The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I do have to wonder if they read the forums at all. I get that the forums can be toxic, but that shouldn’t mean that they need to discard and ignore that whole avenue of feedback wholesale.

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I feel they do not visit these forums.
They may visit the Community Council forums, but threads in general are just kept here so we feel that we have important things to say when in actual fact we are just shouting into the void.

For me though shouting into the void is a fun hobby that doesn’t hurt anyone other than my soul.

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I think there is some moderation, but it’s as minimal as possible. Otherwise, the Customer Service forum is the only one I feel gets any consistent views from blizzard.

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Totally don’t… and clearly, they don’t have any interest in following up on commitments they’ve made… otherwise Ion (or some poor lackey) would have chimed in at some point with a “ha ha, just kidding” after never implementing the fix we were promised years ago…


I think they’re waiting to implement a fix for when they need to fill a no-content patch with something. Then they can tout all these great guild improvements when they’re really just giving back something we already had.


Time to poke the dead horse again. We’re definitely going to hit 5k comments before prepatch. I wish I could believe the permissions would be fixed then. Since they got broken by the prepatch for-- my God, was it LEGION?– fixing them for a prepatch would balance nicely.

Of course, we all know Blizzard can’t balance anything properly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Permissions. Fix. Please.

Just because we’ve gotten by all these years without being able to assign permissions as we wish, doesn’t mean it’s okay to leave them all lumped together. Granular permissions accommodate all types of guilds. Having most of the permissions stuck under “is officer” is not optimal, and time will never make it better.


It soothes mine, if only by a little.


I’ve seen an occasional thread asking for more guild things. Here’s a recent one:

My point being that even folks who aren’t invested in this thread’s particular issue still care about guilds. For the record, Brahmina posted in that thread and put a link to this one.


4 years to the date that Ion asked for feedback on this unintended change.

Well, there are 4930 posts of feedback without any progress, and as such, I am going to repost my previous post once again in the vain hope that Ion may want to actually make good on his commitment.

Come on Ion, surprise us and actually return granular guild controls.


Nah they are too busy making promotions to bring back people who dont play rather than focus on the issues of those who do play.

Ion and co have your money and they have been getting your money for 4 years, they know they dont need to do anything because you keep paying.

Its basically your fault that nothing changes because you keep paying them silly.

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Maybe they can include guild fixes, in one of the 834729874 hot fixes for the new AH…




I love that you listed your original permissions. That perfectly illustrates why the current all-in-one permissions are sub-optimal. Not every guild is the same. Granular controls allow GM’s to customize their guilds as needed.

Yes, guilds have gotten by with the current permissions for more than four years now. How many players have quit in that time? How many guilds have died? No, the lack of granular permissions is not the reason for the sub losses. But, they haven’t helped stem the flow, either.

Guilds are the backbone of WoW. People keep playing through poor content because of the friends they’ve made. Guilds aren’t just for pushing end-game; they’re the social bond that keeps WoW going.

Fix the permissions. Fix guilds.


Sometimes I wish I had trust level three so I could post videos or gifs to liven this thread up. Oh, well. I’ll just have to settle for keeping the thread alive.

Fix the permissions, please. Thank you.


Dear Blizz, could you fix guild permissions in Dragonflight?


They probably originally made the changes to “combat toxicity in guilds,” but the “Is Officer” checkbox gives such ridiculous control that cannot be modified.

Like why would anyone be willing to let a relatively unknown person into an officer rank if ALL officers can modify the Public Notes, Guild Info and the Message of the Day, and even delete other people’s chat messages and guild events?

Someone could potentially try and butter their way into a lower officer rank and go full ham on trolling like changing Guild Info and MotD into something inappropriate and just randomly silence other members of the guild.

I imagine too that issues with guild rank permissions make it harder to retain members.

At the very least, there’s no way that every officer should have permission to change MotD and Guild Info because promoting the wrong person to an officer rank can damage the guild’s entire image the way it is right now.


When we get info on cross-faction guilds before we get info on the broken permissions.

Blizz, y’all do realize that adding cross-faction is just going to make things worse, right? If this doesn’t get fixed (or any of the other community chat issues), I truly can’t fathom how adjusting w/e code is required to allow cross-faction guilds will make these issues -better-.

Am I for the concept? Yeah, sure, why not. But fix the bigger problems before you try to cram more features into a system you’ve already busted and then neglected to fix, please!!


No, actually, Ion said (four years ago) the change was unintentional, and they were working on a fix. It happened when they implemented the communities feature.

Everything else in your post is spot on though. :+1:


Sixty posts to go. Yup, we’re gonna hit 5k before DF prepatch.

That doesn’t actually bother me. It’s the idea that this won’t be fixed in DF either that makes my teeth grind. I wish Ion would just fess up and say they’re happy with how it is and they’re not going to change anything. Then at least we’d know exactly where we stand.