The punishment doesn’t fit the crime

Profanity isn’t allowed in our games, or on our forums. --Orlyia

Cursing has always been against the rules. You had to agree to those rules again not long ago. Afraid they have updated the punishment for doing this. Considering you got ten days this is not your first time

You can appeal


Yes, profanity is against the ToS. This is not your first action so it went from a silence to a suspension.

It used to be silences were used more often but it wasn’t having the intended effect, so you get a silence and after that, suspensions.

A lot of the things you mentioned is also against ToS. Difference is you were reported.

Best of luck on your future gaming endevors.


Please direct me to the actual appeals link. I have had no success and the one link I found directed me to activision website where it scanned my account and could not find any games where I was suspended (wow is not listed on the website, which the WoW help portal takes you too. It’s comical lol)

This whole experience is comical honestly. I’m not a hateful person I like profanity and find it funny I have never meant actual ill will to a player

Punishment level is determined by account history. 10 day suspension means you are a repeat offender, and the previous punishments were ineffective.


Seems the punishment fit the crime.


This details how, but it sounds like you know very well what you did.

If your post is anything to go by I would word your tickets a bit more carefully: Don’t think calling GMs clowns will help your case.


Dropping words you know (or should know as you signed the ToS and CoC) will result in action if reported. Using the excuse of “I didn’t know” is not acceptable, as you signed that you “Understand and agree to all terms”. All there is to it. Actions stack and will continue to stack until account closure, so I suggest in the future to curb your language in game.

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This happened a while ago, because they found silences to be ineffective.

It’s currently: 1 week silence for 1st offense, 2nd is week suspension, then increasing length suspensions from there until eventual account closure.

I recommend you change you chat behavior before it reaches that point.


You are not entitled to Freedom of Speech when dealing with non-governmental entities. Period.


Blizzard is many things, but a part of the US government is not one of them, so this doesn’t apply.

All freedom of speech means is that the government can’t arrest you for speech. It means nothing about consequences for your speech from private entities.


To be frank, you agree to follow Blizzard’s rules. If someone is unable to do such, they’re within their right to action the account, up to the point of closing it and/or the battle net itself. As stated, Blizzard owns the accounts we use, we just rent them.


That is exactly correct. They are choosing what you can and can’t say in game and they do not want profanity in it. If that hurts your game experience, you can choose not to play.

If they could police voice chat as easily as they can typed words, they would. I think they can ban you for that, though.

The level of entitlement is staggering with you. You are not entitled to ANYTHING. You signed an agreement, you are expected to uphold said agreement, and not doing so results in punishment. All there is to it. Blizzard is a private entity, and gets to decide what can and cannot be said in their games. If you are reported and it is discovered you have violated the agreement you signed, you are punished.


There is no freedom speech in wow, game run by a private company, their sandbox their rules.

You can appeal but if you did use f bombs it is not likely to be successful


Freedom of Speech only applies to government entities and public areas. WoW is neither.


It’s not censorship.

The contract you signed when you created your account included you agreeing to behave and follow certain rules while playing the game.

By your own admission, you have broken that contract, and this is the penalty for the breach of contract.


Enjoy your vacation! Sure this thread will be locked soon. Everyone stop replying to him


Masked profanity is also against the rules. You will be silenced here as well because you cannot control yourself. Instead of learning from it, you have doubled down.

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Perhapse the problem is that it’s too hard to report other users for their voice chat in CoD, in which case you should put in feedback to the CoD team to address that.