The people happy about tank nerfs don't understand

That when the tank is weaker everyone is weaker.

When the tank is weak and cant hold aggro… the dps suffer.

When the tank is weak and cant survive… the healer suffers.

Everyone is worse off when the tank gets weaker so advocating for tank nerfs is just calling for nerfs on yourself especially when we have already seen the effect of making the tank reliant on the healer did in shadowlands season 1.

Where in you had the tank literally having to run away from the mobs not even tank just running scared only jumping in for a few seconds at most to keep aggro and then running away again that made for some pretty cringe gameplay.

The reason we got dragonflight tank sustain was because we saw what forcing tanks to be reliant did… and it was horrific. But unfortunately we have people who want to try it again only this time with harder hitting dungeons and fights and somehow think it will be better… when the dungeons are only harder than the ones we had in shadowlands season 1.


Boo hoo, you’re no longer an immortal god.


Just wait until the healers are whining that now they are overwhelmed after they begged for the added responsibility of keeping the tank alive through massive tank breakers and aoe rot damage at the same time.

It’ll happen


Tanks are not weaker though they got a rework and ended up being buffed so a win for everyone involved.

Better stop entertaining them. They don’t understand anyways. Easy to see with nonsense comments like the two you can already see here.


Tank damage got super buffed last I checked. My warrior is rolling in like +25% damage across the board.


No, that’s the job they signed up for. Keeping a good tank alive is a lot easier than keeping frantic dps alive as they get pummelled by the mobs that the tank left behind.


This really hurts everything on multiple levels.

First, it adds to the burden of tanking. Tanking is already one of the more rare positions and this will only exponentially add to the learning curve. Making taking harder will discourage people from even trying to learn to tank, let alone tank at any mid key level

Second, Blizz is on the wrong track if they think tanks are suddenly going to trust healers to keep them up. If the tank doesn’t have anything available to deal with incoming damage, they will kite. These changes are how you get us SL season 1 kite meta. It feels bad for everyone. Why? Because when tanks kite, things get out of range and move out of the ground based AOE. Ask a fire mage how it feels when they leave their flame zone on the ground.

Third is that it introduces another level of failure that will wipe groups. When tanks were self sustaining, it was on them to pass or fail. Now it is on them to keep up mitigations AND the healer to keep the tank up AND the group.

I really hate these changes to the overall tanking role and feel it’s going to put a massive damper on season 1 when all the tanks start kiting in 5+ keys


This post is a vintage meme :melting_face:


Nah. I approve tank nerfs in PvP unless they’re fighting a boss NPC.

In pvp tanks are good cause melee dps is pretty much unplayable cause the entire meta increasingly in this game is just ranged gotcha 1 shots… even dot ranged now have burst like affliction.

Both mage and lock both looking to be meta next expansion. With unholy being meta as well mainly cause it counters the casters and for no other reason.

And then ofc in m+ melee is pretty much extinct outside of the tank because the dungeons are just increasingly melee unfriendly so many things on the floor its wild frontals run out mechanics its crazy how many things screw you as melee that ranged can pretty much straight up ignore.

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You know what’s really funny about all of this?

You guys just got brought down to where Brewmasters have been the last few years. We never had self-sustain. Hopefully, nobody does, now.


the only issue i see, is that groups will have to go a little slower, but with all the ‘gottarushgottarushgottarush’ tanks i’ve seen over the years, maybe that’ll be a good thing.


Maybe putting a timer on dungeons was a stupid move on Blizzard’s part?


that’s not a question, that’s a fact, my-dude.


BuT KiltURs, da redDIt sAiD i WeaK naoW!

Yeah no I can’t do this… It takes too much effort

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Prot paladin is on a scale from A to D with A being the best roundabout an F. My prot pallie is my main and I still gave up entertaining those people, since people seem to hate tanks (and healers for that matter). :person_shrugging:

PS: I’ll still play my pallie and not switch main to meta or something…

And yes the timer… I am not a fan. Like back in the day the 45m Baron run in Stratholme was fun, it was a RPG element to a dungeon, thats fine.

But the M+ timer? I’m over it now… We can move on.


Tanks are still plenty strong, the big difference is now you’ll be punished harder for making mistakes. Early m+ weeks will probably be interesting as people will learn the mechanics.

Blood dks can still mostly self-sustain fine same as bear tanks, you might need help getting top before tank busters which is interesting in a way because nerfing defensives means that a lot of tank buster rely on your healer topping you before them and tracking that damage, this part for me will feel worse than the self-sustain nerfs.


Oh so in other words making pugging a lot harder than it already is.

And also that means that m+ is just getting sweatier across the board i don’t get the fixation punishing people harder for making mistakes to the point that even 3 or 4 deaths will probably cost the key. Like you do understand that everyone is going to make an error even the best players in the world.