The New account has been banned without any reasonable explanation

They may allow it for Australia and US maybe? For most countries they changed it. So you can’t use a US address and US visa to buy game time from a South American country for example.

You can’t have a US address and use a credit card from say, Japan, on the account.

This has been a problem for a few folks who are military, students, or temp work assignment before.

For the most part they did impose some restrictions several years ago to combat fraud.


The currency used does need to match the country of residence of your account. If your card provider provides currency conversion, that’s all that is required.


Thanks every buddy who concern about my digital safty. That’s OK. It’s an Aliases mail address which links to my real mail address. If I can’t get that Bnet account back I’ll drop it. If I can get it back I’ll change another one.

I think it should be through Battlenet. I received an email informing me he had given me a gift. He purchased it by Bnet balance, the balance is from WOW Token, and he promised his gold is earned by himself.

Currect. I just moved here recently.

Eh aliases thats what scammers and hackers would use theres a giant red flag if i ever saw one.

The only thing I can think of is perhaps as the NA and Oce servers are linked? unlike those from japan, china ect. Still despite my U.S. postal address (visa and tax purposes) and my bank being in Aus (that’s home where I intend to go back after this work stint and where my house is plus tax purposes) all transactions have been fine from game time to game services

It’s a measure to protect your digital privacy, dude. I use them on almost every website, it never leads to a problem. And the point is Blizzard never forbids this.

But not to blizzard eyes everything has to match just like u cant use fake names when creating a account.

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Interesting. I was wondering if this was even possible to do. I hate to say this, but what people “promise” and reality are not always the same thing. If the gold that was used ends up part of a fraudulent transaction/real money trading activity then it would be removed - and anything bought with it would be removed too. A new account with a license on it that was traced to illicit gold would be a good reason to close it.

I don’t know if that is actually what happened to you or not, but that is a solid guess.


I don’t know if it’s so important. But they can ask me to change a real one, if so. No need to ban the account permanently. The purpose of the law is to regulate behaviour, not to abuse power. Now I totally don’t know the reason. This doesn’t help me know what is allowed and what isn’t.

But why do they ban the whole account not WoW1?

I don’t work there so don’t have an answer to that. I can only guess. Maybe to make it far more difficult for people to keep trying to use illicit gold to fund licenses. The Bnet account holds the mounts, pets, achievements, warband level stuff. Getting it closed is a big deal. You made a new Battlenet account that got penalized - and I assume that the fact it is new played a part in the whole thing getting closed.

Blizzard does not really discuss what determines account closure vs license closure for financial fraud/failed purchases.


Is this you? There are SEVERAL paragraphs that are worded almost entirely verbatim.

You mentioned that English wasn’t your first language but even if you both used a translator, the posts wouldn’t be so eerily similar unless some sort of template was used?

Did you ask your friend about the ban and did they say to make a post and what to write?


That’s me. I can’t find that post. So I create this new one.:rofl:

I talked about this with him. But he has no idea as well.

So I am not nuts! I knew I had seen this before.

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No pal. Off course not.

The region difference/VCCs could be part of it. For example when they started cracking down on the $3 Argentina subs, they removed the ability to pay with VCCs or prepaid cards (among other things) - had to be an actual Argentina debit/cc iirc. Could be a broader system that doesn’t just watch specific regions.

Gifting keys and what not had some restrictions added a while back, as this behavior is also probably considered consistent with bots, but also if you just purchased the key from a 3rd party site. Not even just actual fraud, but I imagine gold sellers also utilize that as an offramp.

Assuming you’re all clear on that, I imagine once you get through to CS they’d be able to get things straightened out, but I could see how this behavior could get caught up in broader security nets.

I am strongly suspecting that the key he was “gifted” was not purchased legitimately. This is based off his own comments. That he also claims to have just moved makes me think country is part of it. This is also not his first thread on this.

I don’t think they are going to go into too much detail here… for reasons. I also doubt this is going to get overturned if it was closed for purchase fraud.


Is there anything else you want to know from me? I may tell you as much as I can.

Only blues work for blizzard were all players here.

They were banned for violating the rules they agreed to follow in order to play the game. Blizzard does not tell you the in depth reason as that is what those who cheat want to find out so they can try and bypass it. They do NOT ban an account because it was reported by other players UNLESS the reported account violated the rules.


That isn’t going to be answered; you’re asking something to support what you already believe rather then looking for info/proof against it. They’re not going to talk about someone’s account to a 3rd party, nor would they say what they found.