Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Raider Io has single handedly ruined the Gearing up experience in Retail and that statement isn’t even an exaggeration but i wish it was. It encourages toxicity. Raider io has essentially created a irrational hyper gate-keeping community that holds players hostage from gearing up.

Essentially, Gearing up becomes a privilege that not everyone gets to experience. By allowing Radio Io to exist, you’re basically unintentionally allowing toxic players have a monopoly on who gets to gear up or not, ONE OF THE CORNER STONE FEATURES OF WOW.

Is this the kind of community you want Blizzard? Is THIS the kind of experience you want to offer your player base, especially towards new players and returning veterans trying out retail. IS THIS the kind of game you want to be selling to new players Blizzard? Is this how you plan to keep them engaged enough to pay 15$ a month and have them as active subscribers? Reach max level for the first time and then what, get nothing but being denied out of every chance to gear up by a overly toxic egotistical community who think they can control an essential aspect of the game denying everyone just because they arent ‘‘cool’’ enough for their overly unrealistic standards? is that what WoW is supposed to be about?. Because if you ask me, that’s one fire way to demotivate new players causing them to unsub hence you lose money.

Like they say, Classic is about the Journey, Retail is about the Destination.
Except in this case, you can only get so far on your destination, until it’s blocked by a massive street hole, blocking you from the end of the destination. Unless you’re one of those Privileged™ few that is.

BY that philosophy, Raider io and the toxicity&monopoly it created around gearing SHOULDNT EXIST. PERIOD. Simple as. No more, no less. There is no destination, no journey.

You know what’s funny? Gearing up in Classic is 100 times easier despite taking some extra steps to get there, it’s seamless. It’s always within reach, not out of reach. It’s a journey, but a hopeful and clean one. The best part, Dungeons in WoW classic are 10x harder, requires a lot of coordination ect and despite the that, it still is seamless, with complete randoms even. Failure is bound to happen at times yes, but not as common as some would think. And why this is important? Because Retail Mythic 5+ and up isn’t anything grandeur, done it before. Not trying to make an argument about difficulty here though, i’m just pointing out that, if the players in Classic are as accepting on a game that is objectively more difficult, then there is no reason for people to be so toxic in retail regarding who gets in or not. They expect gods or something to play with them. The average player would do just fine.

Raider Io has no place existing in Retail, and hopefully never in Classic especially Classic. it would be horrible to see it be tainted by it. And i say it again, Retail philosophy is about the Destination, this is the experience Retail is based around.

You reach lvl 120, get everything readily available right off the back no need for Class trainers, and then you join Premade groups to obtain that sweet gear. Simple as, that is your Destination. BUT OH WAIT, you can’t! you’re Not cool enough because 50000000000+ Io score neckbeard said so even though he’s never ever seen you play even though who knows maybe you got top DPS on every dungeon finder dungeon you did while leveling so you had some confidence there! But will it matter in the end?

And oh, OH, i can already SMELL the replies from dishonest Raider Io apologists(who don’t actually know what its like to be the average player, the majority) coming from a mile away, so lette me answer em
Let me guess, youre gonna hit me with the same old, backwards ‘‘just make friends’’ mentality. Allow me to respond to that prematurely!

  1. All of my friends don’t play WoW and are not interested. paying 15$ a month isn’t something they’re interested in, only 2 do. One plays Classic only and the other one, is just one, not enough for a Dungeon. He hasn’t even been able to gear up SINCE 8.3 because of Raider io’s toxicity and his friends leaving WoW. He’s stuck in a loop now.

  2. WoW friends? No, i cant otherwise i wouldnt be making this thread if it were so easy. People don’t like to socialize nor ever answer to me in chat for this stuff. Not even the Guilds i joined, they’re filled with arrogant raider io users gate keeping.

  3. Ok, a lied a bit about 2. I DID actually make 4 friends, FOUR, FOUR IN A YEAR. By doing certain, funny things in Duskwood. One of them had very low esteem about gearing up because of you guessed it, the toxic Raider io community who seemingly are able to control the gearing aspect of the game. And he didnt even seem to want to do it with me even though i kept asking him to join my gearing team that never was(he unsubbed months ago, probably never coming back). The other one is named Bozomojo, who REFUSES to deal with gearing because of toxic Raider io community and also mostly because he’s more of a Funny guy in Duskwood if you know what i mean, he’s good enough at what he does so to him, they are a waste of his time, if it wasnt for that, he would have tried, but no. The other 2 in the other hand, constantly leeching their way trying very hard to get on a mythic, for our sakes. And that is my only source of mythic, i dont get to gear often neither do them.

Now, to be fair, YES making friends technically speaking IS the solution so you are not wrong, but it’s to an extent so and a very small one at that so in a sense it doesnt even count, so at what cost? It still is a headache. and there is no destination. It’s nothing but depressive tales and hopelessness. Having friends, really isn’t the ‘solution’. If anything, having friends is an eye opener, as to just how disgusting and vile the radier io community is and how it holds back the average player, segregating them.

The only way i can see Friends being a viable solution, is if you’re someone who is lucky enough to know enough people that play WoW. but not everyone has that luxury.

Gearing up as it stands in Retail is hard, not because people are bad at the game or because they don’t know what theyre doing, but because they dont have a choice, they have no control over it, it’s beyond their control.

If i could i would, i know how to get there, but can i, is there a choice for me?

An all powerful addon and the toxicity it created, is far worse fate than bad game design. Knowing full well, that things wouldn’t be this way if it didnt exist, and that blizzard if they wanted to, can drop the ban hammer on it, but havent for whatever reason, yet.

Blizzard, Ban Raider Io. doing so will be doing the community, the SILENT MAJORITY, a wonderful favor. Fix the road, and pave the way for players to reach their Destination. Keep them engaged and interested, in the World of Warcraft. In the long run, it’ll make you more $$$.

Raider Io DESTROYS and DIVIDES the community, is encourages the most disgusting form of Toxicity. Ban the Raider io Addon and request for their site to shut down as well. It will make the experience so much better for everyone.


Good Lord, that wall of text.

I dont pay attention to it, I just play with friends.


Make your own group.

Problem solved. Jeez, that entire wall of text demolished with four words.


Seems like you already got it figured out.

But raider io is just like someone inspecting your character armory.

There’s no toxicity here, people just want to play with other people with experience. In Classic, they can do that just by inspecting your character.


Oh lord. That is a lot of words.

I don’t think should be banned.

I am not reading that.


funny how the people who complain the most about RIO are the ones who have ZERO m+ experience, like at all. not even a +2.

its like they just hear that there is some sort of rating system, and instantly give up without even trying.


Inspecting, yeah its acceptable. Low ilvl players naturally arent meant to do high lvl mythics. But thats as fars as it should go. It’s only natural, and they know it.

Now, rejecting everyone unless they meet some super god-like standards? Nah.


If they had no people queueing to those groups that would meet those standards they would lower them. If their group fill up, why should they lower them?


TL;DR pls


Sure, eliminate RIO. It won’t help you get groups. It’ll make it harder when everyone is forced to go back to judging you by your ilvl. At least with RIO it’s reasonably possible to get into a key level that drops upgrades.

“Super godlike standards” means "I expect you to have done a reasonable number of +9’s before I let you into my +10.

Sorry you don’t get to skip the line. There are literally dozens of DPS signing up. You aren’t special.


Literally join a guild. I used to suck at the game, I joined a normal raiding guild. When that guild collapsed, I joined a heroic raiding guild. I was one of the underdogs, but by the end I was way ahead of the guild, and it was on the verge of collapse, so I left. Joined a mythic guild, started as an underdog, got better. Wanna do high end content? Git gud.


A TLDR of ops post for everyone: Op doesn’t think he should be denied groups because of his lack of experience. He thinks that getting io is only achieved by making friends on WoW and has a hard time making friends on WoW. OP also thinks that Classic is objectively more difficult.

Do you remember life before raider io? Literally just took people based on ilvl with way higher gateway of entry. Maybe you just suck as person because making friends on WoW is very easy. Make your own groups and invite whoever you want?

Do you think only people with friends get io? I have 2.6k on my main and it is not connected to my other characters on raider io and I have solod to 700 in a day. You sound like the kind of person who wants to do 15s at 455 ilvl and no experience.

Raider io has been in the game since halfway through Legion. No one is really toxic about it. What is toxic is wasting my time to fail a key because you don’t have the experience or gear or combination of them to contribute toward success. Everyone in a group should contribute toward the dungeon nearly equally when it comes to pugs. I have done hundreds of dungeons so why should I invite someone who has done three dungeons when I don’t want to carry them or teach them?

Raider io allows you to easily view someone’s experience before playing with them. It is not hard to build up io, it is just slow if you are doing it solo.

Also, “dungeons in classic are harder” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO dude you say Classic is objectively more difficult. You are objectively wrong on pretty much every single metric unless your metric is “i have to get 40 people to play together” which you don’t because 10 people can carry every raid in Classic for the most part.

Classic is very objectively easier. Name a metric and I will prove to you that retail dungeons or raids are harder.


So does anyone have a tldr for the op aside from Rio bad?

Gear is the barrier to entry, and all your previous keys are your resume, but you could always join a guild and let your guildies help you with few keys I guess. That’s what everyone does.

I personally couldn’t care less about mythic+ or raiderIO and I’m not saying it perfect system, but it works for the people that do mythic+. One of the best take on this subject I have seen was by a mythic+ player…


TLDR: RIO bad. I shouldn’t have to prove I don’t suck.


I’m not reading all of that. Play with friends/guildies or make your own group. It’s just that easy. Nothing is really different.


To be perfectly honest, I think most people would settle for the WoW community to stop being a bunch of arrogant and stuck-up Richards / Johnsons / you get the idea.

The problem with Raider IO and other similar tools (including the infamous GearScore add-on) is that they facilitate these attitudes under the guise of “protecting your own progress”, regardless of their original intent.


OP doesn’t seem to understand that 30 DPS apply to most groups. Only three can be invited.


I didn’t know putting more effort in than others made them privileged. Even more so when the solution is to play with friends or a guild. There are plenty of guilds wanting more players for m+. Or you could do the lost to mankind ritual known as…MAKING YOUR OWN GROUP :scream:


I’ll go to the start of my post. Join a guild. One fit for your skill level. Improve with them, and then join a better guild. Keep doing that and you can get as far as you want. I never pug anything anymore.

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