I don’t recall, was layering in Vanilla?
Your interpretation is incorrect. #nochanges means NO CHANGES!!
None, nothing, zip, zilch, zero. Big fat goose egg.
No QoL, no new content…not a damn thing!
Accept it or go back to retail, or quit. GTFO of here with trying to butcher the game for your own selfish interests
Is that your data proof or is it just an opinion?
that falls under not recreating the launch experience. plenty of people were unhappy with layering as is, and cannot wait for it to be canned entirely.
Well they changed how mailing works so looks like youre gonna have to go back to whatever pserver you came from.
Although you are right for rational part of those who want #nochange.
You are wrong about majority of people who literally bring that up every time you ask something even little, like a fix or a tweak or something that will no way affect anyone except those people who want those changes (like a new graphic toggle).
That part of your #nochange community doesn’t remember what vanilla was like, and it doesn’t understand that changes already have been made, also they think that anything if tweaked will ruin the game completely, when it was already done (tweaked in a lto of ways) and game is still hanging nicely).
So those changes should be going and going. Cause they will not bring anything except clearance and finalization of the product (like inconsistency of a “?” when you complete a quest and instead it shows as a dot on minimap as example).
Your suggestions will not come to fruition. I don’t care how you look at it. “slippery slope”, “layering” – simple buzzwords.
It’s not going to happen.
And proof youll play whether you like the change or not.
I do remember that in Vanilla I was able to use an assist macro.
okay so explain to me why retail saw a massive sub spike in august then. go ahead. tell me. why would so many people resub to modern wow in august. remember, even blizzard acknowledges that people play cyclically and unsub during the down periods to retail, which august very much was.
actually i’m pretty much at my wits end with blizzard and likely to unsub if they continue with layering too far past blizzcon.
I don’t use Addons. I made a Thread about it, too to which had a great debate about being “old school” for still using Addons. Give it a read:
Came with the Legion client which I already addressed so get some new material troll.
Still not a valid excuse or justification for MORE changes
You gave out a statistic and im amused, show me proof all of it went to Classic. Im also eager to see how many subs were there prior to classic launch.
I bet.
You people against #nochanges are wasting time on this topic. Ion is already on our side of no changes by the PCGamer interview yesterday. You guys have already lost on this.
You have lost. Stop trying and get over it.
Im not advocating for a change to the game. Just pointing out the treehouse clubs hypocrisies.
Uh, actually almost all the changes Blizzard made throughout the years were due to play input. Just because many of us disagreed with various changes throughout the years, sometimes quite vehemently, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
i’m eager for you to prove the sub growth wasn’t attributed to classic, seeing as literally every news article, and blizzards own historical evidence would attribute it to classic. but go ahead. prove to me what retail had to offer that would lead to sub growth in august.
Im not the one spouting off numbers and assigning them places. Go ahead and find your proof, ill wait.
by the way, i would like to point out that MANY CHANGES over the years were made because of player feedback and requests, to modern wow. so the fact that you think design choices aren’t influenced by players at all is hilarious.
heck classic itself was influenced by players into actually existing.
i have no direct evidence. historical evidence and blizzards own statements back up my claims.
what backs up your contrary claims?