With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

Three YEARS ago Blizzard promised the Guild leaders posting here: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes - #4702 by Fumel-arathor
that they (Blizzard) would fix the granular guild permissions that Ion claimed Blizzard broke by accident (while creating communities) thus turning guild permissions into the simplistic (and for many guild leaders) the completely unusable ‘‘is officer’’ check box.

Blizzard also asked those same guild leaders of the guild permissions ‘‘mega-thread’’ to offer up their ideas / suggestions / feedback etc… regarding improvements that they Blizzard could make to guilds.

MANY ideas and suggestions have been given over the last three years, yet Blizzard remains on complete radio silence…

I truly hope and pray that Blizzard is now ‘‘paying attention’’ as the OP states. That they will finally not only listen to their players, but keep the promises that they have already made to those players.