Guild changes


I have some suggestions regarding what can be improved or changed for guilds in game.

Guild Vault. I do believe that the vault can be redesigned. First of all the log is still very buggy and doesn’t work as intended. Gets stuck on the information from months ago and doesn’t update for the new transactions. Also would be great to have the option to export the log for the last 7 days or similar. The interface for ranks and tabs is outdated and needs improvement and better functionality. A suggestion on this would be to allow players to pick up items on certain days an not on all days. Also adding a tab where people can drop their contributions would be nice, instead of taking one of the tabs to do that. Also a sort option would be good as some people might use that to sort things automatically instead of positioning everything manually. Another suggestion would be to have the ability to assign the tabs for Equipment, Consumables, Profession Goods, Reagents, the same way we have this functionality for our bags. This way the player will drop the item in a window and it gets sorted automatically in the appropriate tab. The info tab does not provide any functionality and it should be removed.

Rank permissions. This also feels very outdated. Would love to have power over more details per rank and not limit certain things to officers. Would love to give a rank the power to modify member’s notes without being officers. The interface needs to be more detailed.

Guild interface. I know that the communities interface is rather new in comparison to the /guildroster we had but still feel outdated. The member’s information at a glance is very limited and doesn’t work as intended. The mythic+ ranking shows ranking from the previous seasons for people who didn’t log, rendering that information completely useless. These kinds of info would be nice to have them in separate tabs to make it cleaner and easier to navigate.

Guild interface. We absolutely need a search button or area so we can find specific members. It’s not ideal to sorting them with name and then scroll through 999 members to find someone and it becomes a pain when you have to search multiple people for any reason.

Guild roster. The guild roster should have by default the information for when each player has joined the guild so we don’t have to keep this data manually every single time. Also on the tooltip when you click a player in the roster would be nice to have information about his/her professions, the m+ rankings and maybe the item level.

Guild roster. The interface on the options Interact on right clicking a member includes the “promote to guild master” setting. This option should be removed from there and have it’s own place in the guild settings menus.

Applicant history. Would be nice to have an option to clear the log after we review it. It’s very difficult to navigate it as it is. Also I would like to see more information about the applicants as a glance. M+ ratings, achievement points, or more.

Perks. The perks are the same and did not change over a very long period of time. The only actual progress for an old guild is to kill new bosses and the perks have been acquired long ago. A nice perk would be to have an extra 5% experience when you’re doing dungeons with a full guild group. This perk could be acquired after the guild has completed a certain amount of dungeons maybe. This will encourage people to do dungeons with their guildies.

Guild reputation. As it stands it serves very little purpose. This needs to be redesigned. I would suggest a slower pace on getting reputation with the guild and better guild rewards when you acquire each new level of rep with the guild.

Any other suggestions of course would be welcome but I do feel that the guild experience in game should be updated.
Thanks for reading!