The one thing that baffles me about the boost

It actually doesn’t, and that’s a big part of the problem. Most of the bots you see are compromised accounts. I just don’t see how supporting companies that blatantly steal player accounts and sell the generated gold back to them is the lesser evil.


Any one against the boost doesn’t know a thing about how it will affect player retention or bring in new players. But You claim it won’t bring in new players because you’re anti-boost. They claim it will because they are pro boost. No one knows if the boost will bring in a lot of new players interested in BC but not interested in Classic 1 to 60.

I think it definitely does as you can never know for sure if they’ll steal your card information and use it. Those companies don’t need to be supported. You know how to fix that? Blizzard actually needs to ban bots and punish players who purchase gold on other sites. Ban them for longer time periods each time until a perma ban and strip them of the gold they bought. Eventually they’ll get tired of wasting their money, or they won’t have an account with their characters and progression anymore.

whats more surprising is, if they wanted to monetize it, why not just sell TCG stuff?

What about instead of the boost something that was ACTUALLY IN THE GAME!!! the arena realm!!! TBC Arena Realm Championship? - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

It cheapens the game. Lowered entry barrier, blah blah. We could argue whether thats good or bad or if it does or doesnt have any consequences but the fact remains a boosted character requires far less investment on the part of any one player than its only alternative.

If they really thought it was a boon to players it would be free. But its not. That tells anyone with a functioning brain why it exists ($$$$).

The no changes crowd had this in mind but we saw how they were handled. People interpreted the no changes as a way for people to exploit the game when in reality the no changes crowd just wanted older versions of the game with things like original AV and talents, etc. Blizzard is just using the classic series as a means of business and I dont think the integrity of the game will remain. Especially when all original devs are gone or leaving. The gamin industry has changed quite a lot and so have the generation of gamers. The days of enjoying some pvp after winning new pve gear have been replaced by measuring your 99s on a logging database. Ignorance is bliss in this situation, join a medium server that has lower populations and you will get what you are looking for. The economies are inflated and will continue to be so, my advice is invest in materials and play the AHs a bit to stay with the curve.

Because they do not have any impact on your gameplay, you will not be able to identify who boosted and who didnt. You boosting will not have any impact on my gameplay at all nor will anyone else on my server boosting. The mount wont have an impact either.

The anti boosters are crying over nothing.

Assuming a week to level and 100g an hour at cap for making the math easy and assuming the boost is $15 instead of the $60 it is for the live boost:

$15 (sub for account) + $15 (boost) = $30
$15 * 2 accounts = $30

16,800g/wk starting week 1 for a boosted character, vs 33,600g/wk starting week 2 for two non-boosted accounts. If the boost is $60 like it is for retail, it’s 84,000g/wk non-boosted vs 16,800g/wk boosted.

If Blizzard starts dropping banwaves every week or the boost costs less than $15? Sure, it’s more profitable to boost. But adding even one extra account doubles your income and halves your chances of watching your entire operation go up in smoke. Now scale that up 3-4x for how much the boost will probably cost and it’s significantly better ROI to just run more accounts instead of boosting one.


People don’t want to relive starting at level 1 while everyone else goes to outland. You end up weeks behind and struggle to find groups for attunements since everyone is way beyond where you are.

Except that most people spend the bulk of their time at max level.

It’s simple really.


The corporate greed of Activision is limitless, knowing no bounds. They don’t care about you, they don’ care about me. They don’t care about the game, they don’t care about the player experience.

The only thing they care about is money. They are soulless, have no morals, and are devoid of any though other than how to acquire more money.

No doubt, but it’s also huge for players who didn’t care for vanilla but loved TBC… why is this so difficult for people to understand.

They have a weird obsession with making these players quit when they find out they are weeks behind and there are no attunement groups. Anyone that actually played in TBC knows it was a nightmare to get stuck behind.


The problem here is, you’re putting importance on old world leveling. Its not important, at all. There’s nothing about the old world that someone needs to experience a second time. This entire argument is fallacy.


Well crap. Looks like I’ll have to stop bringing up dual spec. I really really wanted dual spec

“our math”…

I dont even know what to say anymore tbh

Then say nothing at all

Your math is entirely speculation.


I guess what would be better then your pathetic “our math” BS.

Side note, what do you think madseason will tell you to think next?

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