Yep tanks were the problem

I’ve shared my thoughts on this issue in another topic thread, The people happy about tank nerfs don’t understand, but I’ll summarize here.

This problem is much deeper than just DPS pulling ahead of tanks or healers struggling to keep up—it’s a reflection of a broader cultural shift in the game. Years ago, MMORPGs like World of Warcraft were about taking your time, strategizing, and working together as a team. Players would carefully plan pulls, use crowd control, and sometimes even wipe and come back stronger, learning from their mistakes.

Nowadays, the mentality has shifted to a relentless “go, go, go” pace, where any delay is met with frustration or hostility. This mindset is toxic to the community and undermines the very essence of what an MMORPG should be—playing with friends, exploring the world, and enjoying the journey, not just rushing to the finish line.

Blizzard’s design choices have fueled this shift by focusing more on esports-style content like Mythic+ that rewards speed and efficiency over teamwork and strategy. While Mythic+ has its place, it’s driven a wedge between different types of players. Those who want to take their time and enjoy the game are often berated or left behind, while the hardcore players push ahead.

A solution could be to create separate Hardcore/Elite realms for those who prefer this fast-paced, high-pressure environment, or adding more options in LFD/LFR that allow players to choose their preferred pace. This way, everyone can play the game the way they enjoy most, without feeling like they’re ruining the experience for others.

The lack of support for casual and midcore players has led many to feel ignored or abandoned by Blizzard. The game used to have content that encouraged cooperative play and social interaction, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside. It’s no wonder that many players, including myself, are looking to games like Ashes of Creation, which promise to bring back the community aspects we all miss.