The nelves won darkshore

Saurfang wasn’t genocidal

Think what you want, I am not moved by these sad orc cinematics


Also, the ideal ending:
The Alliance blows up Orgrimmar without having to ally with monsters that change moods every week. It is the least we could receive in this pathetic expansion.

If you want to be genocidal the horde is there for you

Okay, be nice to them. Two expansions ago was Theramore, now Teldrassil, how many more do you think will come until they take Kalimdor fully?

Oh yes, the Alliance won on Darkshore, until Blizzard decides to use the Alliance races as victims again, two or three expansions from now.


The victory of the Horde in BfA gets even more value because the Night Elves got completely ignored after Teldrassil, meaning they will never recover from it.

They retconned so many BfA events and spinned the story around to make sure that Teldrassil can be ignored.

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Another ideal ending: The Night Elves rebuild Teldrassil entirely

As many times as blizzard wants. There’s a reason this is a two faction game want to wage genocidal war and be evil join the horde. Want to be the good guys join alliance it’s not like numbers matter

or get their land back atleast

But can’t have the Horde not be rewarded for commiting genocide, am I right? Not that they already got rewarded more than enough with achieving peace and wiping out an enemy race, nope they also needed more zones for themselves.


Show proof for your claims

There is a difference between being good and being foolish. The Alliance are the good guys, OK.Does this mean that we will forgive genocides all the time?

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Who? me? Or Elesana?

Aliança defends lands that already belonged to it: OMFG ALLIANCE BIAS!!!

what for? The Night Elves getting ignored and Teldrassil being swept under the rug which has already happened or your absurd theory that the genocidal monsters Horde would give land to the Night Elves (Ashenvale) ?

Elesana of course

also sorry for bad english i’m brazilian and still learning how to speak your language

That was the point. Sylvannas just wanted to kill as much people and send their souls to the jailer to make him stronger.

As far as I can tell, Fizzer is a Horde fan, or at least a Horde poster.

You should check the context of what you’re responding to, Jellex.

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You didn’t address any of the points I made. Moreover, the implication of your statement is clear enough.


Ok. Let’s be clear that while focused on a horde character, the saurfang cinematics were part of both the alliance and the horde storyline, unlike tyrande’s campaign in darkshore that was mostly alliance only… Why her momment becoming night warrior isn’t a cinematic like the Terror on Darkshore i don’t honestly know.