The one thing that baffles me about the boost

Forest fires are an issue regardless of cigarettes.

Still shouldn’t smoke in the woods during a dry season.

Oof that one hurt.

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Someday you’ll realize classic wow is an MMORPG and not played like retail at all.

That day is not today I see.


The day you make one single logical point about how someone boosting effects all other players, I’ll take that remark seriously… that day will never come.

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Its an MMO, therefore it makes all the difference.

If you boost a character that means you aren’t out leveling your character up through the lower levels, and not around for me to ask if you want to dps for my Wailing Caverns run. While you alone not being there doesn’t make much of a difference, when tons of people are boosting it makes a world of difference. This effects the experience of the players down at lower levels.

There you go. There is one logical point of many that can be made. Take it seriously, the day has come.


Which, anybody who wants a Belf or Draenei is going to be out and about, in lower level content. Plus, the Summoning Stones help “speeds up” that process.

As I said before, those 2 races don’t make up for the other 8 that are missing.


I think you highly overestimate how many won’t be out in lower level content. I imagine there will be quite a bit of Belves and Draenei out in lower level content, even the other 8 because not everybody can afford the Boost. And, before you say it, multiple accounts to use said boost. The BC community will be split between Belf and Draenei levelers and Outland levelers.

I’m going to create a ton of Belves, so I’ll be out in the lower levels. I’m not worried about the lower levels being “empty”. They’ve been “empty” (according to other people, not me) in Classic (supposedly), yet I continued to find groups, all of the time. I think the Summoning Stones will help alleviate the stigma against the travel, as long as another person travels out there, to meet me, so we can summon everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

No, that was not a logical point. You’re talking experience; experiences vary among the player base, just because you perceive lower levels as important doesn’t mean they are to others… MMOs don’t have a set way to play, you can play it how you like. Plus many players are boosting through mages currently anyway… so yea, nothing sacred about the leveling experience.

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It doesn’t reduce the amount of people in the 1-60 zones because those people would not be playing without the boost. It also doesn’t help bots and that’s been proven with math in plenty of threads on here.

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Yeah and that’s absolutely horrible for the world. Why Blizzard hasn’t simply nerfed exp when in a dungeon with a higher level is beyond me.

As for everything else, since I know you won’t believe me in any other way let me just go back to my original reason for making this thread:
If the goal of the Classic servers is to recreate the experience in as accurate a way possible of the expansion that the Classic server is for, why would they add boosts, which in no way what-so-ever help to retain or recreate the experience of TBC?


slowly turns to look at mage boosters and carries those are all okay apparently.

Have you tried telling yourself that? Cause we’re not the ones having an existential crisis over this.


Why would they add boosts? Money, because I can guarantee they’ll have thousands of boosts purchased due to players like myself who loathed vanilla, but loved TBC… you keep bringing up experience… but can’t explain how someone boosting changes your personal experience? The old world is already dead, so yea…

I have explained how booting changes my personal, and others’ experience but you ignore it.

“Oh you didn’t bring up any experiences”

Read my other posts ffs.
These are my points and if you aren’t going to even take them into consideration then you might as well just not even be posting here.

Just because the old world is less populated than it should be doesn’t mean that they should make it worse.


Because your personal experience doesn’t matter in the grand scope of things, no one will even notice boosters, they’ll just be another player.


There’s a certain level of special cognitive dissonance that players on the forums have for making arguments that blizzard isn’t actively undermining their own game through paid skips. Most of the streamers even admit this and it cracks me up that you adhere to your idea that players should be able to bring real world wealth into the game to create characters that didn’t exist with dungeon sets they didn’t earn. In the words of a recent stream posted
“you’re sacrificing game integrity for more profits”. Once the game reaches critical mass on integrity and loss of achievement half the population disappears over night. It’s happened before with retail expansions.

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It’s extremely unrealistic to hope for a constant flow of people at any given level, that would imply fresh characters are being created and played at every moment and WoW Classic just isn’t the kind of game that captures the masses anymore. People have lost their patience.

How many people do you believe should be mingling around… let’s say Arathi Highlands 6 months after TBCC launch?

How many levelers do you want in the zone?
How many 70s profession grinding?

To get levelers we need to destroy dungeon boosting (because like the paid boost it takes people out of the world) and incentivize people to level alts somehow.
Recruit a Friend? 2 for 1 bonus of getting people into the world, but your good friends the botters would love the free xp boost.
Bind on Account gear? This encourages people to clear out of max level content and level alts but it does nothing for new players.
How about constant class balancing? People burn their 1 boost on a flavor of the month “op” class but then they have to level up a new character when the meta changes.

To get 70s profession grinding we need a reason for people to constantly swap professions, either by making exclusive profession bonuses or by making changes to professions as we roll out phases so the popularly perceived “best” profession is in flux.
Make the ring enchants better so there’s more reason to drop a current profession for a new ring only to drop it after? You can gather enchanting materials in instances so that’s not really the main focus but if you drop for example Leatherworking you need a new kit of leather to get it back up. That needs to either be gathered or purchased from (possibly) a leveler with skinning.
Maybe Phase 2 give 350+ Herbalists a HoT modified by spellpower that does 500 hp/s for 10 seconds to get people out and picking herbs then 2 months later nerf it to 100 hp/2s for 10s.
Also need to remove any instance resource nodes (Maraudon, Dire Maul, Razorfen Downs, Scarlet Monestary), that takes people out of the world.

You’re speaking out against the boost but it sounds like what you really want is to chase the chaos of fresh server launches, but how many cycles would that last?
You launch a new server and 20,000 people join, it’s a great success
The next launch 14,000 people join
Next launch 9,000 people join
5,000 people join
You could say Classic as a whole is doing the same thing.


I recent played a new RPG series called trails in the sky.

You started at level 1 in the first game, once you beat it and went on to game 2 you could carry over your save data.

If you reached a certain level in the first game your level would start the 2nd game at level 40 along with bringing over all your items.

If you didn’t play the first game you could just start the 2nd game.

The 2nd game started at level 35. You didn’t start at level 1 in the 2nd game be because the base game started at level 35.

Classic TBC is kinda like that. What you did in classic can carry over but it doesn’t have to.

Classic TBC also starts at level 58.


Then why aren’t they fresh servers where we all start at level 1 or level 58? Why can we go back to the old world or create new levels 1s if TBC is being shipped as stand alone? Why the actual hell are all of us who played classic vanilla getting to take all of our 60s and tens of thousands of gold with us?

The answer is it’s not a stand alone game.

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Read above.