THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome


We will sack the CITY OF LORDAERON.


Can’t wait to start trying out spell damage theory crafting. It’s going to be good.

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That guy looks uncomfortably like Arya Stark with a beard…


Fitting lyrics.


I’m confused about the Speladin build…
Do I get Holy Shock or go down prot for Reckoning? PvP spec

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Spelladin isn’t shockadin or holy reck. It’s a deep ret spec that using spelldamage gear, capitalizing on SoR 2h scaling yet swinging at the speed of a dagger(hence the importance of MCP.) It’s all about speed.


Paladins eh? Was considering it myself, but this is what I’ll go with.


Arya Stark has a beard? Also, GoT is over. No more references allowed.


What’s Holy reck? Maybe that’s what I was thinking.
I just want to kill rogues in PvP with Reck lol.

It’s pretty much a hybrid build between holy and prot. Entirely different thing: not my area of expertise since I am a PvE scrub.

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How are you going to to gear up all those paladins when every single one of you will all be rolling on the same gear?

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What’s great about being a Paladin is wearing all types of armor. Until it is replaced by a plate upgrade, anything will do. Some other armor types may have better stats than their plate equivalent piece. As our main Paladins continue to progress and get better gear, all the loot goes to our less geared Paladins.

The goal is to get dungeon sets, PvP blue armor set. We will attempt raids with some other classes thrown into the raid, for boss kill success. Lots of PUGs will be running surely for MC and Ony.

If you would like to have a Paladin alt we will accept your alt and assist in leveling and gearing it.


I get all that. But you are aware that to get the dungeon set you will literally do HUNDREDS of dungeon runs per person. You can go 100 runs and never have your dungeon piece drop. It’s a noble effort but I think you are going to find that it will be completely impossible to get everyone a dungeon set when they are all the same class.

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Need to include holy/disc priests, multiple ranks of holy damage judgements, and WIN

4 Likes Are guilds ad.


Why aren’t you on a holy crusade to drive The Undead from the Holy Land?


Maybe you needed a Shaman…FOR THE HORDE!

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It will be interesting to see how well we do against some raid bosses.

I’m holding out for an all-druid guild but good luck, fellow weirdos!

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An all Druid guild would arguably do better in raiding.

A Druid Guild would be amazing. That guild would actually be able to progress in content without other Classes reliably.

Paladins on the other hand are the underdogs. We have something to prove.
And this Paladin Guild is not 100% a raiding guild. It will be more PvP focused in that we will be roaming in squads terrorizing the Horde. We will attempt raid bosses ofcourse. Threat swapping will be our biggest hurdle to overcome.

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