The one thing that baffles me about the boost

I did.

The bottom line is you’re calling it stand alone because it fits your argument, not because it has any basis in reality.


I’m calling it stand alone because that’s what the people who MADE THE GAME called it rofl

Not the people who made it, the people who re-made it

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And you’re doing a phenomenal job drinking their kool-aid.

The big difference between your game series and WoW is that if you fire up game 2 you just start at 35 because the game starts at 35 and you have zero access to previous content. Except that’s not the way TBC was designed back on initial launch, nor is it being launched for classic that way. They’re just putting it on top of their re-release of TBC.

You can hate the boost or support it, but that’s the reality. If it was a stand alone game it wouldn’t be being built off of classic and wouldn’t require you to make every other toons at level 1.

Your, and Blizzards, entire argument can be shattered by answering one question: does TBC have access to the old game? Yes?

Then it’s not stand alone.


Did you not watch the blizzcon video?

They explicitly stated that “#nochanges” turned out to be a mistake because the playerbase has changed a LOT since 2005.

Hence why they’re now taking a stance of “#somechanges”, because launching a 2007 MMORPG completely unchanged in 2021 would be a disaster.

As for boosts, I love how everyone thinks they know better than Blizzard, when Blizzard is the one who has the polling data on how many people said they want to play TBC but not vanilla. THAT is what led to the creation of a 58 boost: Tons and tons of people that want to play TBC but don’t want to slog through 58 levels of vanilla to get to it.

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If they’re basing their decisions on polls then I think we have a lot to be worried about.


Most recently, in Blizzard’s post about drums…

“… our goal of establishing as much authenticity as possible.”

“In The Burning Crusade Classic, we want to provide an authentic experience.”

… we are making some targeted changes where we think they’re appropriate to preserve the spirit and intent of The Burning Crusade’s original game design…"

“… the authentic feel we’re going for.”


Sad but true and should not be added as the most efficient form of leveling an alt. “Swipe” is the new meta in classic between this and gold buying.

Kevin jordan said it best. If you want to use your money and credit card for success go play real life.

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Because it is keeping it the TBC experience, not the classic experience, which started at 58, not questing in vanilla content. There’s a lot of things that “don’t belong” in Classic right now that the community brought to Classic, but nobody seems to be complaining about those exploits and conveniences since it suits them. It’s an irrational perspective that holds no value, because there’s no negative impact with the boost existing and it will have no effect on anyones ability to play The Burning Crusade Classic, no matter how hard you fight it, argue it, come up with more insane, nonsensical problems with it.

You can just log in, play the game, stop crying, and be happy and you will never know the difference.


It’s a 15 year old expansion. You’re talking about “integrity” and “sacrificing” about the quest content from a 17 year old original game. People have Naxx gear they didn’t earn. They buy it from the 25 people carrying their worthless butts through the instance. Does this take away from your enjoyment in some way? I bet a lot of them, if not most of them, bought that gold with “real world wealth”. That kind of activity is rampant and Blizzard has shown no interest in curbing it. If you can play with that kind of illicit activity going on, is it that difficult to play with boosts being offered once per account?

I think it’s funny that you and your cohorts take this stuff so seriously. If they came out tomorrow and said we aren’t putting the boost in, I would literally not give a flying *&^$. I would just go Hunter boost my Druid herb/mining bich alt to 15, then start the Stockades/SM/Maraudon/ZG boosts all the way to 60. I would probably wait until the pre patch for the 30+ since the xp needed will be reduced by roughly 20%.

Most of the people playing this game are just really really bad at it. Like, pathetically bad at it. If they released $150 boosts to 70 with all pre bis so they can jump straight into raiding, I still won’t care. I won’t use it, but I won’t care. Those people that buy those will most likely be bad at the game, or they will be alts.

If this stuff makes you this upset, just don’t play. There are lines that I have that would cause me to quit too. I wouldn’t spend the better part of my day complaining about it on the forums though.


To make that true, add the word “only” – If the ONLY goal of adding TBC is to recreate…then why would they add boosts? They wouldn’t. Of course not!

And that’s your answer. That is not the ONLY goal of TBC. Blizzard is not a charity for you and me, and TBC is not exclusively for you and me.

ANOTHER goal of TBC is to add new players (players that want to play TBC, but didn’t want to play Vanilla). Adding players is a good goal. And the boost added players, in every expansion since 2014. Players that wanted to play the new expansion, NOT the old ones. The boost is exactly the same feature Blizzard has been using since 2014. Nothing new.

That is sales, NOT gameplay for Vanilla players. “Trying to recreate the old gameplay” does NOT require Blizzard to use the old sales methods.

Actually I had to take a break during phase 2 for school, but when I did come back to find everyone boosting in dungeons I was annoyed as that takes away from the game and makes it harder for people who just want to find legit groups and play the game for fun. I’ve said this before, but dungeon boosting should be nerfed out of the game and micro-transactions shouldn’t exist in wow.

Don’t make assumptions. I don’t like dungeon boosting either. I’m just trying to get blizzard to do the right thing for the game, but I’ve already quit and won’t be returning unless boosts and this warp stalker mount are removed.

Do you know what was a great feeling in original BC?

All of your guild talking about how fun leveling in Outlands was, how great the dungeon was, how amazing Karazhan was… while you’re in Tanaris AoE grinding pirates because you volunteered to reroll belfadin.

If you guys are concerned about boosts negatively affecting things, why are people not complaining about belfs and draenei being released early? And will y’all be getting mage boosted on those belfadins and draenei? :upside_down_face:

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Ya seriously

I’m fully against that as well. Just focusing on the bigger problem first.


I don’t see why belfs and draenei being released early is a negative thing, but I’m curious as to why you think it is

then why are we taking our CLASSIC character to this stand-alone game?


I’m just going to group you with the type of person that ‘I don’t undestand slightly complex things, so I’m automatically against it’.

There is no ‘bigger’ problem. Its all completely made up by the less intelligent. Also your ‘math’ on bots using the boost also has counter math (that makes vastly more sense) showing that bots will not be using the boost as it goes against ROI (which is something I doubt you know about).