The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

You have a better chance of hitting the lotto 3 times in a row.


Remix has been over for weeks and my farm in Halfhill is still broken. Iā€™m not holding out any hope for Santa-Ionā€™s heart to grow three sizes any time soonish.


Iā€™m not convinced it could grow even one size larger.

So far, Iā€™ve been really liking TWW. It seems Blizz put all their efforts into the new stuff, and not so much into fixing old stuff. They did jump right on the glitch that made all the radiant gear vanish, and fixed the issue of vanished mats in the warbank, but that (to me) just illustrates that theyā€™re hyper focused on the ā€œnewā€ and not the ā€œold.ā€

Iā€™ve pretty much lost all hope that theyā€™ll ever do anything meaningful with guilds again, much less fix the permissions, but Iā€™m going to keep posting in this thread as long as itā€™s here. Iā€™m stubborn like that.


Sigh. Broke down and bought TWW even though there have been no meaningful guild updates that I could see. It just didnā€™t seem worth playing if I couldnā€™t level at least a little.

Weā€™ve given all our reasons why granular permissions should be returned. Weā€™ve given tons of suggestions for guild improvements. All of that is in the original thread. I would consider copy-pasting the posts here, but A) I donā€™t have time, and B) Blizz will just ignore it anyway.

Maybe if my schedule lightens up, Iā€™ll do it anyway. Itā€™s not like Blizz will actually fix anything before I get around to it.


/pokes horse

Yup. Still dead. Still gonna keep posting until Blizz either fixes the permissions or definitively says they arenā€™t going to. Why? Because I really think guilds (and the friendships made in them) are important to this game, and they should be bolstered, not left to whither and die.


Posting in solidarity.


Wish I could think of something new to say. I understand why not so many people are posting anymore. Weā€™ve said it all, over and over.

  • Guilds are important.

  • Blizzard should support guilds.

  • Allowing custom permissions is simply one way to help guild leaders run their guilds as they see fit.

  • Fixing an unintended problem shouldnā€™t take this long.

  • When you advertise ā€œguild updatesā€, you should actually update them (not simply make them cross realm).


Has anyone tried putting in a interface ticket and asking them how to set permissions for officers without including everything? Submitting the comparison screenshot of before and current? Iā€™d be curious to see what they say, or if they just tell you to submit it as a bug on the forums.

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People did put in tickets and bug reports in the beginning. I know the permissions were even worse when the bug/glitch/whatever first showed up, and Blizz did a hot fix that changed a couple of them. But after that, Ion went on to say the change was unintended and that they were working on a fix, which weā€™ve all assumed meant a return to granular permissions whenever the ā€œfixā€ is done. Since then itā€™s pretty much been crickets from Blizz.


This is an issue Iā€™m running into as well, too. As an RP guild, we want to give players access to the officer chat to use as a sort of ā€œcomms deviceā€ chat without having to worry about creating (and managing/purging/etc) a whole new channel. But in order to let members use officer chat, they currently have to be an officer. Very poor design. Please make these features individually togglable.


I will continue to post here until Ion finally follows through on his promise.


I donā€™t know, but I sort of feel like this issue will be around longer than Ion.