The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

This post is mainly directed at the story team. I wanted to bring up this topic once again because it’s still relevant:

They basically said that Tyrande got her revenge for the Night Elves in 8.1. Yet in 8.1, the only thing that was achieved was killing 1 of Sylvanas’ Val’kyr.
That’s it, there is nothing else that happened in that patch. Nathanos got away after being able to stand against the Night Warrior and Malfurion and no lands were reclaimed in that patch either. We also know that this 1 Val’kyr that Tyrande killed is recreatable, so Sylvanas can make more of them if she wants - making the revenge that was achieved in 8.1 even more pointless, yet that was somehow supposed to be the entire revenge plot for Teldrassil? How does that make sense?

I get that Teldrassil only happened so that Sylvanas and Saurfang can get their character development and Saurfang could become sad, but that doesn’t make it any better considering that those things were done to a playable race.

How is killing 1 of Sylvanas recreatable Val’kyr to be seen as appropriate revenge for losing 3 zones to the Horde (1 forever destroyed), having tens of thousands of innocents killed and tortured in the maw forever and their zones blighted by the Horde ?
Am I the only one who thinks that this is a little bit out of proportion ?

It seems like nobody was actually interested in writing a decent revenge plot or conclusion for Teldrassil, so those fans that were looking forward to it had to be dismissed with this specific statement (The Night Elves having gotten their revenge in 8.1), but this seems very unprofessional for a supposedly professional writing team.
If nobody ever thought ahead of Teldrassil and what should happen after it to build the race back up, something like this should’ve never happened to a playable race in the first place.

Now the Night Elves have been completely ignored after 8.1 where again, nothing was achieved.
In Shadowlands we will have our long awaited Sylvanas redemption because apparently WoW has to be all about her and how great she is while completely ignoring all the horrible crimes she and the Horde commited. The War of Thorns is just one of them. All of this while completely ignoring the victims of Sylvanas’ crimes and dismissing all Night Elf or Alliance fans that were hoping to get revenge for Teldrassil and bring Sylvanas and the Horde to justice.

Maybe Tyrande will die too because she is soo wrong for not trusting the Horde and wanting Sylvanas dead after what they have done, the 8.3 war campaign epilogue does a great job at showing how evil and wrong Tyrande is and how nobody agrees with her, not even her own adopted daughter (Shandris Feathermoon) :roll_eyes:

I just made this thread to express how unacceptable 8.1 is as an entire revenge plot for Teldrassil. The Night Elves killed 1 recreatable Val’kyr, that’s it. They are still near extinct now because of the Horde, they still have their countless innocents suffer in the maw forever with no way out. Teldrassil is still destroyed, parts of their lands still blighted, other parts of their lands such as Ashenvale still occupied by the Horde, their deads still raised as undead slaves by the Horde and all of this just so that Saurfang could be sad - not actually to get positive development after that ?

How does killing 1 recreatable Val’kyr make up for all of this ?

8.1 should’ve been the start of the revenge plot, not the entire revenge plot.
If the Night Elves can’t have revenge against the Horde or Sylvanas, why can’t they atleast have their lands back, a new home, or maybe let them revive all of those innocents that were killed so they don’t have have to suffer in the maw forever? None of that was ever even considered, instead they were just dismissed and ignored…

I don’t want Horde players to be punished, I just want a conclusion and justice for Teldrassil, and 8.1 was just not enough at all :neutral_face:

If you agree with me and want to help me draw attention to this topic, please make sure to leave a comment here and like the thread, every voice matters and maybe if we provide enough feedback, we can get an actual conclusion for Teldrassil one day.
Let’s show Blizzard that there are still people who want a conclusion for Teldrassil and that 8.1 wasn’t enough. Every bit of help is very appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Looks like Tyrande is going to die early in Shadowlands because the Night Warrior powers are too much for her to handle…


The ‘revenge’ is Tyrande becoming a villain for saying ‘no’ to the Horde this time. That’s it. That’s all that’ll happen. She’ll be made out to be the bad guy for not buying it this time because the Horde always backstabs and betrays and genocides and gets to do wrong things over and over but gets to handwave it and be given pats on the back and freedom to do it again. Yrel stopped letting that cycle repeat itself and they’re making her out to be a villain. It’s what they’ll do to Tyrande.

That’s going to be your revenge: your faction leader being made out to be a bad guy for standing up for themselves and not letting the Horde keep getting away with it.


They already said Tyrande continues the story and that this has ripple effects that will eventually escalate in the future. They will not resolve this in the story quickly. Heck the Gnomes still don’t have gnomeragan…


Well, Alliance players keep saying they want to be treated like Blizzard treats the Horde, so having your faction leaders go nutso and become villains is what Alliance has been asking for, no?


I accept it.

It’s beyond revenge now. The Horde must be ruthlessly destroyed as an entity with no hope of ever being reformed. They have proven more times to count on two hands that they are a nearly equivalent danger to Azeroth as the legion and also even to eachother.


It was revenge for orcs that were killed in the siege if orgrimmar by elves.

Ah, yes.

The Kor’kron?
The orcs that were killing Horde races for fun?


The part where we will kill her off because she is too evil for not trusting the Horde after having her people wiped out.

Not if Tyrande is (from a realistic perspective) completely right and justified for not trusting the Horde after all of this. She has literally not done anything else.

For helping the Horde get rid of their corrupt warchief, reclaim Orgrimmar and give them land after so they have enough ressources for themselves? All of this after the Horde already invaded Ashenvale and killed innocents ?
Is this how the Horde wanted to thank the Night Elves ? With genocide and torture ?


I can’t imagine how frustrated the developers must be with the Alliance playerbase. You scream for years that you want to be treated like the Horde, and then when Blizzard delivers… you complain about it.


You are really not getting my point…


Yes, the story writing for the Alliance was HORRIFICALLY BAD this expansion. The leaders did nothing but move the story along and prop up the Horde with their internal battle…yet again. All while needing to move the story so far out of the realm of reality that our supreme “leader” refused to help his staunchest ally that had just had mass genocide perpetrated on them, THEN gave EVERY LAST TROOP the the enemy leader who HELPED PERPETRATE that war crime while also trying to compare the Alliance “atrocities” to the Horde (for which THANKFULLY the story team had Saurfang slap him around for). This same leader then held NOT A SINGLE SOUL ACCOUNTABLE outside of Sylvanas for that mass genocide and signed a peace treaty because…reasons.

So yea, the whole story falls in on it’s own weight because of how unbelievable the characters are. Jaina suddenly seems ok with the mass genocide at Theramore because “we have changed” and so off we go to prop up the Horde and pretend all is right blah blah blah.

Meanwhile the Void Elves (and their High Elf leader) did nothing in an expansion about the void…shocking to say the least. Alleria and Vereesa are pretty much worthless and pick their noses all expansion. Anduin just runs in to chase Sylvanas while Sylvanas own sister is unable to track or know anything that is going on despite being a super void being AND one of the greatest rangers to ever live.

The Lightforged Draenei and their spaceship suddenly don’t do anything but sit in space and collect dust because who uses assets available in a time of war when you can just conveniently forget them.

Alliance however did get fat people to join them along with broken Mechagnomes that can’t use transmog’s and are forced to have 4 prosthetic limbs and wear diapers.

And of course to top it all off, we got the Horde movie all Alliance have dreamed of watching with a whopping…2 or 3 Alliance characters even making an appearance, literally almost 30 minutes of a movie.

But hey, Alliance got a Bee mount that will be recycled eventually for the Horde in a different color. So there is that.

And they wonder why the Alliance as a faction is dying…or maybe they don’t and just don’t care. I never thought i could say something like that but after how blatantly imbalanced the game has been for quite awhile now in pretty much every aspect of the game, the OP here is just the tip of the iceberg.


We killed an old god. Those guys aren’t very tough compared to void lords… The void invasion has yet to come.


I think I’ve seen this thread before


The only solution is to burn down Orgrimmar.


I happily helped burn down that silly tree.

Bring it on you purple push overs.


To those of you still taking ‘The Story’ seriously:

Whether it’s a co-dependency issue or some twisted version of Stockholm Syndrome; help is available. Perhaps you should speak with a trusted councilor or member of the clergy.

I have faith in you. You can overcome this.

I did.

To the writers:

You don’t need to write great literature. No one is asking for Tolkien or Martin levels of story telling.

Just please, stop tormenting the players of both factions. Thanks.


Shani began by saying that Tides of Vengeance gave the team its chance to “tell a little bit of Tyrande’s story” but that the focus in Nazjatar is going to shift to delve into other characters and to see more of what Sylvanas and Anduin are up to.

“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.

Morgan picked up the conversation. “The problem is there is so much to be told. Everyone has characters they want to expand on, but we also want to introduce new ones and to find ways to weave those stories together. With Rise of Azshara, the emphasis is on Sylvanas and Azshara herself. They are the focus. There’s just so much happening.”

This bothers me a lot, they can’t have too much Tyrande but Sylvanas on the other hand deserves all the screen time.

Also we’ll never be able to kill Nathanos because he’s the writer’s self insert. We’ll never win.


They’ve proven time and time again that they are utterly garbage at integrating new characters without completely neglecting older ones.

3rd time is the charm?

There is Horde Bias in the story writing cause we’ve had our capital city invaded the most.

It must be tough that the Horde finally got a “self insert”.

I mean, I know yall are used to seeing Horde leaders go away regularly. We lost 2 major ones this expansion alone.

But the go-to response really needs to stop being “Kill the Horde lore character”.

Sylvanas was the Warchief. Tyrande was not the High King. That’s not even a fair comparison.

I keep forgetting that the Alliance feels that an expansion like Legion is “fair and balanced” where they get all of the screen time.