The nelves won darkshore

That’s debatable… Hell, it’s honestly debatable to say the Horde never HAD Ashenvale. In War of Thorns, we take it back from them.


They’re not the same thing. (In fact, it’s getting so that, apart from longtime posters, I almost assume anyone on this board is really a fan of the opposite faction of the one they’re posting on.)

I don’t really agree that cinematics are evidence of this. The people who make the high-quality assets for the cinematics are not the same people who develop the story.


then it doesn’t make sense to me how we arrived to a fully conquered Darkshore in 8.1, since they would have surely had some supply routes from Orgrimmar to Darkshore and Ashenvale is inbetween.


Boats. Their is a Dock on the Northern end of Darkshore… and we see plenty of ships around the Horde Oil Rig.

well that would be a tiny bit relieving atleast if that’s true, but it still seems odd to me that they’d be using boats all around the upper part of Kalimdor instead of marching through Ashenvale.

Hard to know for certain without precise measurements and knowledge of terrain, but I would have assumed sailing around Northern Kalimdor would be faster. Personally, I think War of Thorns should have been a Naval campaign.

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I would love for that to happen. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Danath “Greenskin Genocide” Trollbane gets gibbed by some nobody throwing a rock. They can even just have it as NPC text.


If Malfurion is in Ashenvale killing any of their troops trying to bring supplies through it to Darkshore they might sail around to avoid him as their only choice.

well then they should consider fighting in Ashenvale instead of Darkshore when their troops are trapped and surrounded by the enemy.

I’d like to volunteer.
The recapture of Arathi is only a stones throw away!


Given the fighting in Ashenvale in the mission table missions before the Darkshore Warfront, for all we know the Night Elves already took Ashenvale back before going to finish up in Darkshore.

the question is then why the Night Elves arrive in Darkshore by boat and not from Ashenvale. I’m not going to assume that the Night Elves got it back already when blizz can’t even be bothered to finally implement that low quality victory speech cinematic for darkshore.

You’re confusing the Alliance players and the Night Elves. The Night Elves themselves arrive through the forest in “Terror of Darkshore.”


Reinforcements from the Kaldorei armies in Silithus and Feralas I presume. The stationing of troops in those locations and not in Ashenvale/Darkshore/Teldrassil was one of the reasons behind the Horde’s attack.

Here’s a hard pill to swallow:

The Horde are the victims of BFA.

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In another dimension maybe. Were the germans the victims of WW2? Then the same can be said about the Horde in BfA.

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Comparing real life events to a fictional story and faction.


Yep. It’s completely escaped her that no author dictated what Hitler would do, against his will.

To be fair, Blizzard does this as well. Garrosh = Hitler to Golden.

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