The one thing that baffles me about the boost

Obviously not with the number of bots that exist. Again, mostly compromised accounts.

I will wholeheartedly embrace the anti-boosting side along with you if (and it’s a big IF) we ever cross that bridge. Until then…

Not sure, but whatever it is I will take it into consideration, just as I do anyone else’s word.

Exactly but my argument has never been about new players or retention because I think it’s a strawman.

There are other pros and cons to be considered that actually exist. I’ll give you a pro. The boost is worth a lot of time. A lot more than the retail boost is worth.

Con, it goes against part of what makes classic MMOs good imo. You get what you put into them. Not by opening your wallet.

To me this is the equivalent of Blizz telling us they are making changes. The original "… intent of The Burning Crusade’s’ game design is only known by Blizzard.

And you don’t need to say “… the authentic feel we’re going for.” if you are just planning to clone the original game. You wouldn’t need to be ‘going for’ it, it would be there by default.

And my argument is you have no evidence that it is a strawman. It might bring people who don’t like classic into the game for BC. Blizzard might think it will so then it wouldn’t be about pure greed but to make the game more accessible for those who like BC but don’t like classic

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I’m pretty sure there was a survey sent out which also asked about the boosts and the like.

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I took that survey and told them I didn’t want a fresh server, I wanted to progress my characters forward, and I didn’t care about boosts. I’m guessing most people answered that way since blizzard is doing exactly what I want. So, for what ever reason, lucky me.

Compared with TBC private servers, Blizzard’s game features are considerably more authentic than always on 10x experience, ridiculous boss tuning, and pay to win cash shops. You should be thanking them for finding a way to monetize it without it affecting you.

I imagine such a significant amount of players answered they either didn’t care, or would appreciate a boost (especially if it was sent out to people who are not currently playing or haven’t played Classic), that it was a no-brainer.


Only creepy nerds care about a 1 time boost(to lvl 58 lmao).

You’re not martyring yourself over those though.

You’re assuming it’s not.

“I’m not giving you any more of my money and won’t unti-hey wait come back you have to listen to my demands!”

Threatening style bargaining only works if you have leverage, and you don’t. The amount of people who are gonna ragequit over this are minuscule compared to the rest of the population.

What are you gonna do? Quit Hard 2: With a Vengeance?


I know it’s not the right thing for the game because of all the negative aspects it creates and what’s already happened in retail. It’s not an assumption when there’s legitimate reasons as to why it’s negative and historical proof. And I’m not trying to bargain by saying I’m quitting. I just actual quit. It’s not a threat. I already did it, and I won’t come back unless these features are removed. No one has to listen to me, but I’ll just stay moved on and do other things. I care enough to try to make some change happen, but I don’t expect to, and I don’t expect to be playing again. Again it’s not a threat or a bargain, it’s just the truth.

Classic is flooded with bots and RMT, the non-existent cash shop didn’t cause that.

Correlation without causation.

Yeah you’re gonna need to provide those. No your opinions still don’t count.


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Which you can’t actually define.


What’s the historical proof that boosts hurt retail?


What’s that ? You wanted to play TBC how it originally was ? You absolute sucker ! Activision are a small indie company they NEED our money ! It’s only a one time boost ! No one is gonna buy a 2nd or 3rd account to buy more boosts obviously ! TBC isn’t actually supposed to be like TBC, how dare you for wanting that ! Obviously its meant to be a stand alone game, people from Classic can’t ‘go into’ BC either clearly ! That is unfair, that is why I need to pay2win !

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exactly 100%

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Oh, they removed Black Temple and Netherstorm?

How about the stagnation of subs starting in wotlk when convenient features were first introduced, those being: lfg and heirlooms, and then the decline of subs as more and more installments of microtransactions were introduced? There’s an opinion for ya.

I have several times on these forums already actually. I just don’t like repeating myself