Blizzard & Social Improvements - Guild Halls

Guild Improvements

Blizzard supports & promotes being more social amongst players, but it’s been almost over a decade since guilds have received any meaningful updates or mechanics added to them?

I feel simply adding things like a Guild Hall, GvG, Guild Bounties are great way to start implementing ways to build onto the guild system which is in dire need of improvement.


  • Guild Halls - A concept many players have wanted for years. A castle or building that a GM & Officers can decorate and be creative with (better system and version of Garrisons).
  • Organized Meetings - Gather guild members for meet ups, events or guild management, roleplay or add a guild attendance bonus for people who enter the hall for the day and receive a obtainable currency item that makes halls unique with a minor cosmetic reward structure tied into the guild (Maybe fancy armor pauldrons with a customizable color pallet with the guild emblem to match it into players transmogs.

  • Guild Professions - They could tie in guild professions where there are other guilds that put in a buy and sell order so players can ask for in Dragonflight and guild members work together to get it crafted by adding various components as a team and the funds help the guild hall. (Just make sure the system can be expanded onto AFTER DF and not just dead content)

  • Guild Vs Guild PvE & PvP - Could be array of challenges from guild competing in a warmode style Dungeon, or a race to see who can run a dungeon the quickest even if it gives dungeons extra challenges. Make it so it gives reward decorations for guild halls.

  • Guild bounties - Seeking out rare creature spawns around Azeroth or even tie in mini dungeons to a singular boss monster that can be killed with a standard or flexible 3 - 10 man of guild members.

  • Tabards - Add a on use effect to the new tabards that once used, they will teleport you to your guilds fancy new Castle,hall, or hideout.

  • Guild Logo - I think it’s time we receive some better looking Logo’s and more customizable Tabards to represent and even add mount saddles that show cases your guilds icon.

  • Pet battle tournaments - Make a tournament ground area for players to pet battle or PvP duel & add a NPC that can reset cooldowns and revive pets for constant fighting or guild events.

  • Guild Lottery - Add a simple lottery or pole system so GM’s can host rewards for players who shows up to enter a weekly lottery for a mysterious reward.

  • Guild Expeditions - Bring back a similar system to Island Expeditions but strictly for guilds with unique rewards and even allow for it to include a Guild Vs Guild system for competitive guild rivalries.
    Or even tie random dungeon crawler maze mechanics into it to be unique.

Reward System

  • Pouch of Gold with random potion or “rare flask”
  • Unique new mounts
  • Pets
  • Exclusive unique transmog
  • A unique exclusive Arena style reward structure with X items after so many successful runs. (MAKE SURE REWARDS ARE UPDATED TO NEW CONTENT)

+Minigames lounges inside of the guild hall

  • Chess
  • Checkers
  • Bingo
  • Poker

– Small event’s or minigames can make for a great time for players that are bored near endgame or promote competitive friendly nature and over all SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS.

(Random Side Note) - Add a community tab within the game where members of the community can create designs or show case ideas like art concepts of treasure, bosses, buildings…You name it and there’s a dedicated community member out there that would love to showcase hard work and passions, get the community involved Blizzard.
(I have seen some amazing art and stuff on Reddit and Twitter why not take fan love and use it as a way to implement some ideas into the game.

PS: I know I am asking for a lot, however I think the magnitude of positivity to come from this endevor could be a massive sucess if done correctly to our community and over all the friends to be had.
:wave:t2: To The community!
Tell me what everyone else thinks about guilds currently in 2022, do they need improved? or have a suggestion on the matter? Brainstorm ways to improve our game!



A :+1: from a GM here good sir.


I like where this is going and the overall concept. I would support this, if it would promote player involvement in a guild outside of raids and mythic. Realistically, I’d like more open world content then focus on dungeons and playing competitively.

I would add “meetings” are already something that many guilds already do, would you care to elaborate on this? Like did you have anything more specific in mind? Or is this solely fixated around the concept of a Guild Hall and decorations? Would decorations be the only new rewards?

I’d love attainable transmogs, maybe for guilds doing a mage tower like event but all having to be the same class to unlock them for each class. Special multi-seater mounts like hive mind (without the restriction of who you did it with maybe just the restriction of them having to be a guild member) would be a great addition as well.

I REALLY want a bounty board in general, for both guilds and individual players, I think it would be a great way to tie in old content and exploration, not to mention a great replacement for mission boards which are just no fun.

Either way I definitely agree that this area of the game could use help. Thank you I really liked your post.


Happy to hear that and yes sir, I also use to run guilds and always wished there was more to them. :+1:t2:

Thanks for taking time to read my post and add feedback, I adjusted it a little bit and hope to see some more ideas you may have. :+1:t2:


I would love for there to be more valid reasons to be in a guild. There are many things they could add. I’d love guild halls, better guild perks like we used to have. It just seems that they have progressively stripped away group incentives and made a lot of the game solo-centric.


Anything that improves the guild experience is a win in my book. While Blizz is building guild halls, maybe they can fix the guild permissions, too.


I used to play a Chinese mmorpg many many years ago and they had guild halls which you leveled up by feeding materials, doing quests etc and there was contribution leaderboards and each level gave different perks etc

It was actually a pretty nice system which encouraged team work to build the guild

I like what you’ve detailed in the OP, sounds like a lot of fun


But if they improve guild then people won’t use the new booster carry trade channel or buy the tokens they need to pay for those carries they join from the channel.

Edit : Don’t get me wrong I actually like the idea.
Just playing devils advocate.

Precisely why they need to make guild runs be much more meaningful.
I think they need to incentivize a few factors to encourage guild play over Premade Groups.

Like if you’re with a 3 - 5 man guild group, it should give you a pouch that has gold and a chance at a fancy mount, on top of some guild bank gold. Also add a unique exclusive Arena style reward structure with X items after so many successful runs.

Guild hall rewards for completion of so many for guild achievements etc can also contribute to the “Guild hall system”. That way gm’s can at least promote it and try and get members more active and social.

I know this will be a unrealistic idea or approach but imagine if guilds had content that Requires a guild to be able to do, this is a MMOrpg after all.
Take a system from Path of Exiles the “Map” system. Imagine if they could make a system like that but for wow guilds a random generated map/rare loot & bosses (Sort of like Island Expeditions) but better.

This game needs to be a MMORPG not a MmOrpG.

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There are many things they could do, and have had many opportunities to do so :confused:


People still do guilds ?


We’re currently in a era where it hardly matters… Blizzard has established a successful tool for single players being able to form groups.

They need to focus on expanding on a reason to be apart of a guild and give people reason to be in one, even if it goes back to concepts like Cata perks for mass summons etc.

Changes to the game in the last two expansions killed off the overwhelming majority of social guilds. Adding all this content to remaining guilds would make it mandatory to belong to the right kind of guild and the right clique in that guild.

That happened in cata, and lots of friends and family guilds died because they didn’t have enough guild members to get all those achievements.

What happens to people who don’t belong to the right kind of guild or the right clique in that guild you wanted them to join?


I feel cata was a bad take on it by Blizzard. They did it in a way where it implemented perks and guild levels. A system that showed progression publicly with guilds levels and exclusive perks for being higher level or being a raiding guild…I agree with you & you’re right. I remember this killing off many guilds but I think they still need to try and update guilds.

If they don’t try and take risks then nothing will ever change and it can get to the point it will be to late, surely they can figure out a way to implement change without it killing guilds and end up generating more guilds being created. This is why I think guild halls are the answer personally as a step in the right direction.

I could be wrong but I feel guilds need SOMETHING as of now it’s sort of scarce reasons to be in one.

It’s hard to figure out how to make guilds meaningful without stepping on toes but also make it so it’s not dead on arrival.

Depends, if they could work it around small guilds, not just these mega guilds with hundreds of people in them. Other, than that not a bad idea op.


I do not know about all of your bells and whistles. Many are done already and really have no need for atmosphere - even if that mattered. For instance lotteries are very common and no formal room is need.

However, I think the idea would be killer for RP. Player housing would be welcomed but this would (obviously) be on steroids.

It’s more or less important to show blizzard it’s wanted & needed and the even more scarier part is how would they go about doing it in a way that won’t just upset people or doing the bare minimum.

You’re not wrong I am asking for a lot but I feel it’s more or less welcomed due to how long we’ve gone without and the bar is just getting higher. At least we received some UI love recently but now I think the feature as a whole needs love before another decade goes by.