Why is rio viewed as toxic?

What exactly does rio do that is toxic?it shows public data in game, thats it. gear is not an accurate measure of skill anymore. On my alts with no io i just start my own key if im tired of getting declined “Oh BuT tHaT dOeSnT wOrK foR eVeRyOnE” IE im lazy and want to cry instead of clicking a few buttons and inviting people.

I dont understand how something that just shows your experience can inherently be toxic. Its a tool, and it depends on how people use it. I remember when i started doing keys a ton of people recommended it to me and my first reaction was “wow that sounds toxic” and im sure to someone who is just starting out it probably does. If you want a higher chance of higher keys succeeding in pugs its a must (key word higher, still will fail but u can minimize the possibility) someone can get to 470 without having enough experience or by raiding or w/e, which is why ilvl is not an accurate measurement.

To me, it kinda just seems like these people are trying to jump to content that is out of their level. If you inspect these people who are advocating for it to “be banned” (which idk what that even means, blizzard cant take down their website,i dont think getting rid of the addon will do much, something new will pop up) they either have done like 3 keys and are complaining about not getting into them when tons of dps apply, or havent even done any bfa dungeons. Its honestly funny how unaware these people are, they havent even done the content they can be gatekept from yet are complaining about it.

Even if none of this matters to you, you think you should get into any group as a dps regardless of io, ignoring a fact there are tons of better players applying and maybe the group doesnt even need your class or already has one, instead of complaining on the forums you can make your own group and be a lil patient and wait for people to apply. It works, sometimes you get bad luck and no one applies for a little bit, but for me it has worked on all my alts (who have no io) time and time again. I really want to know what makes it seem toxic to someone starting keys, because i thought that way before i started them too but idk what changed my mind

also apologies for creating rio thread No.1345369


People don’t like being ripped on for being 7th in DPS in a 5-man dungeon, and instead of working to improve, they just want to remove people’s means of identifying the weak links in their group.


Because people are bad and dont know how to use it so they end up inviting based on IO score or meta class only to find out that is just a tryhard who cant even perform well as a DH/BM hunter in aoe therefore end up getting carried by us which of course results in many keys he wouldnt time without getting invited in groups that carry them.

And that is why I started making my own groups, other group leaders are just terrible at making invite choices, I dont give a damn about score or spec, I focus on things that identify skill.

Skill>>>meta tryhard


It outs bad players in 99% of the situations and boosters in the other 1%.

Bad players whine the most.


Mom has always told all your siblings that they have to play with you and share.

:point_up: my guess


Nothing. The people that call it toxic are a minority. They seem to coincidentally also be the ones that don’t want to put in the time to raise their score, and just want to jump into higher keys without experience.


For some, Anything that reveals their true ability to others instead of just telling them that they are the best are considered “toxic”


It makes people have to work their way up in mythic+ instead of jumping into them wherever they feel their item level should put them.

Most of the complaints I see about rio come from players that have a higher item level but no mythic+ experience who want to start mythic+ by only running ones that would get them an item level upgrade.

They don’t understand or care that groups are looking for experienced players and don’t care what their item level is. They don’t want to start with low keys and work their way up to keys that’ll give them the upgrade.

They just expect other groups to accommodate them because their item level is “high enough” and anyone who refuses based on rio scores is now a toxic elitist.


Because it’s another tool used in a manner that allows the user(s) to shame others or alienate part of the community that do not meet up to their personal (and often times ridiculous) standards.


i know but i thought the same way i want to find an answer that explains why the casual getting into keys thinks that its toxic cause

i know some people think like this, but i didnt, i was thankful to get into groups but i still thought the concept of rio was toxic.

its their own group, thats how its always been. And they usually arent ridiculous, most players just expect ppl at the same lvl as them

how tho? anyone can be competitive in doing keys, rio just doesnt let you ruin random pugs that can only see ur boosted ilvl. Dont think anyone shames people cause of rio unless people have only done 1 or 2 keys and are complaining about gatekeeping

I don’t use IO, but if people don’t like it they can form their own groups. And gem/enchant their gear while they’re at it, which most anti-IO people don’t do.


You might not feel that way; but most of the complaints I see about rio being toxic say things like “my item level is 450 but I can’t even get into a +8 because of rio” so “rio is toxic/used by toxic players and needs banned”


exactly, they dont have to use it when forming their own groups.

i loled at this

yeah most of the complaints come off as people being entitled

From what I (and many others) have seen, people love asking for people geared for a 20 just for a 10.

Oh heck yeah they do. I’ve been on reddit, MMO where people post screens of people blasting them for not having some imaginary score. IO is a 3rd party tool, not built into the game. There are many who don’t even know about it. So they come back from a break, gear up, think “ok, I’ll try this M+ thing!” and go to join only to get “lol” replies and declined. They have no idea whats going on.

This is why tools need to be built into the game. That or change how the M+ system works so that people like this don’t ruin the game for others. Make it so keys don’t break but have another means of “possible ending” that doesn’t result from a failed PUG. The amount of participation will be massive at that point.


which is why they get declined? why take someone clueless(especially dps) when u can easily get someone who knows what they are doing

and no this isnt a thing. Unless the group leader specifically specifies they want to 3 chest or push it high, this never happens. Stop making things up. I can goto lfg rn and find tons of 8s 9s and 10s asking for 450-460 ilvl

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I think you clearly knew what I meant. They didn’t understand why they were getting declined or getting these juvenile responses… from adults, mind you.

Brings us back to “alienates the rest of the community.”

lmfao! Yes it is. I’ve experienced it myself at least twice in 2020 alone.


Because people don’t understand that gatekeeping is the difference between being able to pug (and time) a +20 and hitting 10 stacks of Determination in LFR.

They’re mad because RIO does exactly what it’s designed to.


Huh? Yeah it is.

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WOAH? TWICE? IN HUNDREDS OF GROUPS? thats a huge problem youre right!

logically, why would you take someone who is learning vs someone who isnt, even without rio would you take someone with a higher ilvl or a fresh 120?


So keep the system the same so that people who’re trying to learn are unable to. That doesn’t sound very healthy, does it?

Why not fix the system so that people can learn while at the same time, people don’t have to panic about losing their precious key?