The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

To be honest, I think there’s a lot of room for improvement. But you also have to consider the dev team members trying to fit all the stuff that’s needing to be addressed such as this into their work calendars. This is in addition to everything else they have to allocate time on.

I don’t think it’s that they don’t want to handle it. I just think there’s more behind the scenes variables that some folks may not be accounting for. That being said, when something hasn’t been designed to a point of satisfaction by the dev team and sits unresolved it should probably raise in priority.

But I think that comes down to the dev team also taking time to review how they go about conducting development as a dev team. There could also not be a work environment that would host such a dialog and instead it’s just a senior ranking dev or devs directing the show without an on ramp for input to be reviewed and heard internally when it comes to that sort of thing. Again, there’s many possible variables internally at Blizzard which makes for things being as they appear.

At the end of the day the intent of most dev teams is to produce a satisfactory product to the end-user. When I watched the virtual Blizzcon and how these people felt about the game they are creating I felt like they genuinely do care for our game. It’s just they gotta figure out how to meet more of the player’s expectations in a shorter timeframe. Which I can imagine is quite challenging.

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Bumping cause bump needed cause agree


To be honest, I think there’s a lot of room for improvement. But you also have to consider the dev team members trying to fit all the stuff that’s needing to be addressed such as this into their work calendars.

I think in 4 years, they’d have found ample opportunity to implement a fix we were told was “on the way”, meaning… in flight already.


Yup. I gave them that slack when the problem first cropped up. I figured they had a lot to do with a new expansion and all. But, you know, after four years, I’m just not feeling so understanding anymore. Especially since Ion told us the change wasn’t intentional and they were working on a fix.

Heck, for all we know, the dev who was tasked with the job got laid off back when our dear Ythisens was let go, and no one else was given the assignment. At least that would explain why we still haven’t gotten the promised fix.


Oh dear, oh dear. Time to set out the cakes and cookies. I mean, remind Blizzard the permissions still aren’t fixed.

Why? I dunno. Stubborn, I guess. As long as the permissions remain lumped under “is officer” and this thread stays up, I’ll be popping in here to remind Ion of his statement that a fix was in the works.


Still here requesting Ion follow through and return granular guild controls.


It’s hard to come up with different ways to ask for our guild controls back, or to explain why we need them.

Yes, as has been mentioned, we’ve gotten by for four years now with them all lumped together. That still doesn’t make it optimal, or right. We’ve another expansion coming up already. Is it going to be another expansion where Ion’s “we’re working on it” fix still doesn’t happen? I’d love to say, “No,” but… we’ll see.


while( true )
print(“Ion, return granular guild controls.”)


We can get a mount in retail for playing a DK in classic wrath. Is there anything we can do in any of the classic games that will bring back our permissions?


I made my DK and got my mount, but I couldn’t find a way to fix the permissions.
Dang it.

I mean, since the fix Ion promised they were working on hasn’t come through, I feel like it’s up to us. But even though I could get a retail mount by playing Classic Wrath, I couldn’t get granular guild permissions. I tried, and failed. Mea culpa.


At least by Pandaria Classic we can move our guilds there, and they’ll have the unbroken permissions.


I have this nagging fear that they eventually will revert the permissions change, but will figure out how to monetize it as “Guilds PLUS!” or some nonsense you’ll have to pay for as an addon on the Battle.Net store billed as “an all-new way to enhance your guild experience”.


Interesting comment Soulsinger. I noticed recently that the Guild Finder functionality has also been nerfed slightly as well. Unlike Community where you can choose to have applicants auto-join or apply, Guilds have lost that functionality and it’s only Application now and no more auto-join.

I know that for our Community, things really jumped off once I stopped being overly careful about applicants and allowed auto-join. I went to update my Guild settings since the 30 Days has nearly expired recently, and noticed the interface was different. No more auto-join, everyone must wait and join the Guild as an applicant. Maybe you all noticed this a long time ago, but it’s news to me and seems to give Communities yet another “leg up” on Guilds.


I’m not sure I consider having a switch that reads OPEN FLOODGATES [Y/n]? an advantage that makes me swoon and forget that I can’t have levels of responsibility anymore.


I have nothing against Communities, but it does sometimes seem like Blizz wants to replace guilds with them. If that’s the case though, why didn’t they simply do that? Why keep guilds hanging on if they don’t want them around?

This sort of half-life guilds are stuck in isn’t healthy for the game. Blizz needs to either support guilds, or let them go. Of course, I vote for support, and that includes returning our permissions.


I stopped playing regularly over two years ago. It’s really disheartening to come back (I just re-subbed for the upcoming holidays - I’m not staying past that) and see nothing has changed as far as fixing guild permissions. Come on, Blizz, four years is more than enough time to make the fix. Heck, you could have done that and added some of the other great suggestions for guild improvements too.


Less than 50 posts to go before we hit 5k.

That’s not as impressive a number as the fact that this thread is more than four years old, but it’s still a milestone. Truly a shame that we’ve gone this long without a fix for the permissions despite Ion’s assurance they were “working on” it.

If they truly have no intention of fixing the problem, I wish they would tell us. If they just want to give up on guilds and go with communities, they need to put us out of our misery and say so.


I feel like at one point they had a betting pool, to see how long we’d keep the thread going, and not let them “forget” that they promised to fix it…

I wonder who had “4 years” in that pool…


To be fair, we’re still going. Maybe they amend those bets every year.


I’m scared the lowest number in the pool is “ten years.”

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