “best build for ____” you do the research yourself.

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Ok if this is actually how you think tbc arena works with people just finding pugs on the daily, then you need to step away from pvp discussion. Because you have no idea how it works.


TBC had an armory

Not only that but it was objectively better than the modern one right now too