The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

Very true. The only reason I even stuck out SL was because I was the GM of a guild and didn’t want the guild to fall apart just because I mostly hated that expansion. Instead, I just played a lot of legacy content, and, of course, WISHED we would get our guild controls back and out of the ridiculous officer bundle.


So… all these years after promising us a fix… we still get nothing… Ion is such a liar.


I am still baffled by how they can advertise “guild updates” on their roadmap–and then have only one change.

Of course, I’m not happy they didn’t fix the guild permissions, but I’m not surprised, either. What I’m surprised by is they did nothing else, either. Just the cross realm guilds, which of course were going to happen anyway (because of warbands).

Why did they even bother mentioning guilds on their roadmap in the first place?

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Oh, did Blizz think we would simply give up because they gave us what they call “updates,” even though said “updates” turned out to just be cross-realm guild recruiting?

This is getting beyond old. We were asked to post all the changes we would like to see for guilds. (Of course, that’s all in the original post.) Not only did they not fix the permissions (that Ion claimed they were working on), they didn’t add even a single one of the many excellent suggestions made in the previous thread.

Really, Blizz? This is how you do things now?


So I thought I would check to see if maybe there were some changes with guilds after today’s maintenance and launch of the pre-patch event. Yeah, I’m kind of stupid that way.

It’s super disappointing that for the first time in YEARS Blizz announced they would be making guild updates for their newest expansion, and then those “updates” turn out to be only slightly more useful than the selfie camera back in Warlords. Yeah, it’s cool to have cross realm guilds. But considering warbands and stuff, that was going to happen anyway.



Which doesn’t help when I’d have to make all of my guildies officers if I want to reliably get to the guild applications in the guild finder.


I’m STILL boggled by the fact that Blizz announced guild updates and then didn’t update anything except allowing cross-realm guilds (which we knew were coming). And this is despite all of the great suggestions made in the original thread. They didn’t even have to try to think of something on their own.

Yes, of course what I really wanted was granular guild permissions, but if they had at least implemented even a couple of the other suggestions, it would have justified them highlighting “guild updates” on their roadmap. It’s almost like they want to eliminate guilds, but don’t have the stones to do it.


Oh, yay.

I can’t imagine how much longer we have to keep this up. I really thought we would get some changes for guilds when they announced the planned “updates.” I wasn’t holding my breath for the permissions to be separated again, but I figured we would get something new.

I’m not too bright, I guess.


You are not stupid to simply ask Ion to keep his word.


Oh, man. I have been so busy with so many things, I haven’t kept up with this. Not that it matters. Blizz doesn’t read it.

I really thought they had read the original thread, and had implemented some of the many great ideas there in their “guild updates.” I mean, why advertise “guild updates” if you don’t intend to update anything?

Yes, I wanted a permissions fix like Ion promised, but I wasn’t really counting on it. What I was counting on were some kind of changes to guilds–and no, cross realm guilds don’t count because those had to happen with warbands.

I’m still feeling a bit blindsided.


Too much on my plate. This feels like such a waste of time. I think that’s what Blizzard wants. Just ignore us until we give up.

Why couldn’t they at least have done some kind of real update? Then I would feel like they actually do care about guilds.

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I don’t think anybody’s going to hang their job out there and admit they’re wrong at this point. It feels like someone digging in their heels and doubling down, even if it’s just neglect.


MMO Champion will be interviewing some developers about The War Within.

You can submit questions that have a chance of being asked, the more posts about our issue the more chance we have of having our questions answered.

I have asked if the return of granular guild controls will be fixed as a part of the overall guild changes.

It would be a good idea if we all asked the question.

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Probably worth asking them exactly WHAT the promised guild updates are going to be. I suspect they won’t answer it … because the only guild updates they provided was in relation to cross realms.


I couldn’t ask a question when I went there. I apparently don’t have an account or whatever they require. But I love Strappinlad’s suggestion that the question should be about what guild updates they intend to implement because so far we’ve gotten bupkis.


Yeah I was the same … went to leave a comment but didn’t have an account … and it seemed a lot more complicated than just creating a username and password, so I gave up. I’m guessing from some of the hoops it was wanting me to jump through, MMO Champion is part of Curse … they don’t like me :stuck_out_tongue:


One thing Blizz has done that I really like is the Warband Bank. (Not so keen on the pricing of the tabs, but that’s a different issue.) It seems to me making that bank function across realms and factions took more than a bit of coding.

If they could do that, I can’t help but wonder why they can’t fix the guild permissions. It’s not like granular permissions are a new thing. We used to have them. So what’s the issue preventing us from having them again?

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I think it’s less “can’t” and more “won’t”. Warbank banks and cross-realm guilds are something new that they can shout about, which also partially solve a years-old issue of dead realms.

Anything to do with guilds from an admin/UI point of view is, I suspect, waaay down on their list of things to do. Because it’s “niche”. Guild leaders are a small proportion of their playerbase. And even a smaller proportion of those remember and/or want better controls/interface for their guild management.

Personally I think it’s very short sighted of them, as I’m fairly sure that a very large proportion of the playerbase are actually IN at least one guild, and a fair proportion of those spend more on their subscription than they otherwise would if they were not in a guild. I’m pretty sure I would not have been paying for a subscription non-stop since 2007 (yes … I missed out on THAT reward by a month or two!) if it wasn’t for the guild I run. Perhaps more fool me?


I can’t (and won’t) disagree. But I like to pretend that Ion wasn’t lying when he said they were working on a fix. Though it does stretch one’s credulity to imagine they’ve been working on it for six years and still haven’t managed to fix it.

Since it has been six years, they could still fix it and call it “new”–as you said, not that many folks even remember what the old controls were like. And, new or not, it would at least be an actual “update” to go with the “guild updates” they boasted about in their road map to TWW.


Not only did they not fix the guild permissions, but they broke other aspects of the guilds.

Over the past couple of weeks, playing during the Radiant Echoes event, I’ve been unable to withdraw gold from my guild bank Or at best, I can only take out somewhat less gold than what I already have in my bag. I also can’t withdraw any bags, supplies or mats, even though my guild permissions allow it.

If I switch to my GM alt, I might be able to take out what gold I need for the original toon, but it’s hit-or-miss if I’m able to take out any other items/supplies. Then I have to go through the additional step of mailing everything to the original toon. I’m not enjoying this.

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