The one thing that baffles me about the boost

Okay enlighten me then. What is the counter math that shows that bots will not be using the boost. Why is it a worse return on investment?

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I don’t, I’m just curious why people who are anti-boost are not upset about that as well.

Why would we care about that. I don’t see a problem with it. Maybe some do, but I don’t personally

How is it any different than boosts? It’s a drastic change, and it allows players to get characters into content sooner than they normally would. Isn’t that what the big hubbub over boosts is about?

No. Boosts are instant progression for a real money transaction. Belfs and Draenei coming out early is simply that. It’s early content that’s being released so players can PLAY the game in order to prepare new characters for TBC.

And as I said above, how many of those early starters are going to actually level those instead of paying for dungeon boosts? There’s no difference.

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Boosts are a non issue.

Dungeon boosting should be nerfed out of the game too, but even if it’s not it’s still better than a blizzard condoned, purchasable, instant boost. At least with dungeon boosting players still have to interact and play to some degree, so they aren’t the same thing. But still, like I said, dungeon boosting should be nerfed out of the game as well in my opinion because the negatives out weigh the positives.

Would you like to add to that, or is that your entire statement? Why are boosts a non issue? At least explain to me how boosts keep the experience of TBC authentic.

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Except after my first boost on a priest I still want to level a rogue or whatever else, which world am I going through that time genius???

That’s IF I decide to buy a boost at all.

There goes that argument.

That is a drastic change to the game. So you’re #somechanges as long as it primarily benefits you, then?

RMT for boosting is going to exist regardless of what you or I say, so in the end I’d rather the money go to Blizzard than third party RMT folks.

I’ve paid for a couple just to see what it’s all about and how it’s done. The only “interaction” was I was made leader (without being explained what was going on) for the mage to reset the dungeon. Sure, it’s anecdotal, and I could have been in the only anti-social boosting party in the game.

I agree with you, but again, much like when the WoW token came out, my opinion is that the problem is not going to ever go away. I’d rather the money be in Blizzard’s hands.

Still a diminished amount, genius. Not everyone is planning on going back and leveling multiple alts. For them, that boost is all they need to never touch, or rarely touch, the old world again. Every character boosted is one less that would have been out in the old world leveling.


I’m some changes as long as the changes are good lol. I’m down for either no changes or some changes, but I’m not down for micro-transactions. I think boosts are far more negative than positive along with any micro-transaction, and I think dungeon boosting is slightly more negative than it is positive and should be removed. And dungeon boosting is not the same thing as an instant boost no matter what anyone says. They’re objectively different things and affect the game differently. They’re both bad, but ones worse than the other.

We’re all in theory land.

Let’s say the boost is $40
A botter wants to start up 10 accounts, to do that they need ($15+$40)x10
$550 initial investment
How many bots can a botter start up with that $550 without using the boost?
36 accounts.

I don’t think I need to explain how 36 > 10.

The boosting botter has 10 accounts at 58 to begin doing whatever botters can do with that.
The non-boosting botter spends 3-4 days botting to level 58, and then absolutely eclipses the boosting botters income through sheer volume.

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Big assumptions with nothing behind them.

You do realize nearly every single person in my guild has 5 characters MINIMUM and is waiting for BC to fill the other spots up?

And some have that on more than one account.

You’re throwing mud at a wall, it’s not sticking.

So the “lesser evil” to you is people laundering gold purchased through third party companies in slightly-longer-than-instant boosting services?


As I stated before, every character boosted is one less that could have been out in the world leveling. That’s not an assumption, that’s simply how it works.


You’ve yet to state why this is a problem (other than being “non-authentic”, which is about as speculative and grabbing for straws as you can get for a reason)

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A third party website discourages some people who would otherwise buy gold from blizzard, decreasing the amount of players who would do that. Not only that but people who purchase gold on third party sites should be banned along with bots and have their gold stripped away from them.

Oh and by the way, you’re saying less people leveling in the old world is “non-authentic” in an expansion where a portal opens into a brand new world?

Did you take something you weren’t supposed to?
