The New account has been banned without any reasonable explanation

This is why I posted here. My account has been banned without any detail. That makes me frustrated.

But as a customer, I have the right to know what happened, not leave 4 unrelated reasons with what I’ve done for me. Even if I do something wrong, please let me know what the mistake is. You can’t set up a secret court just because afraid to let others know the potential way to bypass it. It’s not helpful to create a good environment. It’s not justice.

Just because someone claims to be innocent, doesn’t mean they are. Also, there could be some program on their computer that they aren’t aware can cause issues.


No, that is NOT happening. Blizzard has addressed that many times. You can get chat reported until the cows come home and the most that can happen is an automated Squelch pending GM review.

A cheating/hacking/exploiting penalty means the Hacks team detected the account using something they don’t allow. The account gets flagged and penalized. Reports can contribute to the Hacks teams investigations, but they most certainly don’t get an account “banned”.

You keep making threads “asking questions” as though you are trying to create a narrative. Your threads keep getting answered and closed.

And just for fun here is my reply there with a huge list of Blues answering your questions, and explaining why people were penalized - people who falsely clalimed they were “mass reported”.

You tried claiming this in May here on the CS forums and the Blues removed your misinformation, so I expect it to happen again. This post retains a quote of your removed post.

So far, we have not seen that here. We do see an almost formulaic set of posts citing:

  • Customer duration/loyalty
  • Accusations of mass reporting by people or bots
  • assumptions that Suspensions or License closure is automated.

Almost like these are a template or something people keep using.


  • Enough reports in a short enough time can get an account temp SQUELCHED. That is automated and was put in for gold sellers and their ilk well over a decade ago. It has been “tested” and abused by streamers and guilds, although rarely. The streamers then get Suspended for abusing the report system - an actual penalty applied by a GM.
  • Silences, Suspensions, and esp License Closure are done by GMs only. The duration is dependent on past account history. Past infractions mean longer ones each time.
  • Appeals - are handled by GMs for chat infractions. Hacks team is responsible for cheating/hacking/exploit bans. I am pretty sure when queues are REALLY high they do sometimes use a template/auto decline for a first appeal, if queues are long enough. So that is not false. Re-opening the ticket can get someone to check that the account really was flagged as cheating/botting/exploiting. Chat appeals go through a different queue and are verified by a GM. All appeals get a template reply though, regardless of answer.

GMs do make mistakes. False positives can happen with the anti-cheating software and scans. Those are rare though and are handled on appeal - or group unbanned when the Hacks team realizes what happened.

What we actually see here when people claim “mass report” is that their account was breaking the chat rules. We see that over and over and over and over.

We even have frequent visitors who keep trying to claim that, despite being shown over and over their own behavior is at fault.


Legally? No, the accounts we play are own by Blizzard and ain’t required to give such. Everything on the account, from the items we get to the toons we play are owned by Blizzard.


Posting here will not help you. The only thing you can do is put in appeals. You have been told this by more then one person. We cannot help figure out why you were banned as we do not have access to your personal computer files or the logs used to ban your account.

This issue is between you and Blizzard so keep appealing.


Its also a realy bad idea to keep reopening a locked topic.