The Maintenance Within

why does it have to be a 100% downtime for a day? also for some people getting morning downtime means 100% downtime for them multiple times a week

they sold blizzard for over a billion its like one guy clickty clank money goes in his piggy bank he dont care

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Point me to the quote where they said “weekly maintenance done in a day”

So I expect every single on of you complaining to be on the next beta testing every WQ, every side quest, every profession node, every craft, every pet battle, every PVP/PVE interaction, every trinket, every embellish etc.

Oh but right, someone else should’ve done that while everyone else preps their M+ routes because YOUR time is heavily relevant, but theirs should be dedicated to fixing it for YOU so you don’t lose 7am-11am on a Thursday once or twice a week for the first 2 weeks as these issues arise.

It’s not white knighting to understand the coding is not as simple as finding a bug before it has been seen and fixing it ahead, this isn’t how the real world works.

I see a lot of people comparing games with like 10k players to a game with millions of players across different regions all playing at the same time, and the compared games are like 5 years old on new age tech vs a 20 year old game that can’t simply be torn down and replaced.

It’s just ignorance and rage baiting, and a serious highlight of the need to touch grass and prioritize different things. This coming from a hardcore player with 4 characters ready for splits, it’s not like I’m some casual who plays 1 hour a week saying this.


Because thats what was askes

He’s got some sort of learning disability or something, sadly. Maybe some anti-social personality disorder.

He just invents things people aren’t even saying and starts attacking them over it in the most brainlet condescending way he can.

This is how he thinks:

Me: “I wish I didn’t have to wait in line at the drive through to get my food. that would be nice”

Him: “What, you think you’re the ONLY person who wants food? LAWL get over urself! CHEF MEOWFURION TO THE RESCUE LAWL”

It’s just so ridiculous to read the things he says.


You’re a troll with bad grammar.


And again, as these ‘white knights’ have tried to tell some of you.

Not all issues are caught in beta.
Sometimes a fix deployed after the beta to fix one thing breaks something else.

The AH breaking? That was a new issue, not caught on beta.
The Warband banks not functioning at launch of the pre-patch? New issue, not present on the beta at all (players on the beta could use the warband bank freely).

Those are just two examples.

Anyone who’s played this game from the beginning knows this routine because it happens with every expansion and major patch launch. QA gets most of the bugs, but the ones they don’t get either can’t be locked down/replicated reliably, can’t be fixed without breaking something more important, or they straight up weren’t issues at all during testing and were only found after the expansion/patch went live.

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You stop. If your internet or Netflix went out frequently for “maintenance” or any other service you pay for, what would you say then? It’s unfortunate you think it’s okay. Plenty of folks don’t have all day to enjoy the entertainment they pay for.


that sht cracks me up, perfect

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just because you can’t read the notice doesn’t mean it hasn’t been there

And that’s not the technology that allows them to do maintenance without bringing the servers down. You’re talking about the wrong thing.

Since you continue to talk about the wrong thing, I’m not going to entertain you any longer. Bye.

I’d love to see someone come out with a calculator on that. It would be interesting to see how many hours you’ve paid for and lost due to extended maintenance (read: maintenance beyond the normal weekly allotment) if you’ve played from a certain point in time. I could see it easily come out to weeks for a lot of people, yet the community just laughs off the idea of having that downtime added to their sub time.

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No, it isn’t. You’ve just new to beta testing because this is one of the first times blizzard has given people the option to buy in to it.

Prior you’d get an auto invite if you were Gladiator + or a reasonable pve player. Entire guilds got them in one swoop. Ask around, glad to educate an ignorant human.

Who asked?

I leveled 4 separate toons, 2 shams, mage and dk.

I saw tons of people actually lmao, I have 3 bnet friends on live FROM beta. Yes the people on leveling realms…. Leveled? Water is wet? News at 11? 87% stat was taken when, care to remind us? Or will you omit the time frame.

Naguura vods do a lot more than best leveling / mythic and raid. She did delves a ton, there were dozens of videos done on professions, numerous done on pvp, garroshtv did a video on all the new hunter pets too, hazelnutty went over pets throughout beta; including the repair pet.

But if you want a catch all, go check out the YouTube channel “Bue”. They have I think over 100 videos from beta to launch going over bugs, quests, items, vendors, transmog.

As I said before, stop talking you embarrassment of a shill.


hey, they credited us 1 day before

I’m just glad it didn’t overlap with the weekly/daily cell phone maintenance I also pay for monthly! Oh wait…


Because part of their contract to you states that there will be downtime at their discretion.

It’s absolutely wild to me that people think there’s some legal gotcha here; you think they didn’t have lawyers prep this in advance?

You lose 4-6 hours a week of WoW for required maintenance to run a game you can play unlimited amounts at $15 a month, and act like it’s some Blizzard theft plot to keep you down.

Y’all haven’t seen the guild bank disaster?

We need more maintenance downtime for things like that, not less.

Do you know what the phrase “play unlimited amounts” means? If I’m blocked 4-6 hours, it’s not unlimited, dingus.


I really wish WoW had maintenance at 3 AM PST.

Please do it while people are sleeping.

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