The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

Cause that requires interaction, where as their intent, which is basically :

requires nothing, no interaction as the damage is already done, and it’s been in place for years.

The only thing at this point to be mad and disgusted about is that Ion is a habitual liar who makes false promises. But we also already knew that with him being a lawyer, profession of liars.


Because they find it’s easier to ignore us instead. My guild is so annoyed by this, even after all these years. And my RPers have nothing to strive for with guild ranks now. So they just stopped caring. Good thing I trust so many of these people, because I had to give them OFFICER PRIVS just so they could freakin’ invite people from the guild finder.

The whole thing is stupid. I hate it. But they’re going to ignore us just like they ignored us when we told them we needed options outside of the Druid auto travel button.


I don’t think they’re making a conscious choice to ignore this issue. They aren’t even thinking about it. (Though, for them to tout “guild updates” for TWW, and then the “updates” turn out to just be cross realm guilds does feel kinda deliberate.)

But hey, that’s why we’re here. Maybe if we keep poking this dead horse, someone at Blizz will trip over it and take notice. (Not holding my breath though.)


I am still here still waiting for Ion to follow through.

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Probably be easier to file a lawsuit against him

Consumer protection lawsuits involve claims that a company violated laws designed to protect consumers. This can include false advertising, violation of privacy rights, or other deceptive business practices.
Making false promises goes against California Labor Code 1710, which discusses deceit

only way to get a liar/lawyer’s attention.

New week… same ignored state.0


When they put “guild updates” on their roadmap to TWW, I really though we had been heard. I didn’t truly expect a permissions fix, but I thought there would be actual updates of some kind, especially since they asked us to put all our ideas for guild improvements in the original thread. Cross realm guilds had to happen with Warbands anyway, so that doesn’t count as an update.

Basically, at this point I don’t just feel ignored, I feel like they were deliberately insulting us. But whatever their intentions, I’m not going to stop reminding then that they’re supposedly “working on a fix” for this problem.
(I’ve been dead sick the past few days, so I’m glad to see other folks took up my slack.)

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Hmm. Fumel isn’t able to come on. Don’t know what’s up with that.

Well, blah blah, fix the permissions, etc., ad nauseam.


Wacky stuff going on with the forums. Couldn’t change characters. Logged out. Tried to log back in but got stuck in an authentication/password loop. Went to forums from the launcher and then tried to log in. Got “welcomed” for not having been on the forums in a long time.

Just… I guess it really is too much to ask for a permissions fix if the regular stuff can’t even be maintained properly. (Yes, I know the forums and the game are separate things, sheesh.)

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I just noticed a post on the Community Council forum that touches on this a little.


That is a very comprehensive and detailed listing of much needed improvements. It would be nice if Blizz actually paid attention to it.

while true do
    print("Ion, please return granular guild controls")
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Even SoulsoBreezy talked about all of this in one of his videos, because he knows something needs done, too.


It’s nice to know we’re not the only ones trying to bring attention to the issue.

I still can’t get over the fact that Blizzard announced “guild updates” and then didn’t have any updates beyond cross realm guilds. That’s harder for me to swallow than Ion saying they were “working on a fix” that hasn’t happened. I guess it bothers me more because Ion is a lawyer and therefore a professional liar, but an announcement of upcoming changes seems like it ought to be real.


As disappointed as I am with the state of guilds, I have to admit the 20th anniversary event is looking pretty nice. We’ll see how it plays out, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. I’m hyped to finally get my baby Blizzard bear back. It was the first pet I ever owned–but it was not on this account. I thought I would be able to transfer my first character (who had the bear) over, but such was not the case, alas.

Getting my bear won’t make me forgive Ion for lying, or make me forget that we don’t have the granular permissions he said they were fixing, but it will help make the wait more… bearable.


Coming back to keep up the fight.

It doesn’t actually feel like a fight though, since Blizzard is completely ignoring this topic. Well, I won’t let it die anyway. More options for managing guilds just makes sense. It doesn’t even matter that this change was unintended. Guild leaders should be able to assign guild permissions any way they wish.


Got my Baby Blizzard Bear yesterday! :polar_bear: :grin:

It makes me pretty happy. I’d be even happier if we had granular permissions though.

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Sooo… the Brutosaur thing. Absolute proof that Blizzard’s word is used toilet paper. Their specific given reason for removing it from the vendor was they didn’t want AH’s all over the place. And now, they come up with another one for the shop–that has an AH.

I mean, we already knew they were liars because of Ion’s claim they were “working on a fix” for the guild permissions. But one could argue that they are still working on it. There’s no proof either way. The Brutosaur though? That’s right there, in everyone’s launcher.

Their actual words:


The funniest part (to me) of that brutosaur quote is the “years from now” line. Well, gee, it’s now years from then, and you can’t go anywhere without running into a brutosaur.

I just wish they would say what they mean and mean what they say. If they did that, maybe we would actually see some guild improvements, including granular permissions.

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