The nelves won darkshore

cause blizzard can only make a limited amount of those and they decided on making terror on darkshore

On this post, I honestly don’t care about your points. Fizzer here posted a comparison of Alliance and Horde cinematics to follow up with a seemingly sarcastic “Grats on winning Darkshore.” You then responded to my response to Fizzer to accuse me of bad faith when it was Fizzer that brought up the cinematics, not me. I have agreed with you many times in the past, but in this case you went on a rant about Alliance fans when, once again, Fizzer appears to be a Horde fan. Now intentionally ignoring this context, it is you who are posting in bad faith.


All right, I’ll cop to the fact that I don’t really follow image links when I’m at work on my phone.

I am not really sure how that can alter the point being made, though. How does getting “production value” make up for the fact that the Horde’s time in the spotlight was worse than being ignored? As you seem to tacitly point out, the horde is already being ignored again and has essentially zero story hooks going into Shadowlands, where we seem set to continue the story of at least one Alliance race (and probably more Alliance heroes we just haven’t heard about yet).

This attitude of “you got your CGI” really irks me. I’d give away high quality graphics for a story I didn’t hate any day.


but a horde poster is making that argument

It does not, and I have never disagreed with you on this. As I referenced in my last post:

But the following is what we are at odds for now:

The post of mine you responded and accuse me of bad faith of was not me saying “you got your CGI.” It was a response to Fizzer posting what amount to “Yeah, well, our cinematics were better.” Fizzer was the one posting basically “You won Darkshore, but we actually got CGI” to try to belittle what the Alliance did get.


I entirely agree that the Horde got a completely awful story in BfA.

I think what a lot of people are arguing about when they say “you got your CGI”, though, is that the developers at least put their hearts and their efforts into the Horde story, as awful for the Horde as it may have been, while the Alliance got an awful story in blah graphics and with very little to suggest the devs care about the faction.

Of course, forums being text rather than speech, I think we all read into these posts a lot of personality that might not actually be there.


Based on Fizzer’s posts in the past, I don’t think that post was intended to be mean or gloating about the Horde having it better. I think it was just lamenting on the behalf of the Alliance. I’m pretty sure they’ve said they’re a big night elf fan.


I can see where I made my mistake now, so my apologies for an accusation you at least do not deserve.


rather they spent that time making the horde zones not the biggest garbage ever seen in an expansion.

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If that is the case, then I apologize to Fizzer for misunderstanding.


I appreciate the backup, but I dance between sides-- which means I’m whatever side someone wants to infantilize in their post. Right now, I’m mostly playing Alliance alts because Orgrimmar is choked with vulpera.

Even though I hated the Sylvanas vs. Saurfang debacle in general and what it brought out in people, I was still playing mostly Horde during that time because I preferred the Horde ARs by a large margin.


Nothing is more telling than horde being snide at the won that the race that was genocided gets

they won NOTHING , no new land, no concessions but a “peace treat”

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didn’t even win their own land back but people call it a win and it’s especially funny when horde players were complaining about the night elves getting 1 of their 3 zones back

Also I checked on wowhead again and the quest still doesn’t seem to be in the game on EU, so they must’ve decided against giving the Night Elves even a very minor victory in their misery.


No they weren’t. They took the genocide of the Kaldorei and said “What if we used this to express how sad orc boy is???” and thought they were being literary geniuses with it. Meanwhile we get absolutely nothing that gives us any insight into how this is affecting the Kaldorei outside of some lazy cinematics that look like they were thrown together in WoW Model Viewer. The really sad part about that is there are people who make fan cinematics using WoW Model Viewer and they do a better job.

But hey we get to find out that Varcuck Sadfang is really suicidal so I guess it was all worth it in the end. /s


Never going to happend since the alliance is just a footnote in Blizzcon. Besides Danath was suicidal in legion and I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes down in a silly way like dying from a stone throwed at his head.


I am pretty sure the Kaldorei retake all of their land
 But with that being said, retaking land that was already yours is a pretty low bar to set for the genocide of your race.

I suppose in real world context, that’s more than most victims of genocide get. Still a pretty crap thing for Blizz to do to a playable race.


Well, Darkshore maybe, but that’s about it when blizz can finally be bothered to implement this quest into the game

They should just remove Night Elves from the game if they can’t have anything anymore. No capital, no zones, no people

Give the Horde their undead night elves already like they always wanted to do and be done with it. I’m sick of it. Maybe the Horde Night elves can have something positive then since the Horde always stomps the Alliance.

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I think Kaldorei have all their land
 but it would be nice if Blizz would at least say so.

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Well let’s see here:

The Horde starts a war of extermination in Cata/MoP, kills many innocents and they get Azshara out of it.

The Horde does the same thing again in BfA, just way way worse and they got Ashenvale out of it.

Highly doubtful that the Night Elves will get anything more than Darkshore. The writers want to teach us that war is bad, but only for the victims. The aggressors get rewarded for it.