The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

Anduin was barely there in the whole war campaign, and he sure wasn’t there in Nazjatar.

And Sylvanas was barely there in the War Campaign. I dealt with Nathanos almost exclusively.

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An expansion where we all did the content to beat the Burning Legion, where the absolute best zone introduced in the game by far for YEARS is a Horde zone and the AR attached to it just hands the Horde all Night Elf Lore in one swoop. Clearly you don’t think Suramar and the Nightborne or the High Mountain were a thing or anything connected with it or the HM Tauren.

Was it more Alliance than Horde, i would say yes, was it all Alliance in comparison to the way that BfA is ALL HORDE ALL THE TIME WITH A MOVIE ATTACHED and moronic leadership that do completely unrealistic things to move the story along…no it wasn’t.


The funny thing is, I was playing through the Kul Tiras storyline and Daelin is made out to be this misguided warmonger, when everything he said came true. Theramore was bombed, Teldrassil was burned.

Blizzard wants to make out like Tyrande, Yrel, are evil or wrong? And yet their own writing just ends up confirming their actions. The Orcs didn’t drink the blood of Mannoroth, and they still invaded Azeroth and attacked the Draenei.

So I don’t get where Blizzard is saying “shades of grey” when they themselves end up writing the Horde as conquerors at every opportunity. As if Thrall was just holding the leash.


High Mountain were not Horde in Legion.

Nightborne were not Horde in Legion.

They were not part of the Horde until BFA.

Legion was more Alliance than BFA is Horde.

I had to work regularly with current members of the Alliance.

The Alliance did not have to regularly work with members of the Horde. No, HM and Suramar don’t count.


So… Nathanos shouting “EnOuGh!!” and jump away from Malfurion and Night Warrior Tyrande is ok? Especially after we gone through a whole questline showing how powerful a night warrior is?


Come on, you know the Night Warrior was never really a thing, it was just because they Blood Elves got Golden eyes they had to give the Night Elves something.

I mean Tyrande was already High Priestess of Elune, and yet there was a super secret ritual that would make her more powerful as long as she got mad enough after all her people were killed? What type of Goddess is this? It’s just stupid.

The 10,000 year old High Priestess of Elune should’ve been a match for a Val’kyr already. You don’t make up some 5 minute super saiyan mode. It’s just absurd.


Except when they were…almost a full year before BfA released.

Except when they were… almost a full year before BfA released.

Unfortunately…not true, they became Horde long before BfA released whether you took advantage of that or not.

LOL, ok.

Only because the Alliance had to prop up the story YET AGAIN.

They do count as they spent a good portion of the expansion as a thing, however the story of the expansion was completely different. That is partly why the story is not an Alliance only story, you didn’t have to work with the Alliance leadership BECAUSE EVERYONE was involved in defeating the Legion…not just the Alliance. Thank you for proving my point.


Exactly, I don’t remember seeing any alliance flag on the Vindicaar or anywhere on Argus, did you?


Argus was about the Draenei and their corruption. There was an entire expansion already about the Orcs corruption called Warlords of Draenor. It had an opening cinematic with the Orcs turning down Mannoroth and then kicking his butt.

Oh but the Draenei were in WoD as well, but it was never really about them. Most Horde players called Yrel a mary sue because she distracted Blackhand and survived, thats how twisted hardcore Horde players are about what constitutes and Alliance Mary Sue. Surviving is being an Alliance Mary Sue to Horde players LOL


The writers are so absorbed with writing feminist heroes that they’ve forgotten the rest of the cast.


On a side note, OP, Shandris didn’t clap when everyone else did, and I think at the end everyone agrees with Tyrande and walked away from Anduin, that’s how I see it anyway. Genn explicitly stated his support.

yea, and then they have the audacity to call that the revenge for Teldrassil. The revenge for losing everything and even have their fallen tortured for all eternity.

But they still all signed the peace treaty and basically left the Night Elves alone against the Horde

yet alliance has done more to end the world than the horde ever has.

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How do you figure?

Arthas a Member of the alliance went on to become the lich king, Medieve was a council member of the alliance court and opened the dark portal for an invasion of azeroth, Ashara was also a og alliance council founder and she invited the legion and sundered the planet. Thats how I figure

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I’ve never seen any lore that states she can make more. Assumptions from players is not lore. And none of her Prime Val’kyr have been brought back that were sacrificed.

So I’m not sure where this is coming from.


No one left anyone alone. Tyrande made the decision to leave and gather her army to go after Sylvanas. This is all on her and those that follow her. They made a choice freely.

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Eventually if we ever want this faction war nonsense to stop escalating to the point of parody and tiresome ‘the same thing’ over and over again, one of us has to break the cycle of revenge, no matter how impossible or unfair it is.

Someone has to eventually just let it go, or the cycle of revenge keeps going. I’m not saying it’s fair, or even probable, but if we ever want Horde vs alliance over insanely dumb choices both side make, the only answer is not to punish each other anymore after years of nonstop punishment.

You might argue ‘but the alliance did that in MOP’. Both leaders who were involved with that were dead by the start of Legion, and Sylvanas isn’t someone who understands the concept of ‘non aggression’, which is why it’s a good thing the Horde no longer has a Warchief concept.

Something has to give, I get the game is called ‘warcraft’ but we’ve exhausted every conflict imaginable between Horde and Alliance over 25 years of games and media., in the conventional sense of the word ‘war’. I know blizzard says Horde vs Alliance is the backbone of the franchise but they keep making it a damn point that the notion of warcraft is that there’ll always be something we’re going to be fighting even if it’s not each other. The very least we can do for a while as a change of pace is just let it go for once. You don’t have to forgive the Horde for what is essentially a genocide and you shouldn’t. But we can’t just murder them in cold blood over until we feel better. It’s just going to get them to come kill more of us, and it’s over and over and over again.

You don’t have to forgive someone to exist with them just keep your distance. ‘What if we wipe the other side out’, yeah you could, but that’d probably be a Pyrrhic victory for either faction based on how much time it would take and how many lives lost.


The best stories are one people can relate too and realistic in some approach. Letting go of hatred in the name of peace no matter how long or pathetic the cause may be is something that just is not in human nature and translates into game. look at the palestine and isreal for example they have been at war with each other for over 200 years now and it will never end as the hatred and thirst for revenge runs too deep

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