Shadowlands Developer Update

While I agree with Turnberry in their assessment of waiting for long periods of time, I would like to point out to the powers that be (Blizz) that we the posters on the Guild Permissions mega thread here on the forums have been waiting a very very long THREE years for a blue to get back to us (again) after Ion himself told us that said borked permissions were broken by Blizzard accidently when introducing communities, that they were working on a fix, and that they (Blizzard) would like more feedback (that we gave several years worth of on said mega thread) on improvements we as Guild Leaders etc… would like to see in addition to Blizzard fixing our supposedly unintentionally broken guild permissions.

We’re all still waiting,

and waiting,


In case you’ve actually forgotten us Blizz, we are here (still)

Link: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes - #4122 by Mizbehaving-medivh