The people happy about tank nerfs don't understand

You’re right; there is a timer in Mythic Plus dungeons. As I mentioned earlier:

I was referring to Normal/Heroic raiding. I’ll never do a Mythic Plus because I don’t want a timer—I want to enjoy the dungeon. But you’re correct that if you choose to do Mythic Plus, you’re expected to understand the need for quick clears. However, if I recall correctly—though I might be wrong—didn’t they remove the timer from Mythic Plus runs? I could’ve sworn I heard that in an interview."

[Edit] looked it up " ** There is no longer a timer in Mythic+ up to 10 keys. It’s a shame, really—you can make something challenging without a timer.** . "

so why are you even replying to my comment then genius

I was replying to your comment on Spedunkle’s post, as he didn’t specify if he was talking about raiding or Mythic+. Both are valid points. My perspective comes from a casual player’s viewpoint, focusing on Normal and Heroic dungeons and raiding.

EDIT: I take that back he said raiding

We’ll have to agree to disagree. In my opinion, Blizzard has largely abandoned creating new and interesting content for guilds or group activities that don’t revolve around encouraging the new esports and ‘go go go’ mindset. Coming from an older era of guilds, I see that Blizzard has moved away from promoting good old-fashioned stat checks or gatekeepers that challenge players’ skills and are difficult for groups, encouraging them to sometimes lose, go back, and try again to learn their class. They also used to design dungeons and raids that required groups to plan and strategize their pulls, sometimes even needing to CC mobs or patrols.

Nowadays, if you try to take the time to do any of that, you’re met with people leaving or berating you for wasting their time. No, Blizzard doesn’t have a good system to encourage healthy relationships between players; they just keep ignoring the issues.

Thats why M+ is garbage and caused the current problem


Am not following about nerfs and buff, but I been tanking for a very very long time and only play tank.

Every expansion I really self sustain myself and healer heals me when like there is a big mess up or a very hard boss or difficulty mode.

Why would you take away the fun from tanks when you already have a problem with people taking in the first place, now don’t tell me there is a lot of tanks, no there isn’t not even tank is a tank.

I tried it before went dps and join as dps it was a nightmare watching the other tank running around like what the actual , is going on, I never played DPS in raid or M+ again. ( except guild or friends and that rarely happens since am tanking).

Bascially speaking, I rather self sustain myself like always and I still do that, so whatever nerfs I still don’t feel it and hopefully never will.

AND I rather have the healer focus on the dps and maybe a little bit on me when needed.

I said it many times to healers when doing M+ or when there is a Raid boss that I know a Mechanics will be hard for healers to keep everyone alive to focus only on dps and forget me 100% because I got defenses and know what am doing, and I repeat it again while fighting.

At the end the healer THANKS ME FOR THAT, AND EVEN ADDS ME TO RUN WITH ME AGAIN. " The DPS also thanks me" Yea I know they are thanking a tank its shocking for some people.

Again am sure there is a lot of other tanks that are better than me, am not the perfect one, but experience and knowing what to do really makes a big difference.

Anyway ended up writing a lot man I could have watched something on Netflix or Youtube.

If anyone wondering I play tank role only and forever: DK,Druid,Monk,DH,War,Pala. I keep all my tanks max level each expansion incase I switch.

Last 3 expansions been playing only DK,Druid,Pala

Might have to try Warrior again last time played it as tank was WoD.

This expansion DK so far, might get monk in since I played druid in DF and Pala in SL.

mediocre players trying to impose their mediocrity to other players, classic.

Amen, brother. M+ is great for Elite/Hardcore players—don’t get me wrong, it has its place for those who enjoy it. But that community often trashes anyone who doesn’t play like they do, and it’s driven a lot of players away from World of Warcraft, especially new ones. This is why I believe they should do more to separate the communities. A couple of solutions could be Hardcore/Elite realms for players who want that experience or more options in LFD/LFR, like a speed-run option. That way, regular players can choose to opt out and just play the game at their own pace.

There’s so much more they could do. I’ve written about it in several posts, like Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft and Once Upon a Time WoW Had Roaming PVE Dangers. These topics discuss how the game has become more solo-oriented or hardcore elite-focused, which in turn is causing casual/midcore group-oriented players to feel ignored and abandoned.

Honestly, they’ve even destroyed professions. There’s no longer a need to smelt, and older crafting is pointless. It would have been great to see a revamp with the specializations they used to have, like Armorsmithing/Weaponsmithing.

I can’t wait for [Ashes of Creation]. Once that game comes out, those of us who enjoyed the community aspects we all miss will have a game to play again. Sometimes, I feel like World of Warcraft has just become a ghost of my past.

Then your quote in combination with your answer to Pyri made no sense at all. It is pretty much implying you don’t agree with what you did quote, which in turn made my reaction completely valid.

You still have to do that in m+, you just do it before you put the key in and adjust on the fly as needed. Only difference is, your stops/cc folks in the group need to know what to do without a break to mark every pull. Raids are also still content that groups have to plan and practice to beat, unless you’re talking lfr.

I don’t see how everything is encouraging esports when the esports stuff is just the very top tier of m+, RWF (not even a real event) and high PvP (was always around basically)

People can still go into anything and play at the speed they want that’s appropriate for their skill level, it just requires being a little more thoughtful than jumping in LFG, which is no different than needing to take the time to find the right guild back in the day.

But you’re probably right that we’ll not agree on this one.

If you can’t see how that “new esports and ‘go, go, go’ mindset” influences players in all forms of content by how they act and treat others who still want a casual gameplay experience, then honestly, you’re blind. When people adopt that elite mindset, it carries with them and sours everything they touch and do in the game. Even in LFR, if a group includes people who follow Twitch or any social platform personalities, their attitudes can carry over. Overall, it’s just impatient players with OCD issues who need things to go perfectly or they rage, throw adult tantrums, or rage log. Either way, it’s detrimental. But you’re probably right that we won’t agree on this one.

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Eh, 90% of the groups I find myself in don’t say anything at all, or it’s talk about loot. There’s a million times worse commentary in GD than in game.

Regardless, cheers and hope you’re having fun in TWW!

Taking a specific instance and using it to define the entire situation was his post.
The problem is Blizz made Tanks too soloable and didnt buff healers/DPS class enough to keep up. Simply look at any websites for solo class picks, its majority tanks.

So, I see “Magnarok” saying DDs get killed by the mobs tanks leave behind. I see “Pyri” writing that tanks don’t leave mobs behind and that heal and DDs should stick to the tank and that it is not the tanks responsibility if you directly pop all CDs as a DD, the moment the fight starts.
And then I see you telling him/her to that comment, that it is his job to control the situation and hey, “you’re part of a group not the star of a movie”.
And now you tell me it is about the amount he’s pulling or him pulling what the group can’t handle?

“Pyri” said nothing about big pulls or not taking care about what the group can handle. “Pyri” said it is the DDs and heals responsibility to stay with the tank and to make sure they don’t take away aggro. And guess what, it’s correct.

I don’t know what you did see in that post, but either you disagree with what was said and you’re wrong or you did totally misread what was said.

Why did my name get quotation marks?

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The real question should be, why did I forget the quotation marks with the other names. You know, you plan one thing in the beginning of the post and then forget it in the middle. :smiley:

//EDIT: fixed it

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Well how did that happen