The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Maybe with all the “QoL” changes for 9.1.5… they’ll finally remember their commitment to fixing this…

Probably not… it’s not a /joke emote so it’ll get no attention… but we can hope.


I will try to keep posting to remind Ion that he has not even tried to fix the granular guild controls.

I guess that during their current concerns, such as turning pictures into fruit, that this issue is meaningless to them; maybe we have always been meaningless.


I’ve been trying to figure out a way to switch to a different character here on the forums, but nothing I try is working. Couldn’t find any advice that works on the Support forums either. It’s not really important, just feels like yet another thing that’s messed up about WoW.

I truly don’t see why we can’t have are permissions separated out like Ion promised a bazillion years ago. I feel like they could fix it, but simply don’t want to. I do understand there are other things that need attention, but I also think that a lot of the things getting attention right now aren’t that important game-wise.

I mean, changing character names, emotes, artwork don’t actually affect game play. Helping Guild Masters run their guilds more effectively would make a huge impact in a lot of ways. I do feel Blizzard’s priorities are totally whacked right now.


So, just stopping in to mention the permissions are not yet fixed.

Actually, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t logged into the game yet today. What does it say about me (or Blizz) that I’m perfectly comfortable claiming there’s not been a fix yet even though I haven’t checked in the last 20 hours or so? Has the lack of attention to this issue really made me so jaded that I automatically assume nothing’s been done? Well, yes.

Plus, I do expect no changes would come without a patch, or at least a maintenance day. I’m only posting now to keep the thread more or less current. Wouldn’t it be great to log on and discover there has been a fix and I have to eat my words for assuming otherwise? Frankly, I’d be delighted to look foolish this way, but it won’t happen. Not having granular permissions is beginning to look as constant as death and taxes.


Fumel and I can have our own dialog to keep this thread going, I guess. (At least now that I can change avatars again.) I do wonder if Blizzard is going to ever do anything to help guilds again. I mean, I do want the permissions fixed, but they haven’t done anything else for guilds in forever. I think the last thing Blizzard did was implement off-line invites. That was really great, but since then, guilds seem to have dropped completely off the radar.

I liked it when we had guild levels and more perks to go with them. I really like a lot of the ideas for guild improvements that folks have posted in this thread. Lore and Ion even asked for more feedback about guilds way back when.

My honest opinion is that Blizzard is all-in for mobile games now, and that’s where all their real dev time is going. Maybe they’re trying to develop a WoW2 for phones. They sure aren’t trying to do much with THIS version of the game.


Yes, this is a bump post.

Yes, I still want granular guild controls returned.

Yes, I want Ion to keep his word.

No, I don’t think this thread has been looked at since Ythisens was sacked as part of the 800 layoffs.



Not that Ythisens could have done anything about the permissions, but he did make us feel like someone at Blizzard cared. To be honest, I hope he’s working for a much better company now.

The promo for the new Hearthstone game makes me feel like I’m not wrong to think Blizzard is moving to mobile. Yeah, I did their little intro and got myself the mount and promptly quit the game. WoW is the only game that really holds my attention. If I ever give up on it, I won’t be trying out any other Acti-Blizz games, that’s for darn sure.


They’ve added more PTR notes to the 9.1.5 updates… and while taking stronger action against players who behave badly and violate the ToS is an excellent and much-needed step…

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was hoping to see ‘granular guild permissions have been restored’ in those updates too. I should stop hoping, because at this point it really does feel like shouting into the void while Blizz focuses on turning women into fruits and renaming the Love Rocket…

Can’t help it. I’m a reckless optimist.


Hello everyone,

I’m checking in again to make sure my voice is heard. Everyone contributing to this discussion needs to keep doing so as well. It takes very little effort to stay engaged with this.

As of now, I have only assigned a couple people in our guild with the “Is Officer” check box since there are certain permissions I will not assign to 99% of members. As a result, those 99% of guildmates don’t have access to features I think they should have, such as editing public notes. This is because eight privileges are all lumped together in a one-size-fits-all definition of “an officer,” as defined by someone at Blizzard. This is a problem.

I’ve been playing WoW since March of 2005, raiding since Molten Core of 2005, and leading our guild as guild master since TBC in 2007. I’ve been developing as a leader and manager for 14 years now. I know our guild and how to effectively manage it, not some stranger at a company who knows nothing about us. That’s as politely as I can say it. Please get out of the way of myself and other guild masters.

Please give us the individual permission customization we had prior to patch 8.0. That’s all I’m asking for. Guilds have been less fun and more cumbersome without granular permissions. Guilds already have many challenges to deal with in modern WoW, as Blizzard has removed incentives to be a part of a guild and added incentives to do otherwise, such as through group-finder systems, overtuned mythic raid content, and many other things.

For further recommendations to help guild management, add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, gold repairs, gold withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. If WoW developers can create and maintain a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character’s history, they can add a feature that lets me keep track of guild bank records. That would actually help guilds and their leaders manage things like donations rather than have to make Google sheets and such.

Please address this problem. This thread began on July 17, 2018. We’re now at October 14, 2021. That’s absolutely absurd. A shame, really, on Blizzard’s part. I’m loyal to the game, the product, and the company. There’s an expectation of that being returned by listening to the feedback of the guild masters who keep many communities running and raiding alive.

Many other recommendations to help guilds have already been provided in this thread. The information is here. You have what you need, and the “discussion” has already occurred. Read it, and pass the information along to the next group of people who need to make the corrections. Failure to do so will just further the stereotypes of poor communication and the apparent growing disregard for the guild community of WoW.

I will continue to check in here until the change is made. Everyone else needs to do so, too.

GM of Obsidian Spur - Thrall realm
2004 Horde launch guild


Why would you guys change the guild permission tab like this ? This is a terrible design change, change it back.


Yeah. I must confess I don’t expect anything for guilds at this point. For me, posting here is like sending in Publisher’s Clearing House entries. You don’t expect to win, but you do it anyway.

Even if they don’t restore our permissions, I’d really like them to show some sort of interest in guilds again. Improved guild perks, instanced guild halls, guild quests, and revamped guild leveling are just a few of the many great suggestions people have made in this thread over the years. (And I’m appalled that I can legitimately use the phrase “over the years” in regard to this thread.)


guild wars 1 had this system or something like it.

An officer in my guild disbanded it because he had a bad day at work.

his name was “dolores phi,” that was in 2004, I was so happy before that.

I am not a coders pinky finger, but I cannot imagine that reinstating the granular guild controls would be such a resource drain, especially after 3 years since Ion’s commitment to fix.

Ion please follow through on your commitment and return granular guild controls, 3 years is long enough.


Well, they had to take the candles out of the pumpkins, first.

Seriously though, I also don’t understand what the problem is. It would be nice if Blizzard had an employee or two whose job it was to look at threads like these and at least give a brief explanation about what is going on. The only conclusion I can make is that Ion was lying through his teeth and they’ve never had any intention of addressing this problem.


There have been a few things I’ve liked about the upcoming patch, especially the removal of the Maw intro. However, a number of things have made me scratch my head. Why go to the trouble to remove the race-specific starter gear? And of course, why do they have the resources to do something that inane, and yet they still can’t fix our permissions? It truly seems the fact that guilds have been languishing this long isn’t because of a lack of resources, but a lack of giving a fugue.


Considering that Blizz removed the entire story questline from Shadowlands as an ‘undocumented change’ that was only confirmed when someone submitted a ticket about it. It really feels like at this point they’re either trying to sink their own franchise by making as many dumb decisions as possible, or just tie up things as soon as possible to launch something shiny and new that has everything people have been asking for as a way to hook us back in.

Which would explain, in either case, why they haven’t done anything with guild permissions. Or most likely, they’ve forgotten and don’t care.

Well we haven’t forgotten. We still care. So please fix it!


Wait, what??? How am I just hearing about this?

My God in Heaven. I thought what they’ve been doing to guilds is bad, but this… this is like throwing the entire game away. How can you not have a story in an RPG? I think WoW has officially jumped the shark.


First I heard of it too but apparently it’s something that was done in 9.1, and we’re nearing 9.1.5’s release. I get and totally support making things skippable for alts, but removing it entirely just makes no sense and it really feels like they’re trying to end SL as quickly as possible because it’s a bad expansion and they’ve had to address all these problems with their company culture.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if they want to wrap this up and move on to the next expansion to hopefully improve their image, but they’ve made that even more of an uphill battle with how they’re handling things as-is.


Couldn’t agree more. “Skippable” is not the same as “Removal.” People should have the OPTION to go through the story line as often as they like. Heck, no one can tell me that’s not part of the draw for the Classic expansions.

Now, just in case anyone thinks we’re veering way off topic here, I want to say I still want the granular permissions reinstated. It’s just that many of these other changes feel like they’re actually related to our central problem: Blizzard removing things for no good reason, resulting in loss of player engagement, and making it look like they don’t give a dang about this game anymore.


So this is an interesting development I just saw, and I definitely encourage everyone here to apply: us.forums [DOT] blizzard [DOT] com/en/wow/t/introducing-the-world-of-warcraft-community-council/1124908

As an avid RPer and someone who is most attached to that aspect of the game more than the rest of them, I also feel that’s an area of the game that’s lost a lot of attention lately. But this could be an excellent opportunity for us to try and have someone actively tugging Blizzard’s ear on issues like community problems and broken UIs and all that jazz.