It’s good to see some open minded folk. I know 1.12 ret keeps getting poo poo’d but I still want to try it out for myself. The only thing that could ruin this is if you said you were rolling on a PvP realm xD.
I’ll be honest…I can’t remember the situation with Paladins in 1.12, I only reolled in Cataclysm, I figured new world, new class. I mained as Hunter.
I just keep telling myself I have to remember to jump off the bridge connecting the Wetlands and Arathi to do that Dwarven quest for the widow and the king - seriously, there was no justifiable reason for this quest chain to ever be removed from the game.
I do want to try ret though. I did try it in the demo and I died a lot xD.
This reminds me of an old video in which everyone in a raid was dead except the paladins and the boss was at 1%. The fight went on for several minutes but they failed to down the boss.
I wish you success. But mostly because I’m a jerk and one of the draws of classic for me is the fact that one third of the alliance population won’t be human male Ret paladins like it is now. So if yall group up, I will have even less of them around me.