The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

So, even your guild manager character can’t fully access the guild bank? I’m going to have to check up on mine.


There’s even bigger issues currently, with entire guild banks being randomly emptied …


I just realized something. I was setting up a new alt earlier and my Horde bank is missing a bunch of items too. It was packed to the brim a couple of days ago when I last needed something from it. My Alliance bank is fine, though.

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I checked on my guild bank, and there is almost nothing in there. But I haven’t used it in so long, I can’t recall if there was much in it anyway. When everything vanished from it at the start of Battle for Azeroth (and my ticket resulted in nothing) I lost faith in guild banks.

It seems ironic that the biggest “guild update” we’ve seen so far is that the guild banks aren’t working right.


I think Blizz wants to get rid of guilds.


I definitely think they’ve lost interest in directing any resources to it. Our bank hasn’t logged correctly in about a year. Ticket just referred me to submit a bug report in the forums. Now there are new guild bank problems and still the poor options for permissions… Literally getting a whole new expansion and they didn’t care to bother to even fix the existing bank bugs (lots of people have been having the logging issue).

Don’t think they’re trying to kill guilds - they just don’t care about them at all.


I don’t think they lost interest, because I don’t think they had any to lose.

I keep thinking I should check the permissions again, but it doesn’t seem worth the bother.


I’ve checked. They’re still borked.

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The changes happened 6 years ago, it’s time to get over it. lol

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Ha ha. You’re sooo funny!

Yeah, we should just “get over it.” Do you work for Blizzard by any chance?
In case you weren’t aware, Ion said the changes were unintentional, and they were “working on a fix.” If he had said the changes were planned and they felt they were a good thing for guilds going forward, I would have disagreed, but I would have accepted that was Blizz’s decision.

I wasn’t aware there was a statute of limitations on how long customers could ask that a company deliver on its promise. As far as I’m concerned, unless Ion or someone else at Blizz admits that they have no intention of giving us back our granular permissions, I’ll be here reminding them that they’re supposed to be “working on a fix.” If that’s a problem for you, perhaps you should “get over it.”


lemme know how it works out then.

I think you may be poking a troll :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


Hey, anything to keep the thread going. :laughing:


Well, so far I’m enjoying the new expansion. They’ve made it so easy to be solo though, that guilds might become irrelevant for anything but the highest end content. But, for me at least, guilds were about more than just doing content. Having guildies online just to chat with was always nice, and made the game more engaging. Since more engaging equals more time spent playing, you would think Blizz would be doing everything they can to make guilds better.

Granular permissions are just a small part of what could be done. The original thread had a lot of really great ideas for guild improvements–ideas that Blizzard specifically asked us to provide. And yet, somehow, all of it was ignored. I really don’t understand what’s going on in that company, to be honest.


I would imagine that, over time, those who cared about guilds have moved on in one way or another, and those who are left, or who join, don’t have that attachment to them. Guilds are not “sexy” for games designers. Doing work on actual playable content, and eyecandy, is.



It’s been long enough that I know a bunch who have moved on to the after life.


i mean at this point its obvious theyre never going to change the interface.

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Well, I don’t think we can say, “never.” They may likely change it one day, but I doubt it will be to what we’ve been asking (or what Ion claimed they were doing).

It’s kind of weird, because Blizz happily changes all kinds of things that players never asked them to change. I’m not surprised they haven’t fixed the guild permissions, but it’s odd they’ve pretty much made no real changes to guilds since this fiasco started. And then they highlight “guild updates” on their “road map to TWW”–only to not have any changes except cross realm guilds.

I am underwhelmed.


The continued lack of response or action on this issue confirms that Ion has no problem with keeping his word.

Brahmina may be underwhelmed whereas I am just bitter.


Maybe while constantly taking the AH down and putting it back up… they can find time to keep Ion’s promise…