The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I hate to say it but, I think you’re right.

I don’t think it hurts to mention guild UI bugs here-- it gives those of us who follow the thread a heads up. But you’re also right that all bugs should be reported in the bug forums as well because nothing posted here will ever get fixed.


Brahmina, I’m shocked, you have always been the positive one, whilst I am always the doom and gloom prophet; there is not enough room in the post for the two of us.

Chin up and keep that smile on your face. :slight_smile:

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No, no. Fumel is the positive one. I’m the realistic one. At least, when I remember to post in character. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (Fumel has been a bit down in the dumps lately because he’s not getting played much, and I won’t buy Shadowlands for his account until/unless the permissions are fixed. It’s possible his posts aren’t as positive as they once were, either.)


I’m back!! Yup, I figured I would check in and see what celebrations are being planned for our thread’s 4 year anniversary. Nothing? Perhaps we could get blizz to hold a fireworks show in Org to commemorate this momentous occasion. Or… and bear with me for this far-out idea… maybe blizz can surprise us and fix those pesky permissions.



Okay. Time to take a good hard look at this and see that, yup, Blizz has still done nothing.

It seems they’re convinced everyone has adjusted so there’s no point in fixing anything now. (Even if the screw up with the permissions was unintended, as Ion claimed.) I’m just hoping that one day they’ll fix it under the guise of giving us “new” stuff.


(tap tap tap)
Is this thing on?

I mean, posting here does feel a bit like talking into a broken microphone, doesn’t it? No one can hear us, no one’s listening, or both.

One thing that makes me feel a little better is noticing how few threads ever have any comments from Blizz folks any more. I mean, other than old ones like this, I can’t recall the last time I saw a blue post in a general discussion thread. I guess if that makes me feel good, then misery really does love company.

But I’m going to keep being a squeaky wheel, and maybe one day, our issue with the permissions will get some attention.


Somewhere… over the rainbow… there’s granular permissions for all.

I guess I’m still holding out a little bit of hope that we’ll get these again when we get a guild revamp for cross-faction guilds.


I look at the work that has gone into the Dracthyr customisation and realise that the “easy” fix that Ion suggested still has not happened and I wonder why.

Don’t get me wrong, further customisation of models is a great thing yet I am sure that the “easy” fix would not be as taxing as the weeks, if not months, of work required to make such options, to give us back the options of granular guild controls.

Maybe the granular guild controls would cost us a tier.


Maybe they already have, and that’s why they took them away. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously though, four years is more than enough time to fix the problem, so it’s obviously not a priority. I don’t know if Ion was actually lying when he said they were working on a fix, or if they just stopped working on it sometime after he said that.

I still hold out hope that they’ll get around to it one day.


We’ve been here so long–longer than many players have stuck with WoW. Obviously Blizzard doesn’t care that we care enough to ask for a change rather than just quitting.

We’re less than 100 posts from hitting the 5000 mark. That’s not a milestone I ever really wanted to reach. I’m not giving up though, so I guess I’ll see it sooner than I’ll see the permissions fixed. Should we have a party?


Me either

I’ll bring chips and dips!


I have not forgotten our broken (for years now) granular guild permissions.

Please fix them (or so help me i wont share the chips and dips with you!)

So there.



Well, that should get them right on it! :+1:


I mean, if the threat of not getting chips and dip doesn’t do it… there’s no chance we’ll ever get this fixed.


I truly hope that the return of granular guild controls is an “unannounced change” that will slip through the cracks.

They will not have to answer why it took more than 4 years to correct an unintended result that occurred when they added communities if they announce it as a “new” feature.


This is exactly what I hope for, too. Actually, I hope for them to slip it into an overall guild UI revamp, or even a full guild revamp. Actually implementing many of the suggestions made in this thread would take a lot of work, which would explain the delay. I can live with that.


Oh, gosh. Time got away from me. I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I’ve posted here. For shame.

I wish I could say I haven’t posted because there was no reason to, that our permissions have been reverted to what they were four years ago. I haven’t logged in yet today, so how do I know they haven’t been fixed? Am I so jaded that I can be sure we still don’t have granular permissions without checking?

Honestly, the reason I don’t think they’re fixed is that I believe the other posters in this thread would have come here to celebrate and spread the joyous news as soon as they saw it. I mean, I suppose they could also be too jaded to even log in and check, but I still have faith someone would have noticed and announced it.


Glad to see this is still active. Keep the faith!


I would like to just remind people that I think this may be a Good Idea. How Many times have YOU joined a Guild, To have the Guild Leader Just Disappear suddenly? And nobody else in the guild could take things in control? Had to just leave the guild, or Create a whole new one with the current members. Think about that.

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My guild leader did disappear. She had made me high enough rank that I had the option to take over the guild if I’d wanted. But the guild was already dead, and I didn’t like the idea of dethroning her. It was the first guild I ever joined, and she had personally recruited me.

Then one day I logged in, and I was GM. I checked the logs, and the former GM hadn’t sneakily logged in and made me leader. To this day, I don’t know if the game automatically promoted me or what.

Some of my other characters have been in guilds where the GM vanished and no one could take over. I eventually had them join guilds where I already had other characters.


We’re having lightning storms and the internet is being goofy, so I don’t want to stay on too long. I just wanted to mention yet again that the fix we were told was coming hasn’t happened yet. While it seems clear that continuing to complain about it isn’t making it get done any faster, I doubt that letting this thread die will help either.

Hope everyone is having a good night/day/whatever whenever they read this. :grin: